Posted on 05/26/2011 7:27:33 AM PDT by lbryce
Ratko Mladic, wanted for genocide during the Bosnian war in the 1990s, has been arrested in Serbia.
Serbian President Boris Tadic said the process to extradite the former Bosnian Serb army chief to the war crimes tribunal in The Hague was under way.
Gen Mladic is accused over the massacre of at least 7,500 Bosnian Muslim men and boys at Srebrenica in 1995.
He was the most prominent Bosnian war crimes suspect at large since the arrest of Radovan Karadzic in 2008.
The detention, the Serbian leader said, closed one chapter in Serbian history, bringing the country and the region closer to reconciliation.
It also opened the doors to membership of the European Union, he added.
Serbian media initially reported that Mr Mladic was already on his way to the Hague, but Serbian prosecutors later said the procedure to extradite him might take a week.
It is hard to overstate the importance of this arrest here in Serbia. Many people feel the destiny of their country was held hostage by Ratko Mladic. Their hopes of joining the EU were ruled out by Brussels while Mladic was at large.
I asked President Tadic if it was a coincidence that he was arrested while the EU was considering Serbia's bid to join the bloc. He said the country had never calculated its search for Mladic - it was always determined to catch him.
There is still an ultra-nationalist fringe here who see Mladic as a hero - they say he only ever defended Serb interests. But the new, emerging generation in Serbia seem to be tired of the past and its wars - they want to leave that behind and move forward to the future.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Excuse me....but where does it say that only Israel and the U.S.A. are the only two nations that can defend themselves against Islamic Terrorists?
When will OBOZO take some credit for his capture. After all, he was caught while the Bamster was in power.
Does not that give Hussein Obama the credit, in some part, for his capture?
Maybe his parents were admirers of Al Smith, the happy warrior...who was a 'Rat, after all.
There was NO genocide in Bosnia! But the EU, and the entire New World Order, wants to totally wipe out the Serbian people, via destruction of Serbian culture (e.g., loss of Kosovo, neutralizing the Serbian Orthodox Church, "gay rights" and feminism, etc.), destruction of Serbia's economic base, the white plague, and massive muslim immigration. That IS genocide!!!!
Serbia stay OUT of the EU, and ally with Russia!!!! Free Ratko and Radovan, liberate Kosovo, Srpska, and Montenegro!!!!
Serbia is America's true ally, NOT euro-muslims or any other muslims. Let's act accordingly!!!!
"Ratko" means "Warrior".
Not a surprising name. The 20th Century saw a lot of wars in the Balkans-- The Balkan Wars, WWI, WWII, and eventually the break up of Yugoslavia. Every single generation of Serbs for the last 500 years has had to give up some men to kicking some empire's or country's designs for the Balkans to the curb. Between the Balkan wars and WWI, Serbs lost nearly 50% of their young manhood to defending their land.
Serbia and the Serbs have been great allies but when Christian Ammanpour for CNN turned up on that Kosovo Albanian border is when the world went belly up and then we appeased muslims.
The reporters failed to mention time and time again how the Serbs had to go in and clear the areas due to he muslims taking village and village thus forcing Serbs out of their homeland.
The ethnic Albanians were told time and time again that they need to stop ethnic cleansing Kosovo but they ignored the warnings and when the Serbs did what they warned they would do and protect their own and homeland the west led by America went against them.
Now we have a President barack hussein obama appeasing not muslims but radical muslims while pissing on the UK, Serbia and Israel
Where is the GOP , oh there too busy attacking each other so they can get points off our biased paid off Soros media.
Where is the media like they were in Egypt > Ah what a joke the country is in turmoil, after we forced an ally out and then we hear how obama gave the Uk nuclear sub secrets away to Russia
The man has done so much damage that we will neevr get a candidate with enough balls to overturn everything he has done and get back our allies.
hell obama stood there during a Uk national anthem talking and did not shut up, everyone must have thought what a pratt and a class less fool but then he lectures the Uk on the fact that they are not at war with muslims and they should reach out in immmigration and give health care
Protector of his people....prolly sent the order to burn their brains when his men had their heads cut off in typical muslim fashion and other Serbs massacred. My family knows well of the atrocities committed by the muslims. I'm sure they were done by both sides....war is a dirty shame.
Please don't insult the name 'Ratko' is a popular Serbian name
Ooops...not meant for you, B
My post 12 is directed at you, not Bokababe
According to one of the items that turned up on Google, Ratko was a popular name from the 1940s to the 1960s (Mladic was born in 1943), but since the 1980s has been much less common as a name given to babies. It’s not only Serbian but also found among Slovenes, Croats, and Macedonians.
Makes perfect sense. He was born during WWII. Actually a very good name for a baby born during that war because he was going to have to fight to survive.
"Ratko" is the only Serbian name I know of that deals with war. But there are several Serbian names I can think of that deal with peace. "Miroslav" ("Peace of the Slavs") and "Slavamir" ("Glory to Peace") and the female name "Mira" ("Peace")
War was a constant in the Balkans. Peace was an illusive dream and hope.
Lucius Verginius Rufus was a man of outstanding character who repeatedly refused the imperial crown. There is a link at the Wikipedia site to a longer article on by Jona Lendering (who is Dutch but the article is in English).
They are of a type that is widespread in the Indo-European languages such as Greek, Germanic, etc.--usually based on two roots (Themistocles, Aristophanes, Xenophon, Eratosthenes, Mithradates, Alaric, Edward, Ethelred, Beowulf, etc.). Often the roots have to do with war, glory, strength, or other qualities valued in the early Indo-European societies.
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