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To: SeekAndFind
Gees she has fallen so far!
2 posted on
10/21/2011 3:34:01 PM PDT by
Red_Devil 232
(VietVet - USMC All Ready On The Right? All Ready On The Left? All Ready On The Firing Line!)
To: SeekAndFind
3 posted on
10/21/2011 3:34:18 PM PDT by
(Want to make $$$? It's easy! Pimp your blog for hits on Free Republic!)
To: SeekAndFind
I am not voting for Romney or any ticket that has this poseur on it. Period.
4 posted on
10/21/2011 3:35:03 PM PDT by
(Are you better off than you were four years ago?)
To: SeekAndFind
She wants this ????
6 posted on
10/21/2011 3:36:02 PM PDT by
(Psalm 119:174 I long for Your salvation, YHvH, Your law is my delight.)
To: SeekAndFind
What has R0mney done so far to warrant being at the top of the ticket, Ann?
You like his hair or something?
As far as I can see, the only thing he is good at is losing support.
7 posted on
10/21/2011 3:36:19 PM PDT by
To: SeekAndFind
Putting a RINO up as the presidential candidate is a losing strategy. The GOP cannot ameliorate the situation by putting a conservative in the joebiden spot.
And the GOP will have no one but themselves to blame for their loss.
8 posted on
10/21/2011 3:36:40 PM PDT by
(No Newt Never! Join the Cain Train!)
To: SeekAndFind
why is it that “our” people turn on conservatives?
9 posted on
10/21/2011 3:36:58 PM PDT by
To: SeekAndFind
Ann Coulter is far from an idiot, so let me just say that “Annie, I never knew ye.”
10 posted on
10/21/2011 3:37:38 PM PDT by
(Retired Army Chaplain and Proud of It! True Supporters of our Troops PRAY for their VICTORY!)
To: SeekAndFind
Rush needs to have a chat with his “VP.”
11 posted on
10/21/2011 3:37:40 PM PDT by
(High time to bring back the Sons of Liberty !!)
To: SeekAndFind
Unfortunately, Ann Coulter is one of those people who believes we can elect any candidate, and then mold him to be the president we want.
It has never worked.
12 posted on
10/21/2011 3:37:47 PM PDT by
(Nit-pickin' and chagrinin')
To: SeekAndFind
Is it her or is it me? Was I this much of a tool also at on time and have simply evolved? Or has she just gone loco?
13 posted on
10/21/2011 3:38:14 PM PDT by
To: SeekAndFind
I will not vote for Romney-Anything.
If the Republican ticket is Romney-Anything, I’ll vote for the Constitution Party.
15 posted on
10/21/2011 3:41:15 PM PDT by
(Western Civilization is Aborting, Buggering, and Contracepting itself out of existence.)
To: SeekAndFind
Ann is way too hung up on Big Love Romney. I don't care if Romney were to have Mr. T as a VP, I still wouldn't vote for him.
16 posted on
10/21/2011 3:41:53 PM PDT by
(Allah Ain't So Akbar!)
To: SeekAndFind
17 posted on
10/21/2011 3:42:17 PM PDT by
Jim Robinson
(Rebellion is brewing!! Impeach the corrupt Marxist bastard!!)
To: SeekAndFind
In a recent poll 18% of Republicans said they wouldn’t vote for a Mormon for president.
How in the heck is Romney going to win against Obama when 18% of Republicans stay home or vote for someone else?
source of 18% number:
To: SeekAndFind
19 posted on
10/21/2011 3:42:32 PM PDT by
(Perry/Palin (Just dreamin'))
To: SeekAndFind
Ann Coulter endorse ROMNEY? OMG I’ve seen everything.
I don’t care if he “beat boxes” every SOTU, I want Cain as Potus...!
20 posted on
10/21/2011 3:42:32 PM PDT by
To: SeekAndFind
Screw that, I want Cain-Gingrich!
To: SeekAndFind
Who cares what Bill Maher’s ex chick wants.
22 posted on
10/21/2011 3:42:43 PM PDT by
To: SeekAndFind
I Don’t want Romney anywhere on the ticket.
Cain/Gingrich 2012!
25 posted on
10/21/2011 3:45:22 PM PDT by
(Fighting for truth and the American way...
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