No one can credibly make the argument that Obama is loafing. He puts in the hours. [/hurl]
I say let him go, before he does even more damage to the economy.
Hell yes we can!
HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! The liberals on nPR this morning were betting he would take a vacation but thought it would look horrible if he went to this elite place.
You little people just keep working so you can pay your fair share. We need to infiltrate the mainstream media.
Where he will receive further instructions on what to do to damage this great Republic even more from Soros' messenger boys and his SEIU puppet masters.
“He puts in the hours”
I guess-—if you call constant campaigning “putting in hours”.
Barack and Michell hangin’ out with Biff and Buffy at “The Vineyard”. What a sight!!!
He’s been partying and vacationing ever since he got elected. As President, he’s never seriously submitted a plan or budget for anything. He’s basically been a bystander and rubber stamp to the Pelosi/Reid rape of America. His speeches are campaign speeches laced with vague promises he never intends to honor. Without a teleprompter, he is lost. He has poisened relationships with our friends around the world and has encouraged our enemies to greater hostility. He has no moral compass. He has no respect for our Constitution, Democracy, or Capitalism. He is an unappologetic spender.
Heaven forbid, anything interfere with Obama’s real job and that is vacationing.
Do they serve peas in Massachusetts?