Posted on 07/23/2011 11:13:53 AM PDT by Beaten Valve
“We in America dont have the history of right-wing fascist violence that they do in Europe, so Im not sure we can really relate to their fears.”
Good point. It would be like one of us going mad about Obozos immigration policy, blewing up something in DC and storming a “young democrats of america” summer camp. God beware this might happen. No political movement is safe from being abused by a insane individual.
Well the facts are emerging That is Exactly why he did it,he is anti immigrant ,the ruling Party in Norway is Pro immigration and the Camp Of Children were those of Ruling Party Politicians.
Now you can try to Deny it but the fact is we DONT DO WHAT THIS GUY DID!! This is not the TEA PARTY!! The way you can look at it is Norway is a Very LIBERAL country,My sister is a Norwegian citizen and she told me Years ago people were getting nervous about Muslim immigration,you get very lenient sentences for murder in Norway,which Americans will be finding out about soon. what we can take away from this is in a Socialist type of country with all the FEEL GOOD policies of welfare and NO death Penalty,No Guns, month long Vacations for everyone they have people sick enogh to kill CHILDREN over The Destruction of their country, where we March on Washington PEACEFULLY and wait for elections. Contrast this to the Left in this Country with the Union Thugs, Abortionists and Government Servants who Reign over the private sector. I think it is a Badge of Honor and a Measure of Human endurance beyond all imagination that so called Right wingers have remained as Peaceful as they have for so long in the Face of the Utter destruction of Common sense existence.
If these Morons want to revisit Oklahoma again,Bring it on! It was not talk radio it was a Nut reacting to the Murder of innocents by the ALMIGHTY Government,Ruby Ridge, Waco where yes Men Women and CHILDREN were Murdered By the GOVERNMENT. I dont Condone Murdering More men women and Children, the Eye for an eye,but I can understand how a Person can feel that way when an administration takes responsibility for something like that and NOTHING happens except to blame Talk Radio and real AMERICANS for causing those kind of actions,now we Better sit down and get the Duct tape because the pattern is going to repeat itself.
If you believe in TRADITONAL AMERICAN VALUES you are a Child Murdering,Racist Bigot,Homophobic Neanderthal,Welcome to the Club
Reichstagg Fire anyone?
JUst saying.
I just came back from Atlas’s site and it’s what I suspected. This guy is no more a Conservative Fundamentalist Christian than Bill Ayers, especially considering that his Facebook page seems to have been altered after he was in custody. I smell a deep, long term plot here, can anyone else say “expendable spy”? Try checking out Sun-Tsu or Machiavelli for ideas on this kind of attack and who would back it. Here’s a hint, it wasn’t us.
As well they should have. Go over to Atlas Shrugged to see that there's evidence showing that there's at the very least an intentional twist to this, if not a full blown cover-up.
Simply put, smile everyone because you're being framed as a threat to world peace.
The fact that Norwegian churches are government funded and largely government controlled I have trouble believing that Christian fundamentalism could sprout there in any meaningful way.
You have it exactly right!!
That may be so, but who are the majority of people going to believe? Us or those who label us as threats to World Peace? Europe has already proven it's willingness to believe anything that the Leftists tell them is true while the same people who elected Obama here in the USA aren't known for their Individualism and commitment to seek out the Truth of a matter. I don't think that this was done for Obama's benefit, but wait and see if he doesn't use this as a club against any Conservative politician who tries to oppose him or his ideas. If he uses this correctly and is able to convince the MSM to demonize us as threats to World Peace, he's just been guaranteed a second term.
Apparently he won’t be, because Norway’s toughest punishment for bad crimes? 21 years in prison. :-o
Hopefully the families will have their pitchforks and torches ready when he gets out...>:-(
"Their Labor party was the man shot the children of those he agrees with? anybody there?"Their Labor Party is pro-Muslim immigration and anti-Israel. Jew-hate exposed on socialist youth camp on eve of massacre (Norway)
Not right wing extremism but normality........ coming soon for you MSM
And that’s down right scary, considering how far they have moved to the left.
You're too negative and hurtful focusing on the few bad apples, they'll get socialism/marxist right this time, they promised ...
LOL - that reminds me when Milton Friedman testified before Ted “the Red” Kennedy.
Friedman asked Ted the Red, “Socialism always fails so why do you continue to pursue a failed system?”
Ted: “Because it never had ME in charge!”
Stupidity meet Arrogance.
and it's great when you don't have to live in the devastation caused by their policies and programs. These tools think they know better because it's no worse for them
Thank you PigRigger!!!!!!!!
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