Posted on 07/23/2011 11:13:53 AM PDT by Beaten Valve
LONDON A report that Norway's bomb and gun rampage may be the work of a far-right militant confronts Europe with the possibility that a new paramilitary threat is emerging, a decade after al-Qaida's Sept. 11 attacks.
One analyst called the attacks possibly Europe's "Oklahoma City" moment, a reference to American right-wing militant Timothy McVeigh who detonated a truck bomb at a federal building in Oklahoma City in 1995, killing 168 people.
Police forces in many western European countries worry about rising far-right sentiment, fueled by a toxic mix of anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant bigotry and increasing economic hardship.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Guess they look at these events and imagine Bill Clinton “dating” again eh!
Liberals love tragedies like these to exploit for their own political gain..they have NO soul
If that were the case, his target would've been Norwegian Muslims. ....of whom there are millions.
A sadly convenient tragedy the Marxists will no doubt use in the attempt to disarm America.
I wonder if Barry has something up his sleeve in response...
MSNBC is the official voice of the regime.
You can bet formal demonization and subsequent ‘special actions’ against anyone considered ‘right wing’ by the obamaites are in the works.
The DHS recent portrayal as white males as the iconic domestic terrorists is part of this .
Get ready for ‘history repeats itself’ v86,442.0
We need to stop being defensive about it. The European right has more in common with the American left than it does with us.
This guy is a pig and McVeigh was a pig.
Now, there seems to be some indications that McVeigh was in with the Jihadis, but I don’t think the same can be said for this Norwegian.
We in America don’t have the history of “right-wing” fascist violence that they do in Europe, so I’m not sure we can really relate to their fears.
But, as of right now, it appears this man acted alone, or like McVeigh with a few close conspirators. I very much doubt he is a vanguard of some new movement.
Too bad the left will seize on this to deflect attention form the jihadis, et al. who are way more numerous and way more murderous than any “right-wing” psychos wandering about.
Or even than our own left-wing gov’t who sends guns to Mexican drug cartels for who knows really what reason?
I agree with you.
His targets make no sense if he was after Muslims.
The Question: What is the reason A_R did not want to log in to FR today?
Woefully devoid of facts, but full of conjecture and slander.
Whatever happened to the lone nut? Regardless of what philosophy these loons espouse, they are really either evil or insane. Their justification for what they do is window dressing.
The Fort Hood massacre headlines never read “Muslim extremist shoots 42 people, killing 13”.
Anyone who thinks Timothy McVeigh acted alone, please raise your hand.
Apparently some fear of blowback from "The People" who look to their duly elected "representatives" to accurately reflect their views.
He was trying to make the enablers of the Muslim invasion pay. His motive, while inexcusable, is not that hard to understand.
very true... European “conservatives” also tend to resemble what we’d label democrats. The so-called “far-right” in Europe, are often bands of thuggish “nationalists” who are extremely anti-capitalist. Somehow the idea that “patriotic aka nationalistic” has stuck as a catch all for right wing. Probably because the Marxists were “internationalists.” It’s unfortunate, because I wouldn’t throw groups who are protecting their countries own national interests in with the nut jobs, but so we have it.... if you aren’t multi-culti you’re a fascist. (sarcasm)
>>worry about rising far-right sentiment, fueled by a toxic mix of anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant bigotry and increasing economic hardship.
What do they expect people to do? The government builds a dependency into the population and confiscates most of their income to pay for the “free” services. Then, it allows foreigners to flood in to take the jobs and overload the freebie system until the people who are working to pay for it all have nothing left but bills and a horde of moochers with their hands out for more. Furthermore, most of the foreigners are of a dangerous “religion” that hates life and everything good and has vowed to destroy or assimilate the native population. Any living being with the survival instinct is going to fight to live and thrive in a case like this. Even in Europe, they haven’t “civilized” everyone enough to passively accept their doom and stand in line patiently awaiting their turn to die.
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