Posted on 06/21/2011 2:43:10 PM PDT by Dubya-M-DeesWent2SyriaStupid!
Fresh off her well-received performance in last week's GOP presidential debate, Rep. Michele Bachmann now tops the field of candidates in a new Zogby poll of Republican primary voters.
The poll found Mrs. Bachmann garnering 24 percent of the vote, well-ahead of businessman Herman Cain and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who each received 15 percent support.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
During Governor Rick Perry’s entire duration as Texas Governor, the border between Texas and Mexico remains profoundly porous, and Rick Perry isn’t
“anti-illegal immigration” enough! Also, a few years ago, Rick Perry wanted to create a superhighway in the middle of Texas with tolls. These are legitimate reasons to be critical of him, and many conservatives, who do know him, have several other things about Rick Perry that they don’t like.
Well, I agree with you on this, but, I get flamed for mentioning it. Some people swear by him, others do not like him.
What to do? ;)
“Yep, it sure can. See, even we can get along.”
Hey, y’all stop that cozying up with each other; otherwise this thread might get boring and FR get a bad reputation.
Some of us aren’t always mortal enemies. I guess we should stop meeting like this, it might ruin our reputations as jackasses. LOL
I don’t like Rollins managing Bachmann’s campaign either. Something smells there.
I don’t like Rollins managing Bachmann’s campaign either. Something smells there.
“Lipstick smear.”
Banana taco.
See Post 277.
Would a white male that had been a community organizer, a State Legislator and then a junior Senator for less than two years have been considered a serious Presidential candidate?
Barack Obama was an Affirmative Action candidate.
America will not .... repeat, NOT .... elect another brand new Affirmative Action candidate to the White House.
America has been there, America has done that and America now realizes how extremely foolish it was the first time around.
Would a white male that has been in the House of Representatives since only 2007 be considered a serious Presidential candidate?
Michele Bachmann is an Affirmative Action candidate and America will refuse to put her in the White House.
Would a white male that has never won an elected office in his entire life but was CEO of a national pizza chain be considered a serious Presidential candidate?
Herman Cain is an Affirmative Action candidate and America will refuse to put him in the White House.
Would a white male that had been Governor of a state with half the population of San Diego, California for less than two years have been considered a serious Vice Presidential candidate?
Sarah Palin was an Affirmative Action candidate in 2008. It is now 2011 and a recent Gallup poll shows that 65% of all American voters have decided that they will "definitely NOT" vote for Sarah Palin. America absolutely refuses to put her in the White House.
Give the choice between:
A. Brand new Affirmative Action candidate
B. Affirmative Action mistake that now has 4 years of experience as President
America will play it safe and choose B.
Obama will slaughter the brand new GOP Affirmative Action candidate with absolute certainty.
As things stand right now, the only potential conservative candidate that has expressed an interest in running that can prevent the reelection Barack Hussein Obama is Governor Rick Perry of Texas.
If Governor Perry decides to run, he can slaughter Obama.
Give the choice between:
A. Governor for almost 11 years of the second most populous State in the Union with the healthiest State economy in the Union
B. Affirmative Action mistake that now has 4 Years experience as President
America will enthusiastically choose A.
In a nutshell, if Governor Perry decides not to run, America will be in very deep kim-chee.
"But, ... but, ... but .... Governor Rick Perry is a RINO! A RINO, I tell ya!"
Well, Sarah Palin disagrees:
Governor Sarah Palin's Endorsement of Governor Rick Perry
"That's why I am supporting Governor Rick Perry for re-election. He does what is right regardless of whether it is popular. He walks the walk of a true conservative. And he sticks to his guns and you know how I feel about guns!" ...... Sarah Palin, January 17, 2009
Banana taco.”
Funny. ;)
Sounds like the reason the media is spreading the rumor about Perry being gay.
LOL what part of she is not running, has not announced don’t you seem to get?
As I said already in this thread it looks like Perry like it or not.
I highly doubt he will pick Palin as VP. Cain,West,Bachmann yeah maybe. All the clowns have dropped out and Romney is finito thank God. So unless a dark horse comes out of no where WEST or who knows who; it will be Perry.
Hey good lady, next time a noob shoots you an insult, give them this. (I definately hits the high LOL scale.)
Whether you like it or not, according to the U.S. Constitution, only the Federal Government, not the State of Texas, has the right to secure the national borders.
Right now, the Real World future possibilities (not the Never-Never Land fantasy daydreams) are:
A.) President Perry
B.) President Romney
C.) President Obama 2.0
See Post 277 and 288.
Not even Ronald Reagan would pass your Politically Holier Than Thou test since Ronald Reagan actually GRANTED amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens.
Nominating an Affirmative Action candidate that satisfies you 100% on Issue A, Issue B and Issue C will get you absolutely nothing but Politically Holier Than Thou bragging rights after you make it possible for Barack Hussein Obama to win reelection in a landslide.
Also, a few years ago, Rick Perry wanted to create a superhighway in the middle of Texas with tolls.
Ummm ... you mean like .... that political firestorm ..... The Florida Turnpike?
Build a superhighway that is better than the clogged up Interstate highways and let the people that actually drive on it, instead of the overburdened taxpayers, pay for it?
Oh! The horror!
Are you serious?
The Florida Turnpike has been in existence since 1957 and I have never, ever, heard a single Floridian of any political flavor whatsoever try to make a political issue of it, one way or the other.
Now that I live in Washington State instead of Florida, it has never occurred to anybody here, Republican or Democrat or Independent, to make a political issue of the fact that the people who actually use the Washington State Ferries are actually required to pay a toll to get on.
You really need to get back to the Planet Earth and start thing, REALISTICALLY, how we can avoid President Obama 2.0.
Hint: "Politically Holier Than Thou Affirmative Action candidate doomed to an electoral defeat of Biblical proportions" is not the correct answer.
I am not your problem I plan to vote for the nominee, even if it isn’t the one I prefer. :)
You say....
Zogby has her in first and Rasmussen a strong second.
Have you got %#&@ for brains???
Zogby poll is not even one that post) will put on it`s site, let alone RCP..and for the record I do not put stock in any poll,regardless where my candidate falls in it,
You on the other hand are going to let MSM pollsters decide who our candidate should be???
The Ras poll, in order to give MB a bounce he had to remove Palins name for just that one poll.
As far as your other stuff, I can only close by asking... Have you #$%& for brains??
Bachmann is not even in the same league as Gov Palin
I agree that it isn’t a scientific poll, because the respondents are self selected.
The poll is indicative of something, and I thought that Bachmann did well in the debate, so, knowing where the Zogby votes come from, the numbers seem high. Cain also had his best poll from Zogby.
The fact that the Wash times article only had 4 names in it, that’s a big ?
Perrys vaccination order still stoking fires
AUSTIN Blowback continued at the Capitol on Wednesday over Gov. Rick Perrys order mandating
that schoolgirls be vaccinated against a sexually transmitted disease linked to cervical cancer.
Critics rip Perrys vaccine mandate
Governor rejects opponents calls to reverse order
AUSTIN Gov. Rick Perry stood firm Monday against a political firestorm generated by his
order that sixth-grade girls be inoculated against a sexually transmitted virus linked to cervical cancer.
Social conservatives from Texas to Washington called on Perry to reverse his order making
Texas the first state to require the vaccine, saying the mandate makes sex seem permissible
and that parents should be the ones to decide whether to immunize their daughters.
And several Texas lawmakers expressed outrage at Perry for circumventing the legislative process.
The vaccine, Gardasil, is manufactured by Merck, which was represented in Austin by the
lobbyist Mike Toomey, who was chief of staff for Mr. Perry from 2002 to 2004.
He’s not well known enought to win the nomination.
The primaries are 6 months, not 1 year and 5 months away.
and, he’s unacceptable.
Perry’s push for super highway raises conspiracy buzz
Some say it’s part of a plan to create one nation in North America
Perry enhanced the conspiracy buzz earlier this summer by traveling to Turkey to attend the secretive Bilderberg conference,
which conspiracy theorists believe is a cabal of international monied interests and power brokers pressing for globalization.
The first, and most controversial, leg of the Trans-Texas Corridor plan is a proposed 1,200-foot-wide private toll road
to run from Laredo to the Oklahoma border parallel to Interstate 35. This TTC-35 would be built
by a consortium headed by Spanish owned Cintra S.A. and Zachry Construction Corp. of San Antonio.
Perry fueled his role in the debate in June by attending the Bilderberg annual conference,
a secretive closed-door meeting of about 120 business, government and media leaders from Europe and North America.
Perrys vaccination order still stoking fires
AUSTIN Blowback continued at the Capitol on Wednesday over Gov. Rick Perrys order mandating
that schoolgirls be vaccinated against a sexually transmitted disease linked to cervical cancer.
Critics rip Perrys vaccine mandate
Governor rejects opponents calls to reverse order
AUSTIN Gov. Rick Perry stood firm Monday against a political firestorm generated by his
order that sixth-grade girls be inoculated against a sexually transmitted virus linked to cervical cancer.
Social conservatives from Texas to Washington called on Perry to reverse his order making
Texas the first state to require the vaccine, saying the mandate makes sex seem permissible
and that parents should be the ones to decide whether to immunize their daughters.
And several Texas lawmakers expressed outrage at Perry for circumventing the legislative process.
The vaccine, Gardasil, is manufactured by Merck, which was represented in Austin by the
lobbyist Mike Toomey, who was chief of staff for Mr. Perry from 2002 to 2004.
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