surprising comments for a CNN feed.......
President Obama's approval ratings are so low now, Kenyans are accusing him of being born in the United States.
As I have traveled around the country....really...those towns had less than 1000 people and 5to 6% unemploymnent. What a joke!!
Cry me a river OBambi.
There is no reason to give him permission to make a campaign speech in the Congress. “JUST SAY NO!”
None of the Republicans should show up for this joint session of Congress. It would be a show of no confidence.
OK Freepers I have been goggling if any other President ha ever asked to have a Jt. Session with Congress on their 1st day back..............So far I am not finding any dates.. If you have info please posst
Headlines the following day “Obama gave a speech and only half the people showed up”.
Obama is a petulant child.
When Jay Carney was smirking and laughing about the whole scheduling issue, he gave the Republicans every ounce of ammo they needed to reschedule. He's an amateur that gives all of amateurism a bad name. Nobody, I mean nobody, thinks that Obama was being clever here. This is some 10th grade prank. Sophomoric at best. And he's the President? Now I know why my liberal co-workers won't even mention his name anymore. I'm embarrassed for them.
Congress does not come back from the August recess until 6:30 PM and Obama wants them to all be seated for his 8 PM speech. Not going to happen, too many security concerns as well as timing. He had a couple of weeks to work through the logistics and handle this in private.
This moron’s had almost three years to speak to Congress about jobs. It’s not as if unemployment is a new problem. Who does he think he’s kidding by scheduling the speech the same night as a Republican debate? What a loser.