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Letter to an Israeli Cousin (About Obama)

Posted on 12/28/2010 7:55:26 AM PST by ml/nj

Hi Moran.

So I guess I have to say something about the fraud that is the President of the United States. I should start off with what it says in our Constitution about who is eligible to hold this office.

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President;
There is some question now about what the phrase "natural born citizen" means. I believe this is mostly because it has rarely been an issue. Many people now believe that it means the same thing as "native born citizen" which usually means that the prospective citizen must be born within the United States. Actually English rarely has two words or phrases that mean precisely the same thing. "Natural born" at least sometimes means that the person must be born to parents who are themselves citizens. And it's pretty clear to me that this was the intended meaning of the people who wrote the Constitution, especially considering that it exempts citizens already born when the Constitution was adopted from this "natural born" requirement because the Framers ("Framers" is a term we lovingly give to those who established our government in its original form.) were well aware that there weren't too many people in the young country who would qualify as natural born citizens. (This is complicated also by what it meant to be a citizen. For now, I think I've already written too much about this. If you want more details and/or references to what others have had to say about this, or anything else here, just let me know and I will comply.)

Suffice it to say that for Obama to legally be President he must have been born here and/or born to citizen parents.

The way we prove that we were born here or born to citizen parents is through witnesses who can testify to these facts. Nowadays, and I'm sure in Israel since its founding, we do this with an official document we call a birth certificate. I have a certified copy of mine in a drawer upstairs here. Every adult I know is quickly able to put his hands on such a birth certificate copy. Mine has the signature of the doctor-witness, the names of my parents, the time, the name of the hospital, how much I weighed, and a bunch of other stuff along with a raised seal to indicate that it is an official copy.

Not only can I put my hands on my birth certificate, but I cannot imagine a reason for hiding it. In fact I cannot hide it. In New York State where I was born, you would be able to request your own certified copy of my birth certificate for some nominal fee.

So what about Obama? In his (?) book =Dreams From My Father= he even refers to his birth certificate. His people will all tell you they put a copy of his birth certificate from Hawaii on the Internet, and that birth announcements appeared in the Honolulu newspapers. But the image of what appeared on the Internet isn't a birth certificate, and probably isn't genuine either. Once you grasp this fact, as I did some time ago, everything about Obama begins to unravel. The birth announcements convinced me for a while that he was born in Hawaii, but it turns out that they are/were automatically placed when any birth is REGISTERED in Hawaii.

Those birth certificates that appeared on the Internet were actually images of something from Hawaii they call a "Certificate of Live Birth." (COLB) This is a computer generated document rather than a photocopy of some old document. It has no doctor's signature. It doesn't even have the name of a doctor or a hospital on it. Parents can (or they could have) apply for one of these for a foreign born child. And there are people who have reasonably (in my opinion) argued that even the COLB images are forgeries.

Hawaii, unlike New York, does not allow just anyone to obtain a copy of a birth certificate or even a COLB. Obama would have to waive his right to privacy to allow me, or anyone else, to obtain ANY copies of any official document they retain that concerns Barack Hussein Obama. The fact that he will not waive this right to privacy is obvious evidence that he has something to hide.

What might that be? Some speculate that the father such a document lists is not the father that Obama claims. Or maybe his father's race is listed as Arab. (It is given as "African" which is pretty strange as African isn't a race.) But the simplest reason is probably the actual reason. That is: whatever documents Hawaii has for him show that he was born somewhere else.

I don't want to spend all of my time on this birth certificate thing because I want to move on to other aspects of the fraud, but I just want to touch on a few other things. First you need to know that Obama's people try to marginalize anyone who wants proof that Obama was born in Hawaii as a "birther" who is some sort of nearly insane person. You have to judge for yourself whether you think this applies to me. Next there have been a number of court cases about this. Obama and his people NEVER argue that he was born here, but rather they argue that the person bringing the case doesn't have "standing" which means that person has no right to raise such a question in court. All of these cases have been decided against the plaintiffs either based upon "standing" or other procedural issues. None has EVER been decided the way such a case about me would be decided, which is that I would say to the guy's lawyers or the judge, "Ridiculous! Here's a copy of my birth certificate!" I might also bring my all of my Passports. Like most people, I have ALL of my expired Passports right up there in the same drawer as my birth certificate. Obama has never shown anyone any of his passports issued before he was issued a diplomatic passport. And furthermore records such as passport applications for him and his mother (now deceased) have "mysteriously" disappeared. His mother's records would be interesting because she was obviously at the place of Obama's birth. But people who have tried to research where she was run into a sort of black hole for five months or so prior to his birth. Could she have gone abroad? Why might she have done this? Again the simplest explanation is probably the best. She was 18 years old, pregnant with the child of a black man. This was not something common for "nice" girls in 1961. It was not uncommon for parents to send such girls "away" before they began to show, and until after the birth. Usually the baby was given up for adoption. Abortion was illegal.

So we don't really know where Obama was born and he's not telling. What else don't we know? We don't really know much about his schooling. In his (?) book he talks about not being a great student. Not-great students don't usually get into Columbia and then Harvard Law School. His grades and tests scores have never been released. Was he admitted as a foreign student? No documents are available. Virtually no one who might have known him at these schools has come forward to talk about their time together and he has appointed no one he knows from his school days. One guy who was a political science major (like Obama) at Columbia the same years as Obama who says he knew everyone also says he has no recollection of Obama. We're not just talking about some nerd. We're talking about a guy outgoing enough to get elected first as a Senator and then as President. The only school record I have seen for Obama comes from some Indonesian elementary school. It gives his name as "Barry Soetoro," says he is an Indonesian citizen, and lists his religion as Muslim.

There are no medical records either. In his (?) book he admits to using drugs. Maybe these medical records are hidden for that reason. I don't think he has even released any medical records since becoming President. Usually the press demands such information, but for Obama they demanded nothing.

You've probably noticed the little question marks by now that accompany any reference that I have made to his (?) =Dreams From My Father=. The question marks are there because there is strong evidence that he didn't write the book. It is believed by many that Bill Ayres (who is associated with bombings of the Pentagon, the US Capitol Building, and other public buildings) is actually the author. This is based upon literary analysis and comparison (word and phrase usage) between the Obama books and things known to have been authored by Ayers. I read =Dreams From My Father= before I had any suspicions about Obama. The thing that really stuck with me was something that happened in the dark night of Africa when he went to visit his relatives as a young adult. Remember, Obama had grown up in Indonesia and Hawaii. He supposedly looked up at the sky and saw a band of haze sweeping across the sky and thought if must be a cloud or some smoke. Someone had to tell him it was the Milky Way. I don't buy it. No one who didn't spend his entire life in a large city waits until he is in his twenties to discover the Milky Way. Besides his (?) books there is virtually nothing that exists that anyone claims he has written.

Meanwhile this really smart guy seems exceptionally stupid every time his teleprompter fails him. Nothing about him seems to be real. The birth certificate is such a simple thing. I want to see it. I want to hold it in my hand. I don't want to just see it on the Internet because I could produce a picture that would make it look like I am the Pope. I want to hold it and let people I trust know how to analyze documents tell me whether it is real or fake. But I already know, which is why it will never happen.

# # #

TOPICS: Your Opinion/Questions
KEYWORDS: certifigate; naturalborncirizen; naturalborncitizen; obama; vanity
Moran is around 23 years old. She is in her first year of college. We know each other reasonably well for two people separated by 40 years and 6000 miles. On my recent visit to Israel, she met me at the airport and then we probably saw each other four or five more times during my two week visit to her country.

She must have asked me about Obama at some time when I didn't think it was a good idea to begin a political discussion so I promised I would email some of my thoughts about him to her when I returned to the US.

This is what I wrote.


1 posted on 12/28/2010 7:55:31 AM PST by ml/nj
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To: ml/nj

Thanks for posting. I can’t wait until the truth about Obama is unveiled. I personally think he is a puppet of people who want to destroy America, possibly the Saudis or Russians.

2 posted on 12/28/2010 8:17:43 AM PST by thethirddegree
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To: ml/nj

If you’ve been getting my “stuff” for any length of time, you’ve heard me remark that the most dangerous phrase in any language is “Why, THAT could NEVER happen HERE!” Looks like that sentiment is growing among some folks a lot smarter than I am.

If you haven’t yet figured out that it HAS HAPPENED HERE, you’ve simply not been paying attention. Obama and his commie cohorts thank you for that.

As you’ll read below, the link is missing because it was never there in the first instance and Obama has not evolved. He was, is and always has been a revolutionary socialist/communist — Fabian perhaps, but one nonetheless — who hates this country and is bent on doing as much damage to it as he can.


Very Insightful essay: The Missing Link in the Evolution of Barack Obama

December 28, 2010

The Missing Link in the Evolution of Barack Obama By Selwyn Duke

One of the problems with the idea of “American exceptionalism” is that it exacerbates a kind of complacency common to man. This is the phenomenon whereby people often view themselves as exceptions — saying, after some tragedy, for instance, something such as “I never thought it could happen to me.”

On a national level — and this especially plagues great nations — this manifests itself in the notion that “it” could never happen here. Oh, the “it” could be descent into tyranny, domination by a foreign power, or dissolution. Or maybe it could be the election of a leader who is a Manchurian candidate, a traitor within, someone bent on destroying the nation that gave him everything. That...”it”...couldn’t happen here. In fact, the idea is so preposterous to many Americans that if such a threat loomed, they would never see it coming. And they would call a person who warned of it a nut.

So I want to present you with a hypothetical. Let’s say a leader were elected who had, during his childhood, been mentored by an avowed Nazi. Let us further say that his guardians had chosen this mentor for him, indicating that they were likely sympathetic to the man’s beliefs. Now, let us say that upon reaching college, this future leader gravitated toward Nazi professors. Moreover, we then find out that a man who knew the leader as an undergraduate and was, at the time, a Nazi himself, said that the leader was “in 100-percent total agreement” with his Nazi professors and was a flat-out Nazi who believed in old-style Brownshirt tactics.

Okay, we’re almost done. After graduating, the leader-to-be spends twenty years sitting in a white-power church, has an alliance with a self-proclaimed Nazi and ex-terrorist, and, apparently, becomes a member of a National Socialist party for a while. And then, upon being elected, he appoints an avowed Nazi to his administration and also a woman who cites Adolf Hitler as one of her two favorite philosophers. Now here’s the million-depreciated-dollar question:

What would be nuttier: to claim that this man was a Nazi or to claim that such an assertion is out-of-bounds?

Furthermore, if people appeared unconcerned about the leader’s radical past, what would be the most likely explanation?

A. They’re sympathetic to Nazism.

B. They’re ignorant of his personal history.

C. They’re rationalizing away a frightening reality.

D. Some combination of the above.

Let’s now transition to the actual. Here is a fact: If you took the above description of my hypothetical leader and replaced “Nazi” with “communist,” “flat-out Nazi” with “flat-out Marxist-Leninist,” “Brownshirt tactics” with “communist revolution,” “white-power” with “black-power,” “National Socialist” with “socialist,” and “Adolf Hitler” “with Mao Tse-tung,” you would have an accurate description of a leader in power today.

His name is Barack Obama.

We’ll start from the top. Obama’s childhood mentor was chosen by his guardians, his grandparents, and was avowed communist Frank Marshall Davis. Obama did in fact gravitate toward communist professors in college; moreover, we now know about ex-communist John Drew, a contemporary of Obama’s at Occidental College who verifies that Obama was “in 100-percent total agreement” with his communist professors and was a flat-out “Marxist-Leninist” who believed in old-style communist revolution.

We also know that upon graduating, Obama spent twenty years in a black-power church, Trinity United of Reverend Jeremiah Wright fame, and had an alliance with self-proclaimed communist and ex-terrorist Bill Ayers. It also appears — and I have yet to see anyone address and disprove this association — that Obama was a member of the socialist New Party in Chicago in the 1990s. Then, upon being elected, Obama appointed avowed communist Van Jones to his administration and also Anita Dunn, who cited mass-murderer Mao Tse-tung as one of her two favorite philosophers. There’s more, too, but greater detail is hardly necessary.

It also shouldn’t be necessary to ask the question, but I will:

What is nuttier: to claim that this man is a communist or to claim that such an assertion is out-of-bounds?

What is the obvious conclusion?

Now, some may say that a person can change markedly over a thirty-year period. This is true. Yet not only do we have the recent evidence of Obama’s radical communist appointments, but there’s something else as well. It hit me just the other night.

Just as we would demand that our leaders completely reject Nazi ideas, all good Americans should agree that complete rejection of communist ideas is a moral imperative. Losing a little youthful zeal or adding a dose of pragmatism just isn’t enough. A pragmatic communist, in fact, could be more dangerous than an old-guard type.

Yet a transition from flat-out “Marxist-Leninist” to someone who rejects the red menace is a pretty big change, don’t you think? In fact, wouldn’t such a personal evolution — some might say revolution — be a kind of conversion? I think so.

Now, many people do experience conversions. I think here of erstwhile radical-leftist David Horowitz; ex-liberals Michael Savage and Robin of Berkeley; and President George W. Bush, who accepted Christ as an adult. And then there’s me: I was never a liberal, but I did transition from being a scoffer at religion and an agnostic to a devout Catholic.

There’s an interesting thing, however, about conversions.

You hear about them.

You see, a conversion is a sea change, a rebirth, a turning point in your existence. You may become, as Christians say, a new creation, and you’re at least a reformed old one. And you reflect your new state of being and often want to voice it.

And those around you will know about it.

As for this writer, everyone who knows me would say that my religious conversion was a seminal point in my life. Horowitz has spoken of his rejection of the “loony left,” Bush’s conversion is well known, Savage has talked about his on the radio, and Robin of Berkeley can’t stop talking about hers. A conversion becomes part of your life narrative.

Now consider something. Barack Obama is one of the most famous, most discussed individuals on the planet.

But we have not heard about any soul-changing conversion in his life.

Not a whisper.


Nothing that could reconcile the flat-out Marxist-Leninist Obama was in his college days with the man he supposedly is today. There’s no one who says, “Yeah, he was a radical guy in his youth, and I just couldn’t believe how he became disenchanted with his old ideas.” There are no stories about a great epiphany, an overseas trip that opened his eyes, or a personal tragedy that inspired growth. There’s nothing to explain how a radical Marxist became a reasonable politician. And if there is such an explanation, it’s the most elusive of missing links.

So could “it” happen here? And is it really nutty to ask if, just maybe, it already has?

Printed from: at December 28, 2010 - 09:14:42 AM CST

3 posted on 12/28/2010 8:32:13 AM PST by Dick Bachert
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To: thethirddegree

“I personally think he is a puppet of people who want to destroy America, possibly the Saudis or Russians”

See: “SALT”. The movie, not the treaty.

4 posted on 12/28/2010 8:32:34 AM PST by faucetman (Just the facts ma'am, just the facts)
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To: ml/nj

What you have done is excellent, and probably shows much restraint on your part. There is so much to be concerned about. If the conversation continues, where do you see yourself proceeding? Talk about the many lies from his campaign? The parallel government he seems to be creating with his many czars who seem to have no restrictions on their power? His desire and success to take over much of the US economy and/or create dependence on the government for many more elements of daily life?

5 posted on 12/28/2010 8:33:46 AM PST by NEMDF
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To: ml/nj

this is a well written succinct overview showing the many many facts and history obama is hiding.

hopefully now that the new Gov of hawaii has said he will release the original copy. of course without 0dumbo’s permission he can’t which he well knows so this is likely a stunt to gin up support against legitimate people who have asked for the BC and other records.
meanwhile msm continues to ignore the holes and lies

6 posted on 12/28/2010 8:38:19 AM PST by RWGinger
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To: ml/nj

I don’t think an Israeli is going to understand your point. One of their greatest prime ministers was born in Milwaukee. They have a specific word—sabra—for a natural-born Israeli, but you don’t have to be a sabra to serve in office.

7 posted on 12/28/2010 8:45:37 AM PST by drubyfive
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To: ml/nj

Excellent letter! When curious people asked legitimate questions about McCain, he showed his long form immediately, with doctor’s name and hospital, etc.
Yet honest curiosity about our President, labels a person a “nutter” ? Why ? (It is simply the “response” to questions, that troubles me.)

...and honestly, I DO accept he was born in Hawaii. So I don’t really care about the long form. (It is simply the principal.) Besides it does not matter (not natural born, as you point out).

...What I AM most curious about, is why he has a SSN from a state he never lived in, or worked in... Yet that is the SSN connected with his Selective Service form. Again, I would accept any reasonable explanation. I am simply curious. Perhaps as Chris Matthews just said, a little transparency, might actually help the President now.

8 posted on 12/28/2010 8:47:31 AM PST by Elendur
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To: drubyfive
Sabras are native-born Israelis.

Words mean things.


9 posted on 12/28/2010 8:52:17 AM PST by ml/nj
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To: ml/nj
Here's what I don't get.

The birth certificate controversy is well-known. Certainly there is some clerk in Hawaiian state government who could use a few million dollars.

Why is it that he hasn't purloined the real birth certificate and sold it to The National Enquirer?

10 posted on 12/28/2010 9:03:42 AM PST by HIDEK6
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To: ml/nj

If “native born” meant the same thing as “natural born,” anchor babies would be eligible to be president. I suspect a large majority of Americans would not consider this to be acceptable.

11 posted on 12/28/2010 9:03:59 AM PST by Menehune56 ("Let them hate so long as they fear" (Oderint Dum Metuant), Lucius Accius, (170 BC - 86 BC))
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I agree...well written without being “hysterical.”

Additionally, expand on the media’s complete cover up of his background. Remind your cousin that John McCain was forced to prove natural born status by the Senate but not obama. So there IS precedent for forcing a candidate to prove his bona fides.

Also, remind your cuz how badly obama treated Netanyahu during his visit to the White House. Obama has been rude to all of allies and coddled all of our enemies.

12 posted on 12/28/2010 9:35:56 AM PST by Josa
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Such documents are pulled from the main storage areas and placed in highly secure areas where movement and access are strictly monitored. Personally, I doubt we will ever know the truth given the amoral proclivities of the demorat party, many of its people in positions of power, and this administration.

13 posted on 12/28/2010 10:29:35 AM PST by SgtHooper
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To: ml/nj

14 posted on 12/28/2010 12:09:52 PM PST by 2ndDivisionVet ("You don't have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body." CS Lewis)
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where do you see yourself proceeding? Talk about the many lies from his campaign? The parallel government he seems to be creating with his many czars who seem to have no restrictions on their power? His desire and success to take over much of the US economy and/or create dependence on the government for many more elements of daily life?

With a foreigner interested in what goes on here, I probably wouldn't say much about the topics you mention here. Almost all politicians lie. People interested enough to ask know this. The czar thing in too arcane. So is the desire to take over segments of the economy. Remember, we're talking about someone whose life is not likely to be affected by anything other than his foreign policy and his possible preference for things Islamic.

Such people need the big picture. The guy is a fraud. I did the best I could to paint that picture. If there is more to say it will be to furnish details about what I have already said.

And BTW, I'm a little surprised that no one else that I know of has pointed out that Obama has appointed NO ONE to his Administration that he knew from college or before. So far as I know, every previous modern President has drawn heavily from friends he made when he was younger to make Administrative appointments.


15 posted on 12/28/2010 1:05:17 PM PST by ml/nj
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To: ml/nj

I agree with your focus for a foreign audience. And there would seem to be plenty to draw from as far as the Islamic sympathizer approach.

Please share with us, to the extent you can, your cousin’s reaction and your future correspondence.

16 posted on 12/28/2010 2:03:57 PM PST by NEMDF
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