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Mitt Romney turns formidable ^
| Sept. 25, 2011
| Matt Miller
Posted on 09/25/2011 8:27:14 PM PDT by Clairity
"But the real question is: Does Governor Perry continue to believe that Social Security should not be a federal program, that it's unconstitutional and it should be returned to the states, or is he going to retreat from that view?"
In other words: Is my opponent an extremist who'd lead the party to ruin or a weasel who can't stand by his guns?
On the Texas economy, Romney said, "I think Governor Perry would agree with me that if youâre dealt four aces, that doesn't make you necessarily a great poker player."
Earlier Romney had sounded the same note, saying that Perry surely wouldn't take credit for Texas for having (1) no income tax; (2) lax union protections; (3) oil and gas in the ground; and (4) a Republican legislature. That would be like Al Gore taking credit for inventing the Internet, he joked.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Editorial; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: perry; rinoperry; rinorick; romney; romney2012; zots4romneybots
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To: Carry_Okie
McCain may have been a rino but if we had him instead of Bush, we’d be in much better fiscal shape.
posted on
09/25/2011 9:30:55 PM PDT
(Cain all the way)
To: JoenTX
The funny part is Kinky. I dont get his Perry connection.I guess it proves politics makes strange bed-fellows.
Wonder whatever happened to Rylander (+4 other last names that left me!)...speaking of kooks!
posted on
09/25/2011 9:33:13 PM PDT
(It takes a village of idiots to elect a village idiot.)
To: ari-freedom
McCain may have been a rino but if we had him instead of Bush, wed be in much better fiscal shape. You may be correct about that (which says less about McCain than it does about Bush), although IIRC, McCain's fiscal record has deteriorated somewhat over the years. His handling of Iraq (if we'd done it at all) would have probably been less profligate. I shudder to think of what his SCOTUS appointments might have been.
posted on
09/25/2011 9:34:41 PM PDT
(GunWalker: Arming "a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as well funded")
To: JoenTX
"We got into this economic mess because of misplaced government interference in the first place. The mortgage crisis that triggered the collapse of our financial markets was rooted in a well-meaning but wrongheaded desire to increase home ownership among people who could not yet afford to own a home.
Politicians on the right AND left wanted to take credit for an increase in middle-class home ownership. But the rules of the marketplace are just as constraining as human nature. Government cannot force financial institutions to give loans to people who can't afford to pay them back and then expect that somehow things will all magically work out. Sooner or later, reality catches up with us. "
Right on target. Fire for effect.
Accept responsibility, learn from the mistake, and drive on.
posted on
09/25/2011 9:36:27 PM PDT
(Animals! The DemocRats blew up the windmill with an Acorn!)
To: Carry_Okie
I have no idea what you are talking about.
Check who is being helped by all the Perry-bashing? Romney.
You don’t have to be a genius to figure that out, a miniscule amount of common sense can tell you that.
posted on
09/25/2011 9:38:19 PM PDT
("The United States needs to be not so much loved as it needs to be respected." -- VP Dick Cheney)
To: FlyingEagle
“Obama will slaughter Romney. Literally or figuratively. By a landslide if we make it to actually hold an election in 2012. If we still have a country.”
Exactly. That’s why the Dems are trying to take out Perry in the primaries, they know that would leave Romney as the nominee, and as you say, they would destroy him easily.
posted on
09/25/2011 9:40:11 PM PDT
("The United States needs to be not so much loved as it needs to be respected." -- VP Dick Cheney)
To: Carry_Okie
-McCain was the one who pushed for the surge over rummy’s objections
-McCain’s biggest sin was on immigration. But Bush was also for it
-McCain actually filibustered medicare part D. He wasn’t for big tax cuts but he was for cutting more spending than Bush
posted on
09/25/2011 9:42:29 PM PDT
(Cain all the way)
To: Carry_Okie
I am not any other poster past or present. Some people asked if I was a poster from long time ago named “Clarity” (without an i after the a), just because I happened to pick a screen name that was similar. I explained at the time I am not that poster. I have no idea who this FairOpinion is or why you think I might be him/her.
One other point — you seem to not like President Bush. Well, wouldn’t you prefer him to the current occupant of the White House?
Who DO you think is the perfect candidate?
posted on
09/25/2011 9:45:26 PM PDT
("The United States needs to be not so much loved as it needs to be respected." -- VP Dick Cheney)
To: Clairity
“Check who is being helped by all the Perry-bashing? Romney.”
Romney has a ceiling. It’s not just because of romneycare and other liberal issues. There’s also that ‘M’ word that nobody mentions but everyone knows is a big problem for him.
posted on
09/25/2011 9:45:35 PM PDT
(Cain all the way)
To: JoenTX
Romney.So you are pro-
Banning guns.
posted on
09/25/2011 9:45:54 PM PDT
("If someone misquotes you, it's because they know you're right.")
To: Clairity
The only thing stopping Perry from eating a little "Crown Jewel" crow/albatross and own up to the ERROR of this...
" ...we are unveiling its crowning jewel. I am proud to announce that the state of Texas is investing $20 million from the Texas Enterprise Fund to help Countrywide Financial"
"You can consider the Countrywide expansion to be Exhibit A as to why we need to continue to invest state dollars in the Texas Enterprise Fund.
Angelo Mozilo, thank you"
--Governor Ricardo Perry evidently Perry's own character - or the lack thereof.
posted on
09/25/2011 9:46:14 PM PDT
(Animals! The DemocRats blew up the windmill with an Acorn!)
To: Clairity; shield; RitaOK
Romney had illegals cutting his lawn at his mansion in Belmont, MA - he watched them!
Then he deflected heat on the issue by saying it was the landscaping companys responsibility to make sure the workers were legal.
For Gods sake, youre the governor and dont have the sense to know whos working on your personal property? And he's going to secure the border? REALLY?
And then there's that little RomneyCare thing that he headed know, the predecessor to ObamaCare.
Yeah, Mitt's just great!
Perry ain't perfect...but has he sat and watched illegals cut his lawn? Did he author the inspiration for ObamaCare?
posted on
09/25/2011 9:48:39 PM PDT
(If not Perry, it's Romney. And if it's Romney, it's Obama.)
To: Meet the New Boss
“Republican establishment trying to stampede conservatives by presenting a false choice between two RINOs, Romney and Perry. “
The stampede you speak of may take you to the clock cleaners in the general election, when the national electorate gets a load of the rank hypocrisy of the radical Right standing against whole families who have lived here for now generations because we have self inflicted economic woes, have used them for labor to give ourselves a fiscal boost, and a government who for decades never bothered with enforcement of existing immigration laws in a land founded on immigrants, by immigrants and for immigrants, Valerie Jarrett will have a field day. Whose fault is all this? If the Left looks over here and gets the drift wafting through the country of hypocrisy they will use it if they can sell it.
posted on
09/25/2011 9:51:14 PM PDT
(TEXAS. It's EXHIBIT A for Rick, who needs to pound the fiction flackers back into the Stone Age.)
To: RitaOK
In the long run it doesn’t really matter if we elect an open-borders illegals-loving amnesty-supporting RINO like Rick Perry or a socialist like Barack Obama.
In both cases, the country is gone.
The only hope this country has is a true conservative who is willing to secure the border and enforce the immigration laws.
Otherwise, it is just a matter of time before other states flip to California status.
Look at the last election. While Obama got his clock cleaned all over the country, in California socialist pig Barbara Boxer and moonbat Jerry Brown were elected in a walk. They are the future if we don’t turn it around soon.
posted on
09/25/2011 10:00:59 PM PDT
Meet the New Boss
(Herman Cain: We can have high fences and open doors, all at the same time!)
To: Cincinatus' Wife; RoosterRedux; jonrick46; deepbluesea; RockinRight; TexMom7; potlatch; ...
Perry Ping....IF you'd rather NOT be pinged FReepmail me.
IF you'd like to be added FReepmail me. Thanks.
posted on
09/25/2011 10:01:52 PM PDT
(Rev 2:9 Woe unto those who say they are Judahites and are not, but are of the syna GOG ue of Satan.)
To: Meet the New Boss
posted on
09/25/2011 10:04:05 PM PDT
(Rev 2:9 Woe unto those who say they are Judahites and are not, but are of the syna GOG ue of Satan.)
To: Meet the New Boss
“The only hope this country has is a true conservative who is willing to secure the border and enforce the immigration laws.”
And you think Mutt freaking Romney is that person?
posted on
09/25/2011 10:09:09 PM PDT
(Free Republic -- One stop shopping ....... It's the Conservative Super WalMart for news .)
To: Clairity
“Go ahead, keep bashing Perry...”
Don’t mind if I do. He makes it so easy, being a RINO and all.
“As I said before, if not Perry, it’s Romney and if it’s Romney, it’s Obama.”
You’ve also said that it should be Perry. So your logic is suspect well before we get to the transitive nature of electability.
“Perry got the “when did you stop beating your wife” gotcha questions from everyone.”
Perry got the questions he should have gotten in Texas gubernatorial races and didn’t because he had a bunch of weakass primary opponents and weaker general opponents. If tough questions hurt poor little Ricky Romney, then he needs to go back and cry in his $10K a month mansion. I’ve never said the man was actually dumb, unlike so many who have maligned the man himself, but geez, he sure looked slow at the last debate. And while being dumb doesn’t make a candidate unelectable in the general, it sure hurts in the GOP primary.
posted on
09/25/2011 10:12:35 PM PDT
(Rick Perry sweep the polls? Naw, the illegals he's coddled in Texas do all his sweeping.)
To: Carry_Okie; Clairity
When “delegates got over the can’t-get-elected hurdle, a close contest became a landslide for Herman Cain.”
That is Byron York this morning
Just FYI.
“What had happened? In the days before the vote, nearly all the delegates who voted for Cain either said or heard someone else say this: “I love Herman Cain, but he can’t get elected.” The assumption that Cain can’t win the Republican nomination was a serious obstacle in their minds. But at some point late Friday and early Saturday, the delegates overcame that obstacle.”
Damn, what we might have pulled off had a certain site banned a certain group of paid hacks back during the recall election.
posted on
09/25/2011 10:14:45 PM PDT
(How humanitarian are "leaders" who back Malthusian, Utilitarian & Green nutcases?)
To: Beagle8U
I gave up arguing with them. Who cares, anymore. They run anyone through the sagebrush around here, I may have fresh meat for the dogs.
Otherwise? I won't vote for Romney. Period. Paragraph. Amen.
Damn sure won't vote for Obama. Or any other Dem.
I might vote for Palin, if she pulls it together.
To steal a line from 'Fiddler on the Roof'.... on the other hand.... Maybe I quit participating and take their legitimacy away.
And maybe if they want to argue about it... it gets ugly.
But on the other hand...
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