Posted on 01/29/2012 5:22:24 AM PST by Alas Babylon!
The Talk Shows
January 29th, 2012
Guests to be interviewed today on major television talk shows:
FOX NEWS SUNDAY (Fox Network): 2012 GOP presidential candidate Newt Gingrich; Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis.
MEET THE PRESS (NBC): 2012 GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum; David Axelrod, political adviser to President Barack Obama's re-election campaign; Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.; former Sen. Fred Thompson, R-Tenn.
FACE THE NATION (CBS): Reince Priebus, RNC chairman; Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, DNC head; Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn.; Donald Trump; Reps. Allen West and Mario Diaz-Balart, R-Fla.
THIS WEEK (ABC): Gingrich; House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio.
STATE OF THE UNION (CNN): 2012 GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul; Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.; Gov. Rick Scott, R-Fla.; Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa; former Commerce Secretary Carlos Guttierez.
I saw that.
What's up with that???
We have evolved from Michele Bachmann stating she will sign away 0bama care on her first day in office if elected to "My care is better than your care" under Romney????
What is wrong with people?
If the race for Fla. was decided on last nights speech Newt would win in a heartbeat.Axelrod just on NBC just stated that Mitt is outspending Newt 5:1 in Fla. If that’s true its really uphill for Newt.
Bondi’s remarks about healthcare — when you hear it you’re going to want to tear your hair out in clumps. How anyone can vote for Romney with that kind of info out there, is beyond me. It’s like being in a stable while they’re hosing it down, and ordering the tossed salad. Romney has nothing but crap on the menu.
Their gloating over the huge win going away in FL was pretty hard to take.
Pray for America
The real good news, Newt Gingrich does know what he’s up against, and explains the differences using specific examples. Romney doesn’t even want to say Socialist.
August 19, 2008
Obama: McCain ‘doesn’t know what he’s up against’
Rush from August 19, 2008, must be just before McCain suspended his campaign...
Patriotism Has Obama Unglued
This is slimeball politics at its finest. When you have $100 million to spend destroying people you don’t have to talk about your record.
Newt stuck it to everyone on the left and right who had blasted him about going to the moon and creating a base instead of giving the moon to the Chinese which is what would happen. It’s not as far fetched as you think once you figure out that private money could be used instead of govt. funds.
I wish I could have strangled McCain, but Fred Thompson didn’t cede any ground to him.
Like Romney, McCain has no principles and no moral compass. (Duh).
It’s as though Romney’s attack ads against him in ‘08 meant nothing! He even claimed that Romney was on his short list for VP. Nonsense!
It really galled me when McCain changed the subject instead of addressing Sarah Palin’s column and excellent point that Romney will lose all the TEA Party, grassroots work and enthusiasm with his dirty politics.
Interesting also, that McCain said there’s been too many debates and that debates are responsible for the blood-letting, when in fact, it’s Romney’s attack ads!
Thompson said Romney has spent $16 Million against Gingrich in attack ads in Florida! OUTRGEOUS!
Wahn stating that Romney’s favorables dropping as Obama’s going up.
Of course that will change if Newt ever turns loose on him.
I don’t get Fox News Sunday until the top of the hour.
I am stuck watching MTP.
My cough is vastly and greating improved, thanks to wonderful you!!!
“Bondis remarks about healthcare when you hear it youre going to want to tear your hair out in clumps. How anyone can vote for Romney with that kind of info out there, is beyond me. Its like being in a stable while theyre hosing it down, and ordering the tossed salad. Romney has nothing but crap on the menu.”
Dang! We need that FNC clip!
Morning everyone.
Great summary...good post.
I despise Faux News. It comes on here next. Watching Meet The Press.
I am TIVOing This Week next, also. I might watch This Week next, and save Faux for later.
Aw gawrsh (blushing)
It’s my duty ma’am.
“I heard that Fred Barnes admitted he heard Romney aides bragging that they had Drudge in the bag????? Anyone see that?”
I didn’t hear that, but some FReepers have removed Drudge from their bookmarks and as their homepage. Lots of negative articles on Newt & none on Mitt. There are a couple of threads on FR about Drudge - this one is informative (I added a little more info in my post #59). Apparently, Mitt’s campaign has been working with Drudge since 2005 (the Drudge-Romney axis):
Also, this one:
Anti-Newt Backlash? Drudge Drops Two Million Hits in One Day
Friday, January 27, 2012 | Kristinn
BTW - Newt said he’ll go all the way to the convention & take Romney on state by state:
I agree with you on politics being all about money and power but I’m not convinced on term limits
I would hate to see Paul Ryan not being able to run and lead the House Budget Committee, or a Marco Rubio not in the Senate holding those jerks feet to the fire.
What we really need is more secretaries of state who will insure honest elections and state legislatures that will reverse the gerrymandering that’s gone on so long. We also need more conservative parents running for school boards to counter the liberal unions and demand an end to children’s brainwashing.
Great write up Bray!
substantive and articulate....( but then, that is what we are now used to coming from you!)
Thanks for taking the time and thanks Ab for your dedication to the Sun AM circus reviews!
Which Fox News program? There are always the highlighted interviews available at their site.
You can get the gist of it here with a transcript of Bondi’s remarks to Greta. Bondi’s a scoundrel and so is her master.
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