Posted on 04/17/2011 3:33:21 PM PDT by Do Not Make Fun Of His Ears
This is a devastating analysis of Donald Trump from "The Great One." Mark Levin. And they are undeniably Trump's own words.
Do you have or run a business. Do you know what happened to Bill Gates’ business, or GE, hmmm???
Do you know what happened to Microsoft. Do you know how Jesse Jackson operates. Do you know how to run a business???
Three simple questions!!!
Do you have or run a business. Do you know what happened to Bill Gates business, or GE, hmmm???
Your point?
Now that's what I call some TrueBlueFreedom, man...
Is that your answer???
Ok. This is exactly what it looks like. It looks like a grocery list of “how can we liberals make the Republican idiots look like even bigger fools”.
No, I don’t run a business, but I’ve worked for many.
Your point?
good riddens....
Dang. I was going to post, “Get of the forum, you big dope” but Jimrob beat me to it.
So, instead I’ll say, don’t let the door hit you in the butt on the way out. We hate it when there are assprints on the door.
‘our beloved colleague who always seemed to know what was best for Texas from his faraway perch.’
He spent a lot of time on Florida threads too, attacking Marco Rubio as a RINO. i wonder what he did for a living?
Interesting take.
Trump is helping dilute the Obama brand at a crucial time..just as Obama is launching his campaign.
Yes, it was one of those things that was inevitable. "Francie" spent more time on FR insulting everyone than anything else.
Good riddance. I won't miss all of the arrogance and condescension.
You can download his podcasts or listen online for free anytime.
Trump’s not terribly high on my list for the 2012 primaries, there’s others I’d support first (Palin, Bachmann for example). But there’s one overriding reason why The Donald is suddenly such a rockstar...HE’S FIGHTING BACK.
Look, most of us over on the right have always recognized that Obama’s an empty suit propped up by the MFM and his teleprompter and backed by Soros money, right? We saw that as far back as 2007. He’s a slickly-packaged cardboard cutout of a man. And yet the people we’ve elected to allegedly oppose him are too scared to do it. Boehner, Cantor, most of the rest of the professional politicians, they just play go-along-to-get-along and so we end up with things like a tiny $38 billion in, wait, it’s actually $14 billion...well, it’s actually $352 million and spending went up $5 billion anyway.
Enter Trump. Yes, he’s politically suspect. Yes, he would’ve had to have had a conversion of Damascene proportions in order to actually believe what he’s trying to sell himself as right now. Yes, he’s the biggest publicity hound in the history of the world. BUT HE’S FIGHTING BACK. He’s even going beyond Sarah Palin in pummeling The Won. He is what we wish more of our professional politicians would be...persistent and fearless. And he’s got the big name and the self-promotion skills to spread this message—that Obama is a failure and harmful to this country—to a wider audience than anyone else, even Sarah Palin.
The GOP needs to take note. They can’t seem to figure out where Trump’s come from and why he’s suddenly so popular. But it’s really pretty simple. Oppose Obama and his socialist ideas while presenting some ideas of your own. Then don’t pander to the lowest common denominator and don’t tell us what we want to hear...tell us why your ideas are better than their ideas. Sell us on your principles. Don’t move toward the middle, MOVE THE MIDDLE TOWARD US. Ronald Reagan was the master at that and nobody in the GOP has done it since.
Well said.
Anyway, I've been right with you mopping up.
That's me over there, the wild-eyed, fat zaftig, bent-over old lady with the thinning, almost-all-gray, frizzy hair, talking to herself and shoveling troll guts and ashes into black plastic bags.
I'm surprised that you didn't recognize me. [sniffle]
The poster of the thread calls Levin the worshipful name right in the body of the thread.
Use eye, grasshopper.
Thank you for making my point (yet again).
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