Posted on 07/23/2011 11:13:53 AM PDT by Beaten Valve
>a toxic mix of anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant bigotry
It’s not bigotry when the targets are trouble making, freeloading murderous trash. It’s called survival.
The Norweigan Christian community and government screwed up when they thought or made believe they could get along. Just as we were told islam was a religion of peace. But we’ve discovered the peace is piece. They take over piece by piece where ever they live. Look at Dearborn, Michigan.
They are offended by any law/religion, way of life, in any western land they move to.
“Far right militant” is a huge huge stretch
Any thoughts that McVeigh had a 'death bed' conversion were pretty much extinguished by his choice of the 'last words' statement he handed to the warden as he headed to the gallows (or gas chamber). His hand written note was Henley's poem, Invictus. Which ends:
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
Proper words for an atheist who is heading out to eternity. Not for a Christian who has put his all on the Lord Jesus Christ - the anchor of our soul - and the solid Rock in whose cleft we are stayed.
I was unaware than the camp in question was a youth wing of Norway’s Labor Party. So knowing that....yes, there is a grim logic to it. anybody there?
Do you have a link that shows that Norway’s Labor is the anti-immigrant party? Much appreciated.
I did a search and found Norway's ruling Labor Party described as a socialist pro-multicult / pro-Muslim immigration party viewed by its detractors as primarily responsible for the cultural degeneration and demographic mess in which it now finds itself. So it appears YOU are the confused one, ED.
I did a search and found Norway's ruling Labor Party described as a socialist pro-multicult / pro-Muslim immigration party viewed by its detractors as primarily responsible for the cultural degeneration and demographic mess in which Norway now finds itself. So it appears YOU are the confused one, ED.
And John Doe #2.
“Security specialist Segal said of Friday’s bombing and shootings: “The tactics and actuality of these attacks would be quite striking if carried out by a domestic far-right actor - trying to kill Norway’s PM is one thing and not surprising from any extremist elements, but killing average citizens in this manner is very, very unusual indeed for far-right/supremacists, and certainly for ones in Europe.” “
Of course its unusual, a conservative knows killing random citizens and advantage Joes is not only a wast of time its counter productive.
Even assassinating political leaders is dubious best.(because no one leader is acting alone, killing them wont end the evil.)
Only a nutcase or a leftist could think killing random people particular civilians would make a difference.
When and if sound minded conservative decide its time to fight, they will organize an army(or equivalent forces) to take (and hold) real control. Killing random people accomplish no conservative end. It’s liberals who have the desire to emotionally lash out “against society” not conservative.
“Security specialist Segal said of Friday’s bombing and shootings: “The tactics and actuality of these attacks would be quite striking if carried out by a domestic far-right actor - trying to kill Norway’s PM is one thing and not surprising from any extremist elements, but killing average citizens in this manner is very, very unusual indeed for far-right/supremacists, and certainly for ones in Europe.” “
Of course its unusual, a conservative knows killing random citizens and advantage Joes is not only a wast of time its counter productive.
Even assassinating political leaders is dubious best.(because no one leader is acting alone, killing them wont end the evil.)
Only a nutcase or a leftist could think killing random people particular civilians would make a difference.
When and if sound minded conservative decide its time to fight, they will organize an army(or equivalent forces) to take (and hold) real control. Killing random people accomplish no conservative end. It’s liberals who have the desire to emotionally lash out “against society” not conservative.
Left Wing extremism is emerging wishing that Right WIng extremism was.
The left should be careful what they wish for.
"Again...the labor party (that the children are part of) is anti-immigration and is/was the target of Islamic extremists...your ideas are completely off by 180 degrees."Was the Norwegian Foreign Minister, who this week endorsed the "palestinian state", Labor Party? Just sayin.
I wondered about the political camp as well; it doesn’t justify the shootings, but what exactly was the camp for?
But here are a few links of happenings under the Norwegian Labour party rule to get a feel for climate. Someone did not like the direction that things have been going in....
Norway charges radical cleric for death threats
Norwegian newspaper reprints Prophet Mohammed cartoons
There is more buried there if you look for it but the enemedia headlines are now flooded with talking points about pre-9/11 party platforms.
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