Time to give a few hundred billion dollars as grants to Al Gore’s companies so that they can save the world by dismantling these windmills and disposing them in a safe manner.
“overplayed for profit by corporations.”
Gee it’s sure nice to see that blame can be placed on evil capitalists!!!
Good story, but Don Surber of the Charleston Daily Mail is a blithering idiot when he says “...fears about global warming were overplayed for profit by corporations.” It was false fears stoked by the government-adademe cabal, commies who want to restrict your free choices and control your life, and a government full of progs only too happy to use our tax money to further their arcadian dream of carbon-free energy. Corporations were generally the last to get on board with this game when it finally became evident this horrific scheme was not going away and there were huge profits to be made at the expense of taxpayers.
It was a windmill.
Just sayin'.
They just broke ground on a 17,000 acre, $400 million dollar windfarm near here.
All union-only jobs to prepare for and build them too.
Some of the best farmland in the country to be dotted with 200 ton slabs of concrete. And in a state that has a huge supply of cheap coal under it.
In 20 years, it’ll be a big business dropping these things like redwoods and scrapping the metals.
I did, however, make a crapload of money doing a bunch of work for a farmer that got a crapload of this money for his numerous land leases to the project.
So what nifty thing can we make out of really big windmill pieces?
They could make some component of cool architecture. The blades would make cool swooping portico roofs.
When I first saw these things, my experience as a millwright and subsequently a designer and engineer of large scale processing plants, I said immediately that the issue of maintenance would far outweigh their capability to generate enough power to pay for itself.
The first farm I saw was the one at the pass outside of Palm Springs on my way back to Florida from one of the last races at Riverside.
Always execute the straight face test first.
Believe it or not, there are a lot of people like me that like this technology but we don't want it forced on us. Let the private sector figure it out. If it is truly viable, it will catch on and the entry price point will drop the more people voluntarily begin to use it.
“harsh chapter on how fears about global warming were overplayed for profit by corporations.””
Once again its the evil corporations. /s
I’d imagine those evil bastards wouldn’t have done this without the envirwhacko’s and their political influence and bribes.
Like every other program the leftist aka progressive treehuggers have forced on America. Another big screw up.
You won't hear any OWS moron complain about this particular corporate welfare.
Idols for their cult.
Happy Thanksgiving
“...it will include a large, harsh chapter on how fears about global warming were overplayed for profit by corporations.”
Individuals are involved as well....
Fisker Automotive, a startup that plans to start selling a plug-in hybrid (sticker price $87,900) this year, received a $529 million loan from the U.S. government..
“...the $300 million federal subsidy to Tesla Motors -founded by Elon Musk.to produce electric cars
Produce a sexy enough con...and the Feds will beat a path to your door to give you money in the name of feeling good about doing so...and of course a hefty return to their “campaign finance fund”-which BTW if they “fail” to use...may be kept personally.
This is a scam. All a scam.