Chris Wilson has worked for Karl Rove in the past. Wilson is not a supporter of conservatism, but a malevolent-type of RINO.
Romney’s father, George, was best friends with J. Willard Marriott.
Mitt is named after J. Willard Marriott.
J. W. Marriott’s son, Richard was past head of the National restaurant association.
Romney served on Marriott board.
Looks like Romney has an inside track with the NRA.
Former President of National Restaurant Association has Ties to the Mitt Romney Campaign
0diggsdiggBased on a suggestion from a local blogger to look into political donors on the Board of Directors of the National Restaurant Association for potential ties to presidential campaigns, I have attempted to identify anyone privy to inside information about the National Restaurant Association who also has recent ties to any presidential campaign.
According to the October 2011 FEC report for ROMNEY FOR PRESIDENT INC. a gentlemen named Steven C. Anderson gave $1,000.00 on July 14, 2011. FEC search function here.
Steven C. Anderson is the same gentlemen who took over the helm as Chief Executive Officer at the National Restaurant Association (after a brief intermission) upon Herman Cain’s departure in 1999. As CEO it is highly likely he would have been privy to details of litigation and threats about litigation from the immediately previous tenure of Herman Cain.
There is little more than a coincidence between the support for Mitt Romney and the likelihood that Mr. Anderson knows the background of the sexual harassment threats. Nonetheless, watchers of this scandal endlessly pontificate about whether President Obama or a rival campaign is the driving force behind the bombshell story that appeared in the Politico on Sunday.
Reporters should follow-up with Mr. Anderson to discern his knowledge. At the least he likely knows the short list of people with inside knowledge about the sexual harassment allegations.
~23:15 11/1/11 UPDATE: Apparently as this post has taken on a life of its own I need to clarify a few things.
1. This truly is the exact same Steven C. Anderson at the same address that gave donations while at the National Restaurant Association in the early 2000s.
2. I have purposefully not listed his address, and made it slightly difficult to find. There is an error in the FEC database that leads to a mistaken link for those who dig deeper. Rest assured he made the donation.
3. He may not be the source. If he is not, then he likely knows the short list of people who could have been the source.
Lastly, do not forget to follow @ppradoslaw on Twitter as I broadcast to thousands of conservatives libertarians, and a handful of patient moderates, democrats, and progressives.
If it turns out this “story” is linked to La Raza Rick, he isn’t going to benefit so much. Most of Cain’s support isn’t going to a RINO in a conservative wrapper anyway.
This is beginning to smell like RINO crap............
Cain is toast. He has made too many misstatements (claiming he’s “joking”) and has been too evasive about the facts concerning the sexual misconduct issues. He’s done. He just doesn’t realize it yet. Like it or not, we are going to be stuck with Romney as the Republican nominee.
Aren’t there lots of new FReepers now that are defining our candidate?
Since Oct 12, 2011
My BS Meter pegged on this one.
The NRA can NOT release the woman from the agreement unless Cain agrees to it.
Check the Real Clear Politics poll average. Cain's support has gone almost vertical while Romney is fading
Rick Perrys Prime Directive: Destroy Cain
Amazing how a witness suddenly comes crawling out of the woodwork, isn’t it? How lucky is that? </sarcasm>
I live right next to this "restaurant" I bet.
“Oh no. Our accusations aren’t gaining traction!”
“We better roll out round 2 of the unsubstantiated details by having an uncorroborated witness tell us that, despite some agreement they’re bound by, there’s a lot more to this!”
Next? A friend of a victim will talk about how she’s personally talked to her and it’s just awful! (camera cuts to a nodding, concerned Diane Sawyer)
Okay... a little common sense here.
If this is true, and there were so many witnesses as this person attests to, then she would have sued and gotten a six figure settlement.
But the NRA investigation turned up nothing, no one was sued, she was fired and got a severance.
So where are all these other witnesses? The only women I see coming out BY NAME are coming out in Cain’s defense.
Now the woman and attorney are saying she is unlikely to talk any time soon:—560559/1
Gee, I wonder if he found a pubic hair on his soda can.
I was there too! Then I flew away in my UFO shaped like a banana.
Some here think that Cain supporters are crazy, but I think it is the Perry folks who are crazy. Now we find out that not only is Perry a liberal but we are finding out that he is a jerk with ZERO principles. How could Perry let this story out? What a complete and utter horrible human being. Sorry that we have to have creeps like this.