Posted on 02/12/2011 6:12:20 PM PST by FTJM
Former defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld, who served at the Pentagon under two Republican presidents, says the time has come time for gays and lesbians to serve openly in the US military.
Two months after President Obama signed a law that will lead to the repeal of Dont Ask, Dont Tell, Rumsfeld told ABC News Radio that the nation is ready for open service.
First of all, we know that gays and lesbians have been serving in the military for decades with honorable service, Rumsfeld said. We know that [repeal of a ban on gays serving openly] is an idea whose time has come.
Rumsfeld says he has enormous respect for the ground commanders and service chiefs who have expressed concerns about the impact of gays serving openly on unit cohesion, and he urged the top brass to implement the new law with care.
But Rumsfeld says that congress, which passed the repeal bill in the waning days of the last session, has expressed the will of the American people.
Weve seen it evolve in our country, Rumsfeld said of the nations perception of gays and lesbians, reiterating that many have served in uniform with distinction.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Why? Being gay is purely sexual exhibition if the person is open. I don’t accept it as anything other than sexual harrassment. I DON’T WANT TO KNOW!
Sorry, Rummy, but the impact of this on the U.S. Armed Forces is a “Known Known”.
Sayonara, Buckwheat!!!
Not you too Rummy!
Christ almighty, we are the New Romans. Sodomy before close order drill(and drilling). This brown agenda has to stop, the smell is killing everything.
Guess this is the Army he wishes he had.
You watch—the repeal of DADT will be the spearhead for gay marriage to be recognized in the military and then, in society.
And once marriage can no longer be kegally defined as between one man and one woman, there will be no way to legally confine marriage to just two people or even just two humans.
And that is what comes next.
In just 30 years, the gay agenda will have been implemented.
Et tu, Donaldus? Then fall Caesar.
I give up.
previous post—”kegally” should be “legally”.
But with the topic at hand, “kegally” just might fit.
Do we need any more proof that the Bush administration was never what we conservatives thought and hoped it would be?
Rummy’s military definition of “Fox Hole” isn’t quite the same as that of a normal person.
Looking for acceptance at high society cocktail parties, Rummy?
No, no, NO!
No place for queers in the military. Period.
Much of the humor of the series derived from the pragmatic yet short-fused Oliver attempting to make sense of the largely insane world around him. There seemed to be a dual perspective of reality: Oliver versus everyone else. terrace, etc.
I am starting to get an Oliver complex....
Coulter (gays are naturally conservative)
Breitbart (lets have a big gay party!)
Palin/Huck (GOProud should be allowed at CPAC)
Alan West (used Mark Foley to open new Florida office)
You first Rummy. A shower is waiting for you. Or how about Rummy sleeping in a room with 150 that’s about 30’X30’. Rummy the Grand Engineer of Carter’s Hollow Military and the founder of the mid 1970’s Walk Away and Leave It instant discharge program. What a clown. Not a good Sec of Def either time.
“Rumsfeld says he has enormous respect for the ground commanders and service chiefs who have expressed concerns...”
Concerns? More like OUTRAGE I bet.
Did you see Allen West tonight? He did not back down when speaking about traditional marriage or values.
Butt hole politics.
Oh God be merciful, smite us quickly, so that we can rebuild in your grace. We deserve what we get. Next we’ll find out Lincoln was gay.....
Geeez. And I ALMOST bought his new book today. I’m glad I didn’t.
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