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Hmmm Sounds like Bwarney knows something about Lindsey.....but isn't going to out him until it will benefit the Democrats.(2014 Senate Elections or if Lindsey gets nominated for a Admin. position and comes before the Senate for questioning)
1 posted on 02/17/2012 9:19:48 AM PST by jakerobins
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To: jakerobins


2 posted on 02/17/2012 9:22:22 AM PST by ClearCase_guy (I am pro-Jesus, anti-abortion, pro-limited government, anti-GOP.)
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To: jakerobins

Lindsay Graham” “I’m not gay! This guy sucking my _____ is gay”!

3 posted on 02/17/2012 9:22:56 AM PST by albie
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To: jakerobins

Homosexuality is the harbinger of severe societal entropy.

4 posted on 02/17/2012 9:23:53 AM PST by Doc Savage ("I've shot people I like a lot more,...for a lot less!" Raylan Givins)
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To: upchuck

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaha hahhahahhhhahahhaahahahhahahhhhah ahhaahahahhahahhhhahahhaahahahhahahhhhahahhaahahahha hahhhhah ahhaahah ahhahahhhhahahhaahah ahhahahhhhahahhaahaha hhahahhhhahahhaahahahhahahhhhahahhaahahahha hahhhhahahha ahahahhah ahhhhahahhaahahahhah ahhhhahahhaahahahhahahhhhahahhaahahahhahahhhha hahhaahahahhahah hhhahahhaahah ahhahahhhhahahhaahahahha hahhhhahahhaahaha hhahahhhhahahhaahahahhahahhhhahahhaa hahahhahahhhhahahha ahahahhahahhhha hahhaahahahh ahahhhh ahahhaa hahahhahahhhhahahh aahahahhahahh hhahahhaahah ahhahahhhhahahhaahahahhahahhhhah ahhaahahahhahahhhhahahhaahahah hahahhhhahah haahahahhahahhhhahahhaahaha hhahahhhhahahhaah ahahhahahhhhahahhaa hahahhahahhhhahahhaahahahh ahahhhhahahhaaha hahhahahhhhahahhaahah ahhahahhhhahahhaahahahhahahhhhaha hhaahahahhahahhhhahahhaahahahhahah hhhahahhaahahahhahahhh hahahhaah ahahhahahhhh ahahhaahahahhahahhhhahahhaahahah hahahhhhahahhaah ahahhahahhhhahahhaah ahahhahahhhhahahh aahahahhahahhhhahahhaahahah hahahhhhaha hhaahah ahhahahhhhaha hhaahahahhaha hhhhahahha ahahahhahahhh hahahhaahahahhahahhhhahahhaaha hahhahahhhhahahhaahahahhahahhhhahahhaaha hahhahah hhhaha hhaahah ahhahah hhhahahhaahaha hhahahhhhahahhaaha hahhahahhhhaha hhaaha hahhahahhhhahahh aahahahhahahhhhaha hhaahahahhaha hhhhahahh aahahah hahahhhh ahahhaa hahahhahah hhhahahhaahah ahhahahhhhahahh aahahahhahahhhh ahahhaahahahha hahhhhahahhaah ahahhahahhhhah ahhaa hahahhaha hhhhahahhaa hahahhahahhh hahahhaahaha hhahahhhhahahhaah ahahhahahhhhahahhaahahahhahahhhhahahhaahahahhahahhhhahahhaahahahhahahhhhahahhaahahahhahahhhhahahh

** breathe **

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaha hahhahahhhhahahhaahahahhahahhhhah ahhaahahahhahahhhhahahhaahahahhahahhhhahahhaahahahha hahhhhah ahhaahah ahhahahhhhahahhaahah ahhahahhhhahahhaahaha hhahahhhhahahhaahahahhahahhhhahahhaahahahha hahhhhahahha ahahahhah ahhhhahahhaahahahhah ahhhhahahhaahahahhahahhhhahahhaahahahhahahhhha hahhaahahahhahah hhhahahhaahah ahhahahhhhahahhaahahahha hahhhhahahhaahaha hhahahhhhahahhaahahahhahahhhhahahhaa hahahhahahhhhahahha ahahahhahahhhha hahhaahahahh ahahhhh ahahhaa hahahhahahhhhahahh aahahahhahahh hhahahhaahah ahhahahhhhahahhaahahahhahahhhhah ahhaahahahhahahhhhahahhaahahah hahahhhhahah haahahahhahahhhhahahhaahaha hhahahhhhahahhaah ahahhahahhhhahahhaa hahahhahahhhhahahhaahahahh ahahhhhahahhaaha hahhahahhhhahahhaahah ahhahahhhhahahhaahahahhahahhhhaha hhaahahahhahahhhhahahhaahahahhahah hhhahahhaahahahhahahhh hahahhaah ahahhahahhhh ahahhaahahahhahahhhhahahhaahahah hahahhhhahahhaah ahahhahahhhhahahhaah ahahhahahhhhahahh aahahahhahahhhhahahhaahahah hahahhhhaha hhaahah ahhahahhhhaha hhaahahahhaha hhhhahahha ahahahhahahhh hahahhaahahahhahahhhhahahhaaha hahhahahhhhahahhaahahahhahahhhhahahhaaha hahhahah hhhaha hhaahah ahhahah hhhahahhaahaha hhahahhhhahahhaaha hahhahahhhhaha hhaaha hahhahahhhhahahh aahahahhahahhhhaha hhaahahahhaha hhhhahahh aahahah hahahhhh ahahhaa hahahhahah hhhahahhaahah ahhahahhhhahahh aahahahhahahhhh ahahhaahahahha hahhhhahahhaah ahahhahahhhhah ahhaa hahahhaha hhhhahahhaa hahahhahahhh hahahhaahaha hhahahhhhahahhaah ahahhahahhhhahahhaahahahhahahhhhahahhaahahahhahahhhhahahhaahahahhahahhhhahahhaahahahhahahhhhahahh

5 posted on 02/17/2012 9:23:59 AM PST by martin_fierro (< |:)~)
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To: jakerobins

Say it ain’t so! Who’s next? Ru Paul?

7 posted on 02/17/2012 9:24:41 AM PST by St_Thomas_Aquinas (Viva Christo Rey!)
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To: jakerobins

We all know something about Lindsey Graham...

8 posted on 02/17/2012 9:24:56 AM PST by surfer (To err is human, to really foul things up takes a Democrat, don't expect the GOP to have the answer!)
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To: jakerobins

Honest mistake. They probably previously overheard Barney saying that he and his fiance “did a gram last night”.

9 posted on 02/17/2012 9:25:17 AM PST by PBRSTREETGANG
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To: jakerobins

Boy, who saw this coming...

10 posted on 02/17/2012 9:26:00 AM PST by lexington minuteman 1775
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To: jakerobins
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Just very "festive".
12 posted on 02/17/2012 9:27:40 AM PST by cripplecreek (What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?)
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To: jakerobins
"I'm shocked, shocked, that gambling is going on," oops, no it's not gambling but "gayness is going on in DC!"
13 posted on 02/17/2012 9:28:17 AM PST by zerosix (native sunflower)
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To: jakerobins

His no comment wasn’t a no comment. He basically outed him.

14 posted on 02/17/2012 9:30:05 AM PST by Yaelle (Go Santorum!)
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To: jakerobins

How ‘bout the rumor that he’s cheating on McCain?

15 posted on 02/17/2012 9:30:22 AM PST by PBRSTREETGANG
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To: jakerobins

Rimming, and felching in filthy public restrooms is becoming very popular in DC. We need more deviants off the street and out of politics. Barney, the boy molestor is setting the trend—let the rest of the perverts follow it.

17 posted on 02/17/2012 9:31:27 AM PST by Neoliberalnot (Marxism works well only with the uneducated and the unarmed.)
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To: jakerobins

Actually, Frank’s statement was very nuanced:

“I don’t know if Lindsey Graham is gay. Lindsey said he’s not, but his penis certainly tasted like poo.”

18 posted on 02/17/2012 9:31:41 AM PST by Jewbacca (The residents of Iroquois territory may not determine whether Jews may live in Jerusalem.)
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To: jakerobins

Come on, Barney, admit it, you two have had the hots for each other for years!!!

A hundred years ago nobody would have ever imagined two idiots like this in Congress.

19 posted on 02/17/2012 9:32:25 AM PST by ZULU (LIBERATE HAGIA SOPHIA!!!!!)
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To: jakerobins

“Increasingly, if you’re a Democrat … you pay no penalty for being honest about your sexuality,” Frank said.

“but if you are pwethident,” he continued, “it thtill potheth a problem.”

20 posted on 02/17/2012 9:33:39 AM PST by Yaelle (Go Santorum!)
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To: jakerobins

Let us see what Kevin D over @ “HillBuzz” has to say.....

21 posted on 02/17/2012 9:34:35 AM PST by taildragger (( Palin / Mulally 2012 ))
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To: jakerobins

“Washington, D.C. — Massachusetts Rep. Barney Frank on Thursday refused to comment on the rumor that South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham is gay.”

Hey Chicago GOP....

I realize that the Fraud’s base city is a tough beat, but you can do better than this.

LG, whatever his sexual appetites are, is US Senator from South Carolina, not a senator in the South Carolina legislature, as you have written.

22 posted on 02/17/2012 9:36:18 AM PST by treetopsandroofs (Had FDR been GOP, there would have been no World Wars, just "The Great War" and "Roosevelt's Wars".)
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To: jakerobins

Sexual deviants of either homosexual OR heterosexual preferences have absolutely no business being in elected office. I don’t care if it’s a Barney Frank whiffing on somebody’s woofer, Gary Condit (remember him?) and his little kinks, that freak David Wu in his tiger suit, or (how could we forget) Anthony and his Weiner?

And just for equal time for the GOP, there is Mark Foley from Florida with his penchant for texting young males, David Vitter and prostitutes, and of course there are lots more.

The bottom line is that if immoral men and women are elected to public offices, we can expect immoral and corrupt behavior at some point, sooner or later.

27 posted on 02/17/2012 9:40:32 AM PST by mkjessup (Let's do to Mitt what his Irish Setter did to him while tied to the roof rack of his station wagon!)
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To: jakerobins
"I have no comment to make about any individual, and no knowledge about any individual," Frank responded. "There are some members of Congress who have not made that public."

Veiled threat defined. That explains much of recent Repub behaviour.
28 posted on 02/17/2012 9:40:57 AM PST by PowderMonkey (WILL WORK FOR AMMO)
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