Posted on 05/02/2011 1:43:47 AM PDT by Jim 726
Osama bin Laden, the long-time figurehead of the al Qaeda terrorist network, has been buried at sea after being killed in a U.S. raid in Pakistan.
U.S. officials told CBS News that bin Laden's body would be handled in accordance with Muslim traditions, which include strict rules on burial taking place within 24 hours after death.
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Yeah right.... yup... got it.
What the heck? Where’s the confirmation for everyone to see?
was OBL in the al Qaeda Navy? Why was he bestowed the honor of a burial at sea? Don’t they usually carve up and inspect brains of sociopaths like him? If the news is true, great. But a couple of things here don’t pass the smell test.
was OBL in the al Qaeda Navy? Why was he bestowed the honor of a burial at sea? Don’t they usually carve up and inspect brains of sociopaths like him? If the news is true, great. But a couple of things here don’t pass the smell test.
“U.S. officials told CBS News that bin Laden’s body would be handled in accordance with Muslim traditions”
1) but I thought OBL didn’t represent Islam? So why is he treated like a muslim?
2) we waste the bastard by loading him up with lead but now we have to be all nice and respectful?
3) OBL’s power is that he is a symbol to inspire recruits. Not a single muslim/arab will believe that the US really killed him.
4) our military gave Obama the biggest political gift any politician could ever hope for. All he had to do was sign the authorization and not botch it up afterwards. Well, he somehow managed to botch it up.
I hope they kept the head ......
Heaven forbid we don't place muslim sensibilities before our own interests.
Send in the guy from the Hostel movie.
He always gets his head.
Too bad it wasn’t a bacon wrap drop.
What a bunch of PC, Moonbats!
Heck, I bet they even recorded his remains being washed in accordance with Islamic tradition
None of this can be kept secret for very long and someone who was aboard that ship will as soon as they hit a port, leak the details.
Likewise, I don't doubt that perhaps not right away, but in the not too distant future, one of the Seals will let it be known what exactly happened on this raid.
Yep, the Fascist Dear Leader can gloat and take credit for this ops, but it won't endear him to his base; will piss off his buds (Arab Street) and will not help him towards his re-election.
This is odd because on the news programs here in India, they’re saying that OBL’s body was flown to Afghanistan, and buried there.
Obama can claim what ever he wants but his word is no good.
Without proof that Osama is dead and staying dead, I don't have to believe anything he says.
"Shut your face! Mind your place!" Trust "Dear Leader!"
I can't imagine no country would take the body. He has family in Saudi Arabia.
Imagine if Bush had come out, said "we killed Osama," "we got the body" and then... wait... we dumped the body at sea. Heads would've exploded.
They should rename the BLT sandwich the OBN sandwich.
“What the heck? Wheres the confirmation for everyone to see?”
It is in a undisclosed vault with Obama’s real birth certificate.
McDonalds needs to bring back the McRib and call it the McBen.
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