I really think Republicans make themselves look ridiculous dwelling on the birth certificate issue. We need to evict him at the ballot box. The courts are not going to do it.
This. ^^
The entire issue is giant loser and a waste of time. In fact, I suspect Obama and the Democrats probably love that some people on the right insist on focusing on it.
I like calling Obama "the Kenyan" for fun, but this "birther" stuff really isn't something any serious minded person should be spending time on. Makes us look silly. The courts are NEVER going to remove Obama, he will have to be defeated in 2012 or he will serve out a full 8 years.
respectfully -— you’re wrong
“I really think Republicans make themselves look ridiculous dwelling on the birth certificate issue”.
...focusing on a legitimate issue that delegitimizes the constitution is not ridiculous.
Are you an Obama-bot?
Did you even read the article?
“The courts are not going to do it.” So who said anything about the courts?
Current polls show Obama would win today over anyone. Even Palin. And you’re OK with that?
So?...What about the 2010 election? Hm? Did the Republican house cleaning on every level happen by accident?
Your statement above is a stawman of **your** creation. The 2010 election is proof positive that conservatives are fully capable of chewing gum and walking at the same time. They aren't "dwelling" on birth certificate alone.
We need to evict him at the ballot box.
This is another stawman of your creation.
This is NOT about evicting Obama from the White House. It **is** about defending the Constitution and rule of law. If it is found that Obama is a natural born citizen then he has every right to be there.
Bull doots! After two years under this illegal alien marxist I'm not so sure we will survive two more years of takeover by the federales. In case you hadn't noticed, he hasn't even slowed down; he's hit the gas instead. The Pubbies in the House might be a speed bump but nothing more I'm afraid
The courts are not going to do it.
This isn't about the courts, it's about the States laying down the law re candidates' eligibility to be on their ballot for the offices of president and vice president. The States have every right to set the requirements necessary to determine who is and who is not qualified.
Since when is learning all the facts wrong? The legitimacy question, from what I understand, is much bigger than just the birth certificate and finding out if he is not eligible does so much more for this country and this party than just voting him out.
If he is not eligible then every piece of legislation signed, every appointment he made including supreme court, every Executive order is null and void. No long years of piece by piece deconstructing what parts can taken down of the crap he and the dems have accomplished...nope one fell swoop all are not legitimate.
And lets not forget they years of damage done to the dem party the republicans can dine off of like the dems did with Watergate.
The long term political fall out is well worth showing all the ways this guy is not legitimate for the presidency. So let the birthers go for it...just look at how many question his eligibility and thus his every move now because of them. The polls show that number growing not lessening.
More power to them.
I have no care about the president’s eligibility or whether he committed fraud.
I just want the national media exposed for spending so much time, money, manpower, and resources investigating Bush’s National Guard service, Sarah Palin’s background, various Republican Senator’s infidelities, and whether Willow Palin’s purse during the 2008 campaign was counterfeit or not; but not lifting one f***ing finger to look at ANYTHING in Obama’s background or history.
I think if this becomes a story, maybe more people will wonder why the sycophant news people didn’t look at this themselves.
So you think it is ridiculous that Obama could not provide the necessary documents to obtain a work visa in Chile, or Argentina, or Tanzania, as I did, but its ok for him to be president?
This is the proper way to proceed...ALL candidates must show proof of birth to be allowed on the ballot...simple.
It is probable that Obama was born in Hawaii, tho that's not certain. Even finessing the question of Obama's father's British citizenship doesn't do it. Beyond all that, the question is whether Obama, as a child, became a citizen of some other country.IOW, if his mother annulled his American citizenship by/in order to enroll in schools in countries which require citizenship for admission to schools, Obama not only might not be "natural born" American citizen, he might not be an American citizen at all. Tho it is hard to see how the Georgia legislature could require proof of the negative that that did not happen - but it would seem that state law should provide a basis for a court challenge if someone has the goods to take to court. Loser pays, of course . . .
Regardless, it's improbable that legislatures of states which might go for Obama in the general election will enact such legislation. But I'd think that it would at least be a nuisance to have to run as a write-in in all the southern primaries. If Hillary challenged, that could be a signal advantage to her to be able to take the southern states for granted.
At this point, I don’t care how it is done. It just needs to be done.
The birth certificate thing could bring down the Democratic party and RHINOs. It could also cause a civil war, though that is becoming more and more less likely as the disgust and distrust of Obama builds daily.
In the end, the only ones damaged by the BC issue are RHINOs and Democrat/Socialist/Progressively Communist/Unionist.