Posted on 11/06/2010 5:38:04 PM PDT by 1curiousmind
I hesitate to write this because I don't want to come off as paranoid. But I figured its worth it to share info just in case there really is something in the planning stages.
Especially after the church masacre last week in Baghdad, I believe that it is highly possible that a similar attack could take place in the US.
Tonight 4 middle-eastern men were seen down our childrens' wing at our church. They were walking briskly and talking in Arabic.
A woman spotted them at the other end of the hall. She tried to catch up to them but they exited into the lobby and by the time she got to it they had disappeared. A few people looked but no one saw them leave the building.
There was no reason for anyone to be down that hallway. There were no children's programs going. It's possible that they could have taken a wrong turn. But it just doesn't feel right.
This is the 3rd incident since last March involving young middle-eastern men. The first one involved them asking odd questions about the size of our services, questions about the children's area, even requesting a layout of the building.
The FBI has been alerted and its been discovered that at least one other church in the area has had a similar incident take place.
I'm writing this here because I think there are alot of FReepers who attend church. I would ask you to inquire whether anything unusual has happened in recent months in your church. Especially if you are a large church. And especially if you are located in the Detroit area.
We must be willing to think about these things (not obsess over them) but reasonably consider the possibility. Thank you.
There may be legal precedent for outlawing the practice of certain doctrines of Islam, e.g. the annihilation/subjection of Jews and Christians (and I presume all non-Muslims) - i.e. the claimed right to use illegal drugs for worship failed at the Supreme Court level (as I recall.) It is unlikely however that the Muslim belief would be otherwise outlawed due to the First Amendment.
Thank you for updating- many prayers coming your way.
Praying for you, and my brothers and sisters on the front lines in Michigan. Keep us posted.
Jer 29:11 (NIV) “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
There is no reasonable explanation for this - best be very aware and notify all churches in the area.
Actually, if the Feds are on the ball they would notify all churches across the country.
Thx for the ping Vel
holding you up in prayer as we begin our day of worship here in Los Angeles.
Yes, minimize the outside access to doors that have heavy traffic. Alarm the locked doors if possible and post no exit signs on them. Or just post no exit on the extra doors—no barricades—in case of real emergency.
Who cares if concealed carry in a church is illegal in Michigan? Carry anyway.
OF COURSE you’re not going to tell anybody you’re packing. Don’t advertise it.
I seem to recall an old saying — “I’d rather be judged by 12 than carried by six.”
I’d also take communion and use some of the juice to anoint similarly.
Following the church shootings in Colorado a few years ago, I recommended measures to protect our congregation from such attacks.
Ummmm.....NO...not just NO but HELL NO it's the congregation's job to make the determination if this is something to be concerned about or not! Then, hopefully, law enforcement will agree and keep an on top of the situation.
Law enforcement is under ABSOLUTELY NO OBLIGATION to protect any one individual from crime but to catch those who perpetrate the crimes. It is up to us, individually, to keep ourselves safe.
Law enforcement is under ABSOLUTELY NO OBLIGATION to protect any one individual
Yes they are and certainly a church congregation as voters of a community carry a lot of weight.
Thank you for keeping us FReepers up to date.
Murderous Muslims blowing up schools churches and shopping malls in this country will be stepping across a line from which there will be no retreat.
leftist/Dems/Libs/Progressives who seek to blame US will be ground up under the same wave of retribution that will send every Muslim (including the moderates) into hiding.
America will not stand for innocent bloodshed on our shores again. 9/11 has faded into our memories. But it cannot be said that America did not answer.
If Islamic Fascists do something equally demonic, America will rise up. Libs and their political correct nonsense will be swept aside while strong brave determined American men and women do what needs to be done.
The State of Florida does not list churches as a “prohibited zone” for CC.
We go to a large church, with multiple services, and there is a “security” detail at each service. These are people in the congregation who volunteer for it and have their CCP. Also many of the staff have CCPs, and I’m sure some of them carry.
Was up there recently & the same is happening within the state.
OTOH, they’re “leaving” on their own, by “accident” too.
Ever vigilant.
It sounds like you have done the wise thing of contacting the FBI and having an informed security team.
After reading most of the posts on this thread I am concerned. Both about the possability of an attack on a church but also that the “church” is in the mindset that we need to arm ourselves and be ready to kill other humans. My fear would be that the churches become fearful of middle eastern young men, one of these young men shows up at church because they are a Christian, and speaking poor English thinks he is asking directions to the bathroom, and then is tackled or worse...
I would offer a few versus to think on during this time...
Matthew 10:28 “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”
2 Corinthians 10:3-5 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
Ephesians 6:11-12 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Some have pointed out that we are at war...I would agree...but our war is not going to be won with guns because our war is a spiritual war. We must fight for the very souls of these young men that walked through your church...
John 3:16-17 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.”
I would continue with the security measures but then go on the offensive...which it looks like your church has...”witnessing to Muslims in Dearborn”...and then as the song I am listening to states “Get on your knees and fight like a man”...I admit I still like my old Petra tapes.
God bless
Thank you so much, curious .. it’s so vital that any such happenings nationwide and globally be posted at FR .. we have no idea of the breadth of their evil plots, and we have worldwide members.
It’s too obvious that our country and the world have been turned upside down, and there are ‘unfriendlies’ from without and within.
Having one place for this info would be valuable .. for folks to post such info to one ongoing thread where we all can know to go with updates, regional info and ping each other. The Threat Matrix thread would be a possibility.
Just thinking out loud:
Jim and John, whatever the proper subject/topic name, .. would you please consider adding a terror threats or other appropriate topic that’s easily identifiable to have at the top of the Forum page so folks can always add such suspicious updates in that category?
Otherwise, there’s dozens of threads with info that might seem trivial but that actually plays into the bigger overall picture that we’ll miss .. and dots won’t be connected. And many folks sadly just DON’T put in keywords when they post threads, so we’re unable to search by topic.
Good time to exchange phone #’s with FRiends here ..
we truly don’t know what’s coming next.
My stomach is churning .. praying .. God protect us.
Thanks for the ping SW.
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