Posted on 12/07/2010 5:14:25 PM PST by Pinkbell
Elizabeth Edwards, the estranged wife of former Democratic North Carolina Senator and Vice Presidential candidate John Edwards died today, at the age of 61, after a grueling six year battle against cancer.
Edwards, it was announced yesterday, learned over the Thanksgiving holiday that her cancer had spread to her liver. Her doctors recently advised Edwards against further treatment and she returned home to be surrounded by her family as she passed.
Edwards faced not only cancer, but public humiliation when it was revealed that her husband carried on an affair while she was sick with campaign aide Rielle Hunter; an affair that ultimately resulted in Hunter's pregnancy. The Edwards separated earlier this year and were planning to divorce.
It has been reported that John Edwards was among his wife's bedside visitors in her dying days. If so, it is difficult to imagine what must have been going through his mind.
Does John Edwards regret cheating on his cancer stricken wife? Would he had been more, or less, likely to stray had his wife been healthy? How does he feel today as the mother of his children passes at a young age from a horrible disease?
Marriages of all sorts require work. No matter how deep the love, and no matter what the socio-economic status of the people involved, for two people to commit to each other for a lifetime, until death do them part, is the greatest commitment one can voluntarily make to another person. It's a different type of commitment than the one a parent makes to a child, in fact. There is nothing so great as a mother's love, it is said. In many ways, this makes the devotion and care that a parent demonstrates to their children easier, actually.
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Whatever happened at Mrs. Edwards bedside is personal to those in that room. I think they should be left alone in their feelings.
Not soon enough for me.
He’s thinking “No alimony!” and “Can I sue the doctors for malpractice?”
No doubt he’s going thru her medical files to see if there is anyone he can sue.
This is a crass and unnecessary question.
I have been at the bedside of many hospice deaths.
I see lots of tears, regrets. I see sorrow for time wasted and words/deeds all the family wishes they could take back.
I pray for her family. May she know peace now.
I don't think anyone here is eavesdropping.
I agree
John is now thinking he can have his slut back now, the p.o.s.
If the death of his son didn’t set his mind right, I doubt this will either.
I picture him like Danny DeVito in “Ruthless People” after he found out his wife was kidnapped.
That he could really use a haircut. much insurance they had......
That’s a nasty looking tumor.
He’s probably thinking that he’s so happy he still has his gonads and his money. And of course, “Does my hair look good?”
He’s thinking he’s going to get a FREE PASS on NO IDICTMENT! No judge would send him to prison when his little kids need him. Democrats are ABOVE the law.
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