Posted on 01/07/2012 1:21:48 PM PST by katiedidit1
GOP New Hampshire primary debate tonight on ABC at 9pm ET
By Nate, on January 7th, 2012
Tonight will mark the first of two debates this weekend focused on the New Hampshire Republican primary. This evening's debate will take place at Saint Anselm College and is sponsored by ABC News, Yahoo! and WMUR. Sunday morning will feature a GOP debate broadcast on NBC at 9am ET (yes, am) but look for more details on that later today.
Air Time: Saturday, January 7th at 9pm ET / 6pm PT on ABC
Live Stream: WMUR and Yahoo! News
Participants: Santorum, Romney, Paul, Perry, Gingrich, Huntsman
Report from WMUR:
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
There is something terrible wrong or, yes, a conspiracy going around with the Republican primary.
I wish one of our genius Freepers would tally the minutes each candidate got to speak. Willing to bet Mittens and Paul got 75% at least.
Give it up Mitt.
But boring is better in a president than unpredictability. What the hell will newt get up to?? It would keep me awake at night.
Mittens now repeating his stump speech. Heard it a million times (on TV) up here in NH!
His point was that its all open to development. Let the best man win.
Come on, get him Newt.
Is anyone else noticing that the audio keeps cutting out for a few seconds here and there, when ever the candidates are talking??
It’s not my TV. Could be a local issue(Michigan). Anyone else??
Ron Paul never has tried to sell himself as a conservative. He's a Libertarian.
Liberal, Libertarian and libertine all have the same root, which is from the old Latin word līber, which means free. All three want maximum personal freedom without consequences. Where these three concepts diverge is in their attitude toward politics. Libertine is not a political concept at all. Libertarians want minimalist government. Liberals want a nanny state.
Mitt sounds desperate and a little shrill.
Romney is so comes NEWT! lol lol omg DID YOU HEAR Newt on Obama?
Once again, Perry’s doing well - when he gets the chance to speak.
Santorum’s had about two years of subbing on Friday’s for Bill Bennett. That’s 3 hours answering callers, ad libbing, and interviewing guests.As someone who did that years ago in college I can tell you it’s a skill. Don’t let the umms and ehhs be what you hear. He’s got ideas and he has the ability to elaborate and explain.
She's looking like Tweety Bird tonight with that yellow shirt .... to be catty about it, it's not her color.
His answers are strong and to the point. When he answers, Sawyer looks away like she is spooked.
They give Mittens ample time to make his campaign commercials with.
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