Posted on 12/24/2010 5:43:26 AM PST by macquire
Russian lawmakers gave preliminary approval Friday to an arms agreement with the United States, but signaled they would slow progress on the so-called New START treaty to a crawl after it was rushed through Congress earlier this week with some 11th-hour arm-twisting by President Obama.
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What was the rush Obama?
This begs the question: What does Obama do if the Russian parliament DOESN’T approve START?
My bet: he declares it was such a good treaty for America that the Russian government deemed it too weak for Russia..
Russia is checking with Obama to confirm that he lied to the Republican RINOS that the treaty will not stop our missile defense program. The Russians only went along with it in order for Obama to eliminate our defenses. Once Obama confirms that he lied the Russians will ratify. Amazing that none of these Senators have the ability to actually read. If they could read the treaty they might know what they are talking about. Oh well. Another day in Washingtopia.
And the Russians stick their finger in nobama’s eye AGAIN.
Gotta love it. LOL.
Russia, Putin saying: “That borscht-slurper Obama fell for Russian duplicity....he is the dark Jimmy Carter. Russia will not approve treaty....will not follow treaty....fooled another stupid American president.”
And announces that the US will abide by the treaty even if the Russians don't ratify it.
May the Congress put off ratification of the START treaty forever - let it be lost in a circular file.
Let the military take so long to implement the invasion of the homosexualss that it never happens.
One has to wonder just how many Homos really want to be in the Army. I do not see them lining up at recruiting stations like they did to get married.
IOW, Russian lawmakers are taking more care than ours did.
They will sign up and disrupt.
Agreed. Most of them are libs so enlisting in the military is the last thing they want to do.
They have other things on their minds........
My thinking too. The military is not really full of Liberals. Homos just will not fit in. They line up more at the Gay night clubs and Bath Houses. Warfighting is not their forte.
Six months later,the Soviets rolled into Afghanistan......
Good thing that was RUSHED through to passage in a lame duck, right?
I’ll laugh my ASS off if the Russians say no.
Obama needed some positive news for 2010. This was a signature policy position he has held since his college days (purportedly). It’s a win for him. However, what was the GOP senators thinking about? What was their motivation to sign onto this in the lame duck sessions without full debate and amendments?
It wouldn’t surprise me if the Russians either (a) don’t sign this or (b) pull a fast one before they sign it. One thing you can be sure of, they’re laughing their heads off at Obama and the Dems.
hmmm, would this be called a “slow START”?
Query for our legislative process experts:
Can the Senate repeal or revoke their vote to approve the treaty?
I ask because, with the new Republican Senators coming in January, if the Russians haven’t acted yet, it seems to be a much better time to pull back from this thing than after they’ve ratified. Seems like it’s a done deal after that.
Dear Senate:
Feeling foolish yet?
Useful idiots?
Good point! They did a lot a screaming about it, but I say they won’t sign up in large numbers. Maybe the lesbians will, as they are more manly.
Oh,as an aside, no need to capitalize “homos” - it’s hardly a proper name.
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