The silly old 1960s military strategy: “We should just declare victory and come home.”
We could sprinkle landmines all over their rat trails like candy but Obama won’t do it.
Which reporters would those be?
I heard that more US soldiers have died in Afghanistan during Obama's term than died during two Bush terms.
Heard that from these 'fine reporters'?
“They could resign, of course, but”
Wisful thinking!!!!!
If a few-no just one!—decent general officer had the guts to do the right thing, things might just start to turn around, as unlikely, as unlikely as a decent general officer resigning might be—the george Pattons, Louie Pullers, etc, have long since been weeded outta the ranks long ag.
Now even the Marine Cosps is overrun from the enemy within Alinsky perversion tactics!!!!
“Then They came For The Marines (Better Men Have Tried...”
On and on...
Wait. Didn't he "want" those troops out within one year AFTER Americans went to the voting booth?
And besides, the only troops he's talking about bringing home are the same troops he sent there as part of The Surge.
When this guy leaves office (if he ever does), he can make a living as a Three Card Monte dealer on the streets.
increase the chancethat the mission will not succeed
Do these military Commanders even know what the mission is?
What is the Mission?
Bin Laden is dead.Afghanistan will never become a modern country, The Poppy’s and dope are still growing there, The Taliban isn’t going to be destroyed, Most of the people want us gone so they can go back to living in the 12th. century, there is nothing of worth in the whole stinking country. If terrorists do not train there they will train somewhere else.Most of those we hunt in Afghanistan are hiding in Pakistan with the knowledge and consent of the Pakistani’s. Rules of Engagement hinder anything we do includng protecting our troops.
Does anyone really know what our mission there is?
Certainly there is a more important mission right here in America protecting our own border.
“Top military leaders” can also be found to endorse homosexualizing the barracks and troop berthing spaces.
These perfumed princes are actually PC rank-advancement whores once they get stars in their eyes.
God forbid, if another terror attack against our homeland occurs, would this benefit Obama politically?
He wants to take troops from the country’s task of confronting Al Qaeda and spend those troops on HIS project instead: supporting the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic caliphate in the Middle East.
First of all, POTUS Obama has put our troops in harm’s way. Many will be wounded or killed because of this “political decision. Even worse is the harm that will come to the American nation proper in the form of terrorist attacks on our homeland, which Obama has now endorsed, backhandedly. It is almost as if this “Hate America” POTUS Obama has enabled our enemies!!! IMHO, Obama should be impeached!!!
The time table for withdrawal of troops should never have been made public. It was done so only for political gain. It only encourages the Taliban to conserve their resources and attack in force when our military is at its weakest, thus sacrificing our troops for political expediency.
Oh yes....I believe I heard the same thing during the Viet Nam War. What it is really called is lack of commitment, honor, and strength of character. I believe that is one of the comment blocks on an officer's OER. (Read: Officer Efficiency Report.
Now that U.S. prestige is coupled to Afghanistan, U.S. casualties there have soared and Afghanistan is no longer helping to advance his own personal political ambitions, Obama is rushing to get the troops out in time for the Presidential election even if it means throwing away the victory that those U.S. servicemembers died to achieve.
Obama does not think in geopolitical strategic terms or in terms of winning wars. Obama is nothing but a politically driven butcher that cynically asks young men and women to die so that they can be sacrificial pawns that advance his personal political ambitions.
I cannot imagine what it must be to go out on patrol in Afghanistan knowing that your life is being risked for no higher purpose than to advance the personal political ambitions of Barack Obama.
I’d look for the Taliban to wait until after the 2012 elections to make their final move on Kabul. By that point, the U.S. troops will be mostly gone, and — God forbid — if 0bama is reelected, will face no repercussions from the U.S. Karzai’s “government” will collapse at the first sign of a direct threat.
The real question is, will we beat a quick retreat and save lives or will we drag this out, killing and maiming more troops for no reason.
If we are not all in, to break things and kill people, bring them home. Squandering the lives of good men and women is a travesty. obama seems to think he can just print more soldiers like he does money.
If we’re there to win, then fight to win. If we’re there for a political statement, then get out. What’s wrong with having the joint chiefs resign? If all of them left, the cumulative IQ of the joint chiefs would only go down three points.
If you think we can “win” in that pesthole, you don’t know much about history. I agree that Obama plays games with the troops (as do almost all politicians). For this reason, bring them home NOW!
But what is “actually winning”?
Is it the destruction of the Taleban? That will not happen, as they move freely between Afghanistan & Pakistan. At the rate we are “winning” this war, the USA will be broke before the Taleban are eradicated, if ever.
Is it the establishment of a free & democratic society in Afghanistan? Yeah, with the corrupt Karzai & Co. leading the way. This is laughable if it were not so serious. Ignorant, immoral people are incapable of maintaining a democratic society. That's why they didn't have one before, & wont 100 years from now.
Is it to keep al-Queda from reestablishing bases in Afghanistan? They seem quite comfortable in Pakistan, Yemen, & many other places. Keeping al-Queda out of Afghanistan is like keeping the rats out of the landfill, while vermin take over the rest of the town.
Is it to beat the holy crap out of anyone who opposes US forces, until the population overwhelmingly surrenders? It can't be, because the ROEs are geared to “Hearts & Minds”, & the Taleban & most Afghanis will never succumb to this as they have no hearts or minds.
What we have here is your basic Vietnam style quagmire.
We support a corrupt gov’t. The people resent us rather that welcome us. Ridiculous ROEs & “Hearst” & Minds” nonsense. Our enemy can rest & rearm in a nearby country & there is not much our pols are willing to do about it. The generals fear being called losers, so they cannot support a withdrawal, yet they are so hampered by the pols that winning can't even be defined w/o a snicker. The pols use the war for political advantage, ignoring lives lost & billions wasted.
Exactly the same as Vietnam.
There are so many other places our troops & treasure could be put to better use. Iran, Syria, & Pakistan come to mind. Even deployed along our southern border with Mexico would be a better use of resources. Afghanistan is a pig that no amount of makeup, however forcefully applied, is gonna change.
If we had real military leaders on the Joint Chiefs of Staff, they would all resign in protest! Their primary job is to take care of the men and women in the armed forces and by going along with Obama, they are derelect in their duties.