Someone should ask the CNN staff how ‘ethical’ their daily Star-buck’s Frappacino is!
Well Ms. Malveaux.. if you don’t want chocolate in your Easter basket... don’t eat it. Beyond that, it’s not your business.
Of course, this regime believes teens working on family farms are subjected to a form of “slavery” as well.
Chocolate or no chocolate Africa and every country in it is an unmitigated sh*t-hole for 90% of its population.
Think about that the next time Reverends Al and Jesse are demanding reparations.
Would they rather not have grown up in America?
I’m not defending pre-Civil War slavery, I’m just saying what no one wants to talk about: African Americans should kiss the ground they walk on (as should we all) that they are not in their sh*t-hole ancestral homes.
Interesting that the indirect connection between Christianity and African slavery is highlighted by the leftists but the DIRECT PRACTISE OF OWNING ACTUAL BLACK SLAVES in Muslim-controlled Africa is never mentioned by these commie leftist slugs.
Oh Brother... here we go!
These people really have issues
OK...that’s it! I’m convinced! Having seen the light,courtesy of CNN,I officially declare myself to be an atheist.
One final thought on this story:
How Christian is an Easter basket? What does an Easter basket really have to do with the meaning of Easter at all?
What is the predominant religion in these regions? Oh yeah, the Religion of Peace ..... meanwhile, WE are the ones who are supposed to wring our hands with grief.
There is only 1 religion in the world who still believes and practices slavery .... and it’s Islam.
“ethical” - secularist defined “morals”, subject to change, of course, if they don’t fit the current agenda.
If I wash the chocolate down with Pepsi,am I absolved?
I ask: How ethical is your news "reporting"?
But Hershey chocolates are made in Mexico. Do we want to put them out of work?
Earth to CNN, when you start reporting about the most inhumane society and religion on the planet (can you spell ISLAM?), we might start thinking you’ve got at least 1/2 room temp IQ.
Until then, shove it up your collective septic, smelly very big Obamas,
As opposed to what? Going to school and taking the summers off to go to summer camp???? Earth to CNN: Africa is a poor, miserable place. While I wish all children could grow up in a loving, care-free environment, that ain't gonna happen in these dirt-poor countries. Kids start working as soon as they can. That is the way the world is.
And, is it too much to ask the kill-joy libs to stay the hell out of the holidays that are all about candy --> Christmas, Valentine's Day, Easter ?
Please don't anyone report me to CNN or PETA.
CNN needs to go just a little deeper into Easter to find that the word does not appear in the New Testament, and in fact the early Church did not observe it. They observed the Passover.
Easter was forced on the Church by coercion of capital punishment by government, specifically by the Roman Emperor Constantine I in AD 325. So, while Christians rightly complain about the moral implications of allowing government to seize control of their health care, they are going off to Easter Sunday services that has its theological basis in a political expediency of a long-dead Roman Emperor.