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Oh my: Release of Obama birth certificate cuts number of Birthers in half
Hotair ^ | 05/06/2011 | Allahpundit

Posted on 05/06/2011 7:06:28 AM PDT by SeekAndFind

The good news: It’s a heavy blow to the Trump boomlet. The bad news: … none that I can think of, really.

Actually, the bad news is that I lose a vein of easy content to blog. Help me, viral videos, you’re my only hope.

More crosstabs from WaPo. The “Honolulu/Hawaii” column is the big one, obviously:

This poll was conducted before Obama’s announcement of the Bin Laden killing, in case you’re inclined to attribute the huge bounce to goodwill rather than evidence. Needless to say, the key lines are the ones for Republicans and Conservative Republicans; in both groups, the number of Birthers was cut by more than half after the birth certificate revelation. (In fact, it was likely deeper than that. Birtherism had been spiking in the last few weeks since Trump mainstreamed the issue, so it was probably higher than the April 2010 numbers shown here.) I argued a few weeks ago that, contrary to big media’s received wisdom, Birthers aren’t a homogeneous group but rather a mix of hardcore and softcore believers, the latter of which were simply misinformed because they weren’t following the issue closely. These numbers bear that out. Which, for Chris Matthews, means … what? Republicans are racist, but maybe not quite as racist as he thought? What happens to the narrative?

Some people were hassling me in Headlines over this poll because I suggested yesterday in the post about the Bin Laden photos that evidence doesn’t convince skeptics anymore. Fair enough; at the very least, I should have qualified that by specifying that I meant skeptics with an agenda. But give the Birther issue time. I’ll be mighty keen to see if the numbers still look like this in six months — which, theoretically, they should — or if they start to creep back up as discontent with Obama’s policies rises and/or hardcore Birthers regroup and start challenging the long-form birth certificate. Trump had better hope so. Somehow, I don’t see the “trade war with China” platform carrying him to the nomination.

TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Foreign Affairs; Government; Miscellaneous; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: birthcertificate; birthers; certifigate; eligible; jindal; naturalborncitizen; obama; palin
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To: butterdezillion
If some reports are true, the blatant Obama forgery may have been noticed by the people who need to notice it: the military.

Lt. Col. Lakin sure noticed "it."

81 posted on 05/06/2011 8:14:49 AM PDT by pnh102 (Regarding liberalism, always attribute to malice what you think can be explained by stupidity. - Me)
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To: pnh102
Someone who can run on an openly socialist campaign platform and convice 52% of the people to vote for him is not an opponent you take lightly.

The Left misunderestimated Bush in 2004. Look where it got them in that election. Do we want to make the same mistake in 2012?

Obama is a complete clown with POWERFUL media allies. That's it. That's the secret to his success. Had the media treated him like McCain, he would now be a greasy spot.

82 posted on 05/06/2011 8:15:17 AM PDT by DiogenesLamp (I hate to admit it, but Barack is an American.)
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To: Leto
In truth I would rather see Obama diseased ideology repudiated with Obama than getting him out on a ‘technicality’

There is really only **one** thing that sets my teeth on edge: SCAMMING THE SYSTEM!


Because if the "system" ( elections, rule of law, courts, police) remain honest, then **anything** done by stupid politicians is **self-correcting**!!! Eventually, by means of natural consequences, the voters come to know when a party's economic and foreign policies are STUPID! They **will** vote them out and demand better policies when the pain gets great enough.

Ignoring Obama's eligibility is allowing the system to be scammed. Eventually there will be no system. We may even have elections but they will be meaningless.

83 posted on 05/06/2011 8:15:43 AM PDT by wintertime
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To: DiogenesLamp

Y E S !!!!! Thank you.

84 posted on 05/06/2011 8:17:39 AM PDT by kabumpo (Kabumpo)
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To: allmendream

Looks like you bought it, hook, line and sinker. Did you even bother to look at it?

85 posted on 05/06/2011 8:18:04 AM PDT by BykrBayb (Somewhere, my flower is there. ~ Þ)
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To: butterdezillion

I agree with you. We deserve what is coming.

86 posted on 05/06/2011 8:18:04 AM PDT by DiogenesLamp (I hate to admit it, but Barack is an American.)
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To: DiogenesLamp
Had the media treated him like McCain, he would now be a greasy spot.

McCain lost because he spent half the campaign praising 0bama and trying to be "civil." Had he actually put up even half a fight, he would have won.

Every GOP candidate for any office gets put through the shredder by the media, all of them. The only way we win elections is to fight hard and dirty.

87 posted on 05/06/2011 8:18:06 AM PDT by pnh102 (Regarding liberalism, always attribute to malice what you think can be explained by stupidity. - Me)
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To: DiogenesLamp
I have no issue with people wanting to be informed. I just ask that they apply what they've learned to real life.

End of the day, birthers don't have any hard evidence. There's not enough legal leverage to entice any neutral court or opposition politician to take up the cause. There's no appetite in the American people at large to chase rainbows and shadows. It was interesting for a while, but it's gone as far as it's going to go. I share your sentiment about the liberal media to a point, but at the end of the day, they were able to spike it because there's no fire there. Just smoke.

That being the case, absent any major revelation of tangible evidence, it's time to let it go. From here on out, this cause serves Obama and Obama alone.

88 posted on 05/06/2011 8:18:53 AM PDT by Steel Wolf ("There are moderate Muslims, but Islam itself is not moderate." - Ibn Warraq)
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To: SeekAndFind

At this point this has reached the zapruder film level. It wouldnt matter if he had full color film of his birth. He has compromised the truth so much the credibility does not hold up for anything.

89 posted on 05/06/2011 8:19:25 AM PDT by Walkingfeather
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To: BykrBayb
I don't have to believe the long form COLB is genuine to know that the people asking for it were idiots, and that their numbers were cut in half and they were routed when it was released.

Does it matter that it wasn't a REAL charge that set your army into retreat - or does it matter more that your army is in full retreat?

My point is that this was a big fat ugly loser of an issue right from the get go - and luckily Trump blundering into the ambush sprung the trap before it got worse and closer to when it actually matters - 2012.

90 posted on 05/06/2011 8:23:10 AM PDT by allmendream (Tea Party did not send the GOP to D.C. to negotiate the terms of our surrender to socialism.)
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To: DiogenesLamp
Frank Marshall Davis for $200.


91 posted on 05/06/2011 8:23:18 AM PDT by Diamond (He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people,)
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To: sometime lurker
Good, then you'll accept James Madison, "Father of the Constitution" as your authority?

It is an established maxim that birth is a criterion of allegiance. Birth however derives its force sometimes from place and sometimes from parentage, but in general place is the most certain criterion; it is what applies in the United States; it will therefore be unnecessary to investigate any other.

Two points.

1. Madison's opinion is his own. He even concedes "sometimes from parentage." The meaning of the Constitution was the opinions of All the Delegates, and All the Ratifying State Legislators. There are plenty of writings from other founders that don't follow Madison's opinion on the seating of Mr. Smith from South Carolina.

2. Madison was arguing for a seat in Congress. I daresay he would not make such an argument for Seating a President.

92 posted on 05/06/2011 8:23:29 AM PDT by DiogenesLamp (I hate to admit it, but Barack is an American.)
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To: Do Be

That’s why I stay away from the comment boards at news sites. It sounds really terrible to say it, but when I see the stupidity on display I despair for our country. And you can give people the facts too, and it bounces right off them.

There was a study a while back that showed that intelligent people initially don’t think of themselves as intelligent, but when they see stupid people they realize that by comparison they themselves must be intelligent. Stupid people think they’re smart no matter what.

And right now America is at the bottom of the non-third-world in academic performance but top at thinking themselves smart.

Tells you the obstacles we’re facing. There is a reason that communism targets education and media, and the communists in the US have been controlling both in America for the last 50 or so years. Our failure to recognize the enemy and meet him in battle is biting us in the butt now.

I hope it’s not too late. But I look at the stupidity and willful ignorance even among some here and I wonder if we’re beyond hope at this point.

But as I just said in another comment, it may be a few people in critical positions who need to recognize that Obama is truly and literally a foreign enemy. And they may have just come to that realization because of this blatant forgery that went over the heads of so many others.

93 posted on 05/06/2011 8:24:30 AM PDT by butterdezillion (.)
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To: ml/nj

The problem is that the hospital owns the orignal copy of the B.C. regulated by the state of Hawaii.

The U.S. government does not own the original B.C.

What is stopping someone from inserting a fake B.C. into the files at the hospital.

The state only has copies of the B.C. as does U.S. immigration when applying for a passport.

94 posted on 05/06/2011 8:24:50 AM PDT by outpostinmass2
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To: pnh102
Even a child born in the U.S. to two non-citizen parents is a natural born citizen.

As you said, there are only two types of citizens, by birth or through naturalization.

The U.S. does not require anyone born on our soil to be naturalized.
95 posted on 05/06/2011 8:26:30 AM PDT by kenavi ("Anything that can't stand up to ribbing isn't worth much to begin with." Eric Idle)
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To: Grampa Dave

Little Barry walked to and from school every day. That straight walk took all of 5-7 minutes according to google maps. Guess what huge building complex and parking lot he had to cross by on that at least two times a day walk? It’s the same one viewed out the Dunhams’ apartment building windows. It’s none other than the hospital this latest bc forgery claims he was born. Yep, a big honkin’ building he couldn’t have missed seeing multiple times of every day of his life in Hawaii, yet he can’t remember which hospital he was born at. Something smells.

96 posted on 05/06/2011 8:27:59 AM PDT by bgill (Kenyan Parliament - how could a man born in Kenya who is not even a native American become the POTUS)
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To: Steel Wolf
There's no appetite in the American people at large to chase rainbows and shadows. It was interesting for a while, but it's gone as far as it's going to go. I share your sentiment about the liberal media to a point, but at the end of the day, they were able to spike it because there's no fire there. Just smoke.

That being the case, absent any major revelation of tangible evidence, it's time to let it go. From here on out, this cause serves Obama and Obama alone.

I am inclined to agree with everything EXCEPT that it serves Obama's purpose. Anything which detracts from him and questions his legitimacy is very unlikely to work in his favor.

I now believe he is legitimate, but he has managed to get away with putting over a lie on the American People. Nowadays, people are apparently okay with that.

97 posted on 05/06/2011 8:31:10 AM PDT by DiogenesLamp (I hate to admit it, but Barack is an American.)
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To: driftless2

Doesn’t that scare the crap out of you?

We could every last one of us know that this guy is a usurping, unconstitutional enemy combatant doing his level best to destroy this country and is currently systematically and thoroughly dismantling all our critical infrastructure and the rule of law ...... and nobody in this country who could do a thing about it would.

How can that not scare the crap out of any thinking person?

And we’re willing to accept this? God help us all!

I’m glad I’m not God, because if I was I think I’d pull the plug on this country right now. Unless He intervenes miraculously, this country will die simply because it forgot how to breathe.

98 posted on 05/06/2011 8:31:44 AM PDT by butterdezillion (.)
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To: Diamond
Frank Marshall Davis for $200.


That is what the evidence indicates. But I think I have some evidence that MOST people haven't seen or considered.

99 posted on 05/06/2011 8:34:16 AM PDT by DiogenesLamp (I hate to admit it, but Barack is an American.)
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To: SeekAndFind

That is not the Long Form Birth Certificate(though it may be a COLB).

It is another walk up document. The original COLB was the type you can purchase and receive the same day.

For 3+ years we have heard from everybody, including a protective media, that there is no other document.

That is the only one Hawaii provides.

Well now they have proven that just isn’t so and validated part of Hawaii Statute 318 in the process.

The document Mubarak proffered this week is one you can request and it normally takes 10 days to receive it.

They are “Data Points” and the document “IS NOT” a copy of the original Long Form Birth Certificate.

I want to see the Birth Certificate he found among his mother’s belongings, the one his mother submitted for his entrance into the school system and the one he used to obtain his passport.

He has all three available to him and in his possession.

100 posted on 05/06/2011 8:35:19 AM PDT by Vendome ("Don't take life so seriously... You'll never live through it anyway")
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