Posted on 09/14/2011 10:42:12 PM PDT by DRey
People often ask me what advice I would give the White House about various things. Today I was mulling over election results from New York and Nevada while thinking about that very question. What should the White House do now? One word came to mind: Panic
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I don’t need awards. I’m a legend in my own cave.
I figured he slithered into a snake hole.
Brack will do none of this. He’s not in charge.
Democrats become unhinged when you mention the Tea Party. The Tea Party is the biggest single threat to the progressive agenda and as such they will demonize it to the ends of the earth. They are so obsessed with the Tea Party that they bring it up constantly.... strengthening the Tea Party.
The Tea Party represents a great awakening by the silent majority that stood by quietly as our country was transformed into something the founding fathers would not recognize. The Tea Party dominated the 2010 elections and is poised to dominate the 2012 election.
Who’s in charge?
Notice what it says on the bottom of that jackasses book?
“How the Democrats will rule the next generation”.
Rule. RULE.
Not Govern.
Sometimes they slip up and say what they really mean.
That’s the part where he saluted Mary....
You know, I rather get a kick out of ole’ Serpent Head. Isn’t that what Rush called him? Mary and James attended one of Rush’s weddings—not sure if this recent one.
>>> Brack will do none of this. Hes not in charge. <<<
Isn’t that the truth! I think Valerie Jarrett and Eric Holder are. Daley keeps his business schedule moving and the WON they send golfing.
He’s a strategist. They are soulless....
He’s married to a strategist.
They are smart and savvy about politics.
I imagine that the Tea Party has completely tossed their salads.
Carville, along with many dems and media libs, are trying to tell the American public that all of the GOP candidates in the last debate are “crazy” people. That’s all those motherf*ckers have now “They’re all crrrrrraaaaaaazzyyyyyyy”. Makes me mad but also it’s a good sign their bag of tricks is so empty. Whoever the GOP nominee is: you HAVE to be creative and fight back against Obama every hour of every day and the MEDIA TOO or forget it, just go away.
Why is Sarah Palin (and apparently Newt) the only ones with the guts to call out the media????
Read Carville’s entire manifesto.... he’s nuts!
I know that Rush attended Mary and James’s wedding. He showed footage on his then-TV show.
#3 - "Is it any wonder that we were doing better in the middle of the stimulus-spending period than we are doing with the austerity program?"
and #4--- "As I watch the Republican debates, I realize that we are on the brink of a crazy person running our nation. I sit in front of the television and shudder at the thought of one of these creationism-loving, global-warming-denying, immigration-bashing, Social-Security-cutting, clean-air-hating, mortality-fascinated, Wall-Street-protecting Republicans running my country."
are right????? Really?
There was talk of Russ Feingold. He could play the Eugene McCarthy role, almost to a tee.
But, like McCarthy, he probably couldn't unseat a sitting President. And, if the Democrat establishment is going to challenge Obama, they need somebody who can win. Evan Bayh would be no better -- and, as a perceived moderate -- he would infuriate the moonbat wing.
In 1968, that guy was Robert F. Kennedy. Now, it's Hillary. And that's about it. The 'Rats really don't have a second string.
Of course, to avoid alienating the black vote, they could run Jesse Jackson, Jr. But wouldn't that be out of the frying pan...and into the fire?
>> What should the White House do now?
Sunday there are local elections here in Berlin. Yesterday I saw a campaign poster for a black guy that said “I am an Obama”.
I returned home and told my wife and she said Obama should use that. LoL!
The other day I saw this democrat on TV and after watching her speak I thought to myself, “If she ran for president she could probably get the nomination and be tough to beat. She served as governor of a red state and has foreign affairs experience.”
That person was: Janet Napalitano.
I don’t think she would challenge Obama, maybe 2016.
We've had quite enough incompetence already, thank you.
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