Posted on 11/25/2011 4:36:12 PM PST by neverdem
Romney: The Castor-Oil Candidate
Republicans are finding the prospect of nominating Mitt hard to swallow.
Nominating Mitt Romney is sort of like taking Grandma’s castor oil. Republicans are dreading the thought of downing their unpleasant-tasting medicine but worry that sooner or later they will have to.
By any logical political calculus, the former Massachusetts governor is an ideal presidential candidate. Ramrod straight, fit, and well-educated, he knows all sorts of facts and figures and comes across like a cinematic chief executive.
At any other time, an informed technocrat like Romney would seem a dream candidate. Yet in the run-up to this election, Americans are completely turned off by Washington’s so-called experts, such as Energy Secretary Steven Chu, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, Attorney General Eric Holder — and, increasingly, Barack Obama himself.
As a former governor and presidential candidate, Romney has been fully vetted. In these racy times, Mormonism is viewed as more a guarantee of a candidate’s past probity than a political liability. So there is little chance that a blonde accuser will appear out of Romney’s past, or that in late October 2012 the New York Times will uncover a long-ago DUI charge.
The calculating Republican establishment believes Romney has enough crossover appeal to independents to beat a shaky Obama. It still has nightmares of tea-party senatorial candidates Sharron Angle and Christine O’Donnell, whose 2010 primary victories led to inept campaigns and Republican losses in the general elections in Nevada and Delaware, respectively.
Although conservatives dub Romney a flip-flopper for changing positions on abortion, gun control, and health care, the base knew all about those old reversals in 2008, when it nonetheless praised Romney as the only conservative alternative to maverick moderate John McCain. Apparently the party has moved to the right since then. Tea partiers worry that, once in office, a moderate President Romney would prove a reach-out centrist — spending borrowed money like George W. Bush did on No Child Left Behind or the Medicare prescription-drug benefit, thereby ruining for good the now-suspect Republican brand of fiscal sobriety.
The result of those worries is that Romney has become the process-of-elimination candidate. The Hamlet-like governor of Indiana, Mitch Daniels, hemmed and hawed and bowed out, as most knew he would. The charismatic and controversial Rudy Giuliani and Sarah Palin decided they were making too much money to go through another nasty political race.
If finger-pointing magnate Donald Trump was going to bet a campaign on Obama’s reluctance to disclose official documents, he would have done better to demand the release of the president’s mysteriously secret college transcripts and medical records rather than his birth certificate. In the debates, the audiences liked what former Sen. Rick Santorum had to say, regretting only that it came out of the mouth of Rick Santorum.
Rep. Michele Bachmann once soared as the anti-Romney and then crashed when 90 percent of her statements seemed courageous and inspired — but 10 percent sounded kind of weird.
Then came the most promising Romney alternative, job-creating Texas governor Rick Perry. He looked as presidential as Romney but immediately proved even more wooden in the debates. His “brainfreeze” moments were made worse by occasional goofy explanations that seemed most un-Texan.
New Jersey governor Chris Christie and Florida senatoor Marco Rubio were always crowd favorites, and they’re certainly hard-charging conservatives. Yet at some point, both realized that their scant years in office were comparable, in theory, to the thin résumé of Obama when he entered the presidency clueless.
Rep. Ron Paul’s shrill talk on fiscal sobriety is as refreshing as his vintage-1930s isolationist foreign policy is creepy. Former Utah governor Jon Huntsman is a sort of weak Romney doppelganger, raising the same paradox that money, looks, polish, and moderation this year are cause for suspicion, not reassurance.
Many like businessman Herman Cain’s straight-talking pragmatism. Yet more are worried that he might not know that China is a nuclear power, or that we recently joined the British and French in bombing Libya. By now, former speaker of the House Newt Gingrich knows almost everything about everything. But lots of Newt’s original — and now abandoned — positions were as liberal as Romney’s. And not all that long ago, he seemed as brilliant and glib — and recklessly self-destructive — as his contemporary and antagonist Bill Clinton.
To beat an ever-more-vulnerable Obama, Republicans keep coming back to someone who resembles a Romney, with strengths in just those areas where Obama is so demonstrably weak: prior executive experience as a governor, success in and intimacy with the private sector, a past fully vetted, and an unambiguous belief in the exceptional history and future of the United States.
In short, if Republicans are happy in theory that Mitt Romney could probably beat Obama, they seem just as unhappy in fact that first they have to nominate him.
— Victor Davis Hanson is a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, and the author, most recently, of The End of Sparta, a novel about ancient freedom. © 2011 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
Perfect cartoon. Thanks!
Its that simple.
(but I'd like Newt or Cain)
A vote for Romney is a reward to the establishment, big government Republicans. It only encourages them.
I will not reward them with a vote for Romney. Period, end of discussion.
“I was a Goldwater Girl in high school and I would never vote for Paul. I dont support people who continually make excuses for terrorist leaders, never has seen an enemy of the US and taken them seriously. He may have some good economy policy ideas, however his view on national security leave much to be desired.”
Could swear i’ve read this b4, right down to the punctuation, but, of course, if yer not a thinker....
Like I say, most folks are, indeed, unacceptable...
Keep memorizing, but be more selective...
Stick with it...
Just Plain Dick
Wow. We have an “eat your peas” candidate. I hate peas.
Romney’s time has passed.
If he had run instead of McCain he might have won.
That was before Obama-Romneycare.
Now he carries that burden, and it is a tremendous burden.
When your time has passed you should step aside.
This article begs the question, ‘Who put Romney #1 if Republicans don’t want him’? The fix is in. Notice how all the attention dropped off of Cain and was put on Romney and Newt, the beltway boys. Very discouraging!
Romney “loved” the people of Massachusetts so much that they are now being TAXED if they don’t want to buy into his socialized medicine scheme, RomneyCare. I wonder what kind of “love” he has in store for the nation. No thank you.
Yes Romney is all the article says in the lead in... but Romney is also an Establishment RINO who could give a DAMN about what Conservative Americans want... Romney will not aggressively work to repeal obamacare - only if FORCED to do something by a Conservative Republican controlled Congress. Romney will me a wussy about reforming the EPA, Romney will not actively work against bureaucratic efforts to enforce a Cap and Trade Policy - the Congress will have to FORCE him to do it... Romney will only play act at reducing BIG GOVERNMENT... Romney is obamalite...
If you’re for liberty, then you ought to be familiar with the tenth amendment. The people of Massachusetts can CHANGE THEIR STATE LAW ANY TIME THEY WANT. Or, if it SUCKS so bad to live in Massachusetts, they’re free to leave.
You want to focus on one aspect of the REAL difference between Hussein and ALL of the Republican candidates...yet you IGNORE that I freely admit we have a flawed field.
I do not buy the notion that any of our candidates are as bad or worse than Hussein.
I sincerely hope Cain will be able to win the nomination.
The second sentence doesn't follow from the first at all. It might be argued that someone with those particular qualities (straightness, fitness, educated) would make a good President - but no one with any knowledge of the political process can argue those are the qualities that make for a good presidential candidate. The way the Romney-pushers talk you'd think they had an extremely charismatic, likable, and popular politician on their hands. Hardly. He's a straight laced, boring technocrat with perfectly shaped hair - that may be enough to beat a weak incumbent president like Obama, but in any given year, there's nothing especially promising about that type of candidate as a candidate.
It is taken after swallowing a poisonous substance to induce vomiting. Which is what a lot of people will have to take to handle voting for Willard.
Exactly what I've been saying about the pro-RomneyCare, anti- Second Amendment, big government liberal from MA since the first time he ran for President.
He's only singing the "states rights" tune now to make his liberal past sound palatable. He had liberal positions before being governor. He's been on record as being pro-abortion, pro-homosexual rights, and anti-gun long before being sworn in. Having a liberal record just proves it. He went along with it all. Why did he never take a STAND for conservatism? Is that the kind of person we want as President? Someone who'd bend over to liberals/liberalism?
He's running for the highest office of the land, which is at the federal level. If he wants to be a gun grabbing socialist, maybe he should run for governor of some liberal state again. And change parties.
I don't think it's so much to ask that our possible Republican nominee have actual conservative principles.
I can imagine a wimp like Romney as President with a liberal house & senate. They'd get him to go along with ANY liberal position with very little pressure. He'll say "Well, it's what the people want! Who am I to stop it?" Right? He does not have conservative convictions & he won't stand up for US.
I can't believe this is what the Republican party has come to. We can do better.
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