Free Republic is a nonpartisan, philosophically driven meeting place. It's aim is to spread conservative philosophies at the grass roots level.
Grass roots activism forces the activist into the reality of organized, political partisanship. A frustrating trip since conservatives represent only about 15% of the political spectrum.
Fortunately, aspects of conservative philosophy have a much broader appeal across that same spectrum because these philosophies represent common sense, are compatible with inalienable rights and truths and protect the individual from the tyranny of the partisan majority.
I see the Tea Party Movement as a bridge between the philosophical ideologue and the partisan activist participating in compromise. The movement, at present, is neither ideologically isolated or fully willing to compromise with its partisan enemies.
As to the plea to vote against someone; always a losing strategy, regardless the target.
Hoping that conservatives will hold their nose and join in partisan lockstep, as our current political system dictates, is also a looser. The lesser of two evils is still evil and if you vote for a liberal, regardless the partisan affiliation, you still have enabled a liberal and volunteered to live under his yoke.
All should exercise their franchise. None should compromise their core beliefs. If you are frustrated about being the 15%er, then take to the barricades. My cold dead hand is an incredibly effective reminder of partisan tyranny.
I hope to have the Republican nominee for President be someone I really want to vote for, but I will NEVER vote for any candidate with a D after their name.