We are directly in it’s path here in coastal Carolina. Please pray. I’m worried. The rain seems to have started now. I’ll try to post updates.
Please take care! I am here in coastal NJ (but on high ground) and am thinking about everyone in the path of this monster.
I live in Florida and have been through several hurricanes. GET OUT NOW! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Hurricane Charlie got me good.
Praying It misses you & comes ashore in Washington D.C. and gives that town an enema .
Praying It misses you & comes ashore in Washington D.C. and gives that town an enema .
Prayers sent .. stay alert and in a strong, safe location. Lord, protect those millions in harm’s way. It is not a small system.
Thanks, NN, for your excellent and reliable resource, as always.
If I were in your shoes, I'd be heading for someplace inland. You don't want to be caught in a traffic jam like Rita or Ike created in Texas.
May God bless you and keep you safe.
Prayers are up!
Same here in the Charleston area.
Praying for days now, and especially today. My son will be in the barracks, and I warned him to unplug everything and not to touch anything if it floods.
I was just thinking about how God could speak to his heart. Would it be like when he spoke to Elijah.
“He answered. “Lord, you know that I have been very zealous for You. I have done what I could to bring back to You, the children of Israel, who have broken Your laws. I have broken down the altars of Baal and killed with the sword all the false prophets. I have done all this single-handed. I am the only one left who worships and serves You, and now they seek my life to kill it. Lord, what is the use in my living any longer?
“Come here, Elijah,” said the Lord. “Go out and stand on the mountain. I am going to show you something. I will be there, but you will have to find Me.”
As Elijah stood waiting to hear further from God, a strong wind came up, tearing up rock and swirling dust into the air. Elijah listened...but God did not speak from the wind.
Just when things had quietened down again, Elijah felt the earth quake. He watched the mountain shake, witnessing the rocks cascading down the side, tumbling to the valley below. Surely God must be in the earthquake...but all was still. God’s voice did not come booming out of the earthquake.
Suddenly, Elijah turned, hearing a roaring, crackling sound. He felt the heat of a raging fire behind him. He stood watching the fire consume the brush and trees, expecting that God would speak to him from this spectacular fire...but all was silent.
He gave a sigh. Where was God, if not in these sudden bursts of nature—first the wind; then the earthquake; then the fire?
Then, he heard it, a quiet whisper...a still, small voice. Knowing the voice to be GOD’s, he wrapped his face in his mantle, and approached the mouth of the cave.
The whisper came again: “What are you doing here, Elijah?” the voice said. “
From Helen Dowd “Story 5 - Elijah Hears God’s Whisper”