Great write up Bray!
substantive and articulate....( but then, that is what we are now used to coming from you!)
Thanks for taking the time and thanks Ab for your dedication to the Sun AM circus reviews!
FNS “On the Trail” segment nothing more than a pro Romney ad. Sickening.
Thanks Ex-hippie. It will be interesting to see what Rush has to say tomorrow. Will he be on the Mitt wagon or will he be ready to say who he will be voting for?
Friday’s dig at the woman begging him to endorse Newt was disgusting. “Oh look, I got a text from my brother saying he would vote for Rick.”
Either his brother is willing to throw his vote away to stay out of the real decision or they think this election is a big joke.
These primaries are revealing a lot of who really is and who isn’t for the establishment in DC. After all, both Limbaughs have theirs, why should they care about the rest of us?
Pray for America