The way Ricky’s been ripping Newt and Willard ALL this week, I’d say he endorses nobody.
Which is fine. We know where a lion’s share of his supporters are going to. (To Newt’s camp)
Santorums supporters are mostly pro-lifers...
I doubt if they would go for the pro-abortion Romney...
Newt on the other hand is pro-life..
As a past supporter of Rick, I am embarrassed for him. To attack with questionable accusations was beneath him. He should have known better and hurt his future.
Pray for America
Santorum is still feeling the sting of what the Establishment GOP did to him in Iowa by declaring Romney the winner and then taking their dear sweet time getting an actual final tally that said otherwise.
By all rights, it should have been his victory, his headline, and his momentum. Team Romney, which is the Establishment, stole it from him with said dirty tricks. Most people still believe Mitt won Iowa, and that is not by accident.
Santorum is clearly mad about it, and he should be. The question is: does he recognize why he wasn’t given his full Iowa moment, and who is responsible for that?
Yeah, and his supporters are in the running for Miss Congeneality.
Seriously - don’t count your chickens before they are hatched.