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Ronald Reagan, July 12, 1984: "Society has always regarded marital love as a sacred expression of the bond between a man and a woman. It is the means by which families are created and society itself is extended into the future. In the Judeo-Christian tradition it is the means by which husband and wife participate with God in the creation of a new human life. It is for these reasons, among others, that our society has always sought to protect this unique relationship. In part the erosion of these values has given way to a celebration of forms of expression most reject. We will resist the efforts of some to obtain government endorsement of homosexuality."
1 posted on 08/14/2010 2:58:53 PM PDT by DesertRenegade
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To: DesertRenegade

I don’t know how to embed it, but there is a very good video at the story link.

2 posted on 08/14/2010 3:03:28 PM PDT by DesertRenegade
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To: DesertRenegade
" We will resist the efforts of some to obtain government endorsement of homosexuality."


3 posted on 08/14/2010 3:04:13 PM PDT by Jim Robinson (JUST VOTE THEM OUT!
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To: DesertRenegade
Statement: "The oppression will only get worse if homosexual “marriage” is legalized nationally through an activist court ruling."

Response: The approval and encouragement of this pestilence will result in the 'harvesting' of your sons. You ain't going to believe what is going to happen. Take a look at the Massachusetts experience with the perverts in control, and that is only the beginning.

4 posted on 08/14/2010 3:05:09 PM PDT by AEMILIUS PAULUS (It is a shame that when these people give a riot)
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To: DesertRenegade

I used to follow Beck but more and more I find myself question his emotional stability.

5 posted on 08/14/2010 3:06:20 PM PDT by bwc2221
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To: DesertRenegade

Another thread with a *very* spirited discussion, only one zot so far, though. Almost 500 replies, just since this morning.;page=1

10 posted on 08/14/2010 3:21:52 PM PDT by little jeremiah
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To: DesertRenegade
I think Glenn Beck is a wonderful soldier in the army of conservativism, but he's wrong here.

If it was only about satisfying the homosexual ego to equate their perverted lifestyle with normal heterosexual marriage, I could probably let it go and agree with the alleged positions of Glenn Beck, Rush and others simply because I'm tired of arguing with them.

But that's not what it is about. What it is about is allowing 2% or so of the population redefine the 6000 year old institution for the 98% or so of us who are normal. They aren't going to stop there.

12 posted on 08/14/2010 3:27:50 PM PDT by Vigilanteman (Obama: Fake black man. Fake Messiah. Fake American. How many fakes can you fit in one Zer0?)
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To: DesertRenegade

It is a mistake to make homosexuality a political issue.

The government has no business what happens in our homes.

If you give the government such a power it will end up out of your control, with unintended consequences.

Same with supporting the mosque at Ground Zero. The government has no business saying who can build where on private property. If you open that door, we all will regret it.

btw, mother of two, happily married for almost 30 years now. Keep government out of the moral/social equation totally and the dems/liberals will lose political support.

13 posted on 08/14/2010 3:28:09 PM PDT by LurkedLongEnough
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To: 185JHP; AFA-Michigan; Abathar; Agitate; Albion Wilde; AliVeritas; Antoninus; Aquinasfan; ...
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Just in case any (more) homosexual agenda pushers show up, please take them apart! Beck is either monumentally ill-informed (hard to believe) or has moral blinders, or wants popularity and thinks that "coming out" against the homosexual agenda will harm that. I have no idea and don't care. Anyone who thinks homosexual marriage or any other part of their agenda doesn't affect them personally or is not destroying our country either just woke up from a 20 year coma or is wearing moral blinders.

14 posted on 08/14/2010 3:30:49 PM PDT by little jeremiah
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To: DesertRenegade

Beck claims to be a consitutionalist (his views on homosexual marriage almost make me believe HE is not), and a “Christian”, but neither seem to be true!

15 posted on 08/14/2010 3:33:01 PM PDT by JSDude1
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To: DesertRenegade


I believe it was the EARLY Romans who prohibited several classes of people from holding public office: Those of illegitimate birth (bastards), eunuchs and homosexuals. (That unfortunately changed leading up to the fall.)

While these children had no choice in the matter, bastards were prohibited because, having no sense of their family past or history, they could not be trusted to operate for the good of the culture based on its history or traditions.

Eunuchs (castrated males) and homosexuals because they could not and/or would not sire children and would, therefore, most likely have no abiding interest in preserving the culture for future generations.

While there are a number of exceptions, I’ll let YOU tell me what sort of folks we have in public office HERE today.

It appears that America has employed technology to compress into slightly over 240 years what it took the Romans over 2,000 to achieve — total and utter cultural collapse.

I believe the Romans would also have put radical feminists in that group – had they permitted radical feminism at the time. Wisely, they did not. More on that a bit later.

While channel-surfing recently, I stopped for a moment on an Animal Planet show featuring two lesbian roommates. And, no, they were NOT in the bedroom. As I watched, I began pondering the question of the growing impact of homosexuals and radical feminists on our culture.

None of these thoughts are original to me and all have been written about and discussed ad nauseam. This little rant is really an exercise in catharsis.

At the individual level, I have personally known a few homosexuals and, in general, have found them to be quiet, respectful and intelligent. Again, there are exceptions – such as the moron from California (where else?) cited below — but I haven’t personally met them and hope I don’t as there would be serious trouble between us.

Having said that, I fear that the homosexual – and the recent politically correct fervor to further legitimize that lifestyle – has done irreparable harm to our NATIONAL life and what remains of what many of us still call Western European Culture. When that impact is coupled with the rise of radical feminism (you’ll be pleased to know that the EQUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT is again being disinterred), the product is a result from which the West may never recover.

Allow me to explain:

The physiological fact is that homosexuals normally do not reproduce. The current population replacement rate – the rate necessary to maintain the current native born population level — for the United States is somewhere north of 2 children per couple. Homosexuals usually don’t HAVE kids. Add the radical feminist impact – which holds that motherhood is some form of slavery and has driven many women to seek “fulfillment” OUTSIDE the home — and the current birth rate here is disturbingly FAR BELOW 2.1 per couple.

The other side of the demographic coin is that the virtually unrestrained immigration policies of past administrations have brought a huge influx of people from cultures radically different from that which existed here prior to the advent of PC, diversity, tolerance and all the other names by which many now call these self, nation and culture identity destroying behaviors.

Add the millions and millions of illegals who are now placing such a physical and economic burden on the healthcare and school systems that natural born citizens are being taxed to death and/or cannot, themselves, get the services to which they would otherwise be entitled. It’s a recipe for chaos.

And the politicians – who hope these new welfare recipients will support their perpetual reelection — turn a blind eye.

And as these groups agitate and campaign for THEIR particular flavor of diversity and tolerance, they also give added traction to virtually EVERY OTHER flavor. As they change millions of minds and cause others to reconsider long-standing and time-tested value systems, they are turning our world upside down.

The effect of these factors is that the America in which many of us older folks grew up is disappearing at an alarming rate. As the nation many of us came to love – and donned uniforms to defend – drifts toward some sort of Balkanized
despotism, large segments of these new arrivals – who know little and care even less of the traditions, values and history of this place and even refuse to learn the common tongue — separate themselves into ghetto-like enclaves where outsiders are often not welcomed unless they’re spending money, we run the very serious risk of repeating the experiences of the former Yugoslavia from which some of my people came.

Speaking of whom, my great-great grandparents waited for years then stood in long lines at Ellis Island to be deloused, interrogated and told they had to learn English and our history and traditions and pass a test – something the Hispanics and radical Muslim terrorists strolling across the border with Mexico don’ t have to do.

The Clinton administration – well known for its tolerance of the gay lifestyle – published some statistics in connection with AIDS that startled many. Of course, the PC then rearing its ugly head prohibited all but the brave from commenting on any of that.

The CDC statistics showed that 85% of all AIDS/HIV cases are
1. Active, non-monogamous homosexuals,
(the largest subset)
2. Heterosexuals and bisexuals who have had sex with group 1 and
3. IV drug abusers who share needles.
(Kinda gives new meaning to Romans 6:23, doesn’t it?)
The remaining 15% are those who have contracted AIDS via other,
non-sexual/non-drug means SUCH AS TRANSFUSIONS OF TAINTED BLOOD (which one homosexual “leader” on the West Coast URGED his fellow homosexuals to CONTINUE to attempt to contaminate in order to involve the straight community in the push to increase federal funding for AIDS research).

So, with the population replacement rate practically down to zero, we have some “leaders” of the homosexual community – who do nothing to help raise that rate – encouraging their members to make ill or kill those of us who have and/or are having and raising kids here.

I find it fascinating that many members of the homosexual community and the radical feminists are on the front line of the assault on traditional values and seek to replace them with more tolerance, diversity and other politically correct nonsense. They have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams.

While their activities have produced short-term benefits for them, that diversity, tolerance and egalitarianism have also opened the door to the idea that no culture is “better” than any other. Obama – apparently having confused Chicago with America — spent days recently apologizing to everyone he met for our defective, decadent and corrupt culture.

And that has brought to our shores a formerly foreign culture, the more radical elements of which are breeding at a rate well in excess of the rate among the indigenous LEGAL and NATURAL BORN population.

And, just as it already has in Great Britain and continental Europe, with those increasing numbers will come increased political and social power.

And with that will surely come a foreign theology and law system.


The bottom line, gays and ladies? You will either fall under the sword (put to death for you government school folk) or confined to the house unless your “man” – who will beat you periodically – wants to take you out, in which case you will be garbed from head to toe. And, only HE can drive the car. Where are Betty Freidan, Bella Abzug and Gloria Steinham when we really need them?

Here’s a short video clip of the reward your PC destruction of traditional American values will bring you.

A number of years ago, a writer posited that there was a “War Against Boys” within and without the government school system. He opined that little boys were being psychologically and emotionally emasculated by millions of female teachers and others in the America of John Wayne.

We have now entered the era of the feminized “metrosexual” (one now occupies the White House) where boys are discouraged – often prohibited — from playing games with toy plastic guns, rubber knives or other weapons. Feminists, if it hadn’t been for millions of young men with REAL guns venturing forth from time-to-time to face down very rough folks with designs on this country – and YOU — your freedom (albeit shrinking thanks largely to our having become the Metrosexual States of America) to promulgate your radical worldview would not exist.

So there you have it.

I’d urge you to think about these things while there MIGHT still be time to alter course.

PS: I had to get this out of my system BEFORE the new, improved congress passes the pending legislation making it a crime to post ANYTHING on the web that could in any way cause ANYONE emotional distress. Would it matter that it was factual? Nope! While it’s probable that the Supremes will rule it a violation of the First Amendment, I’d rather not squander my kids’ small inheritance on lawyers bringing the case.

Dick Bachert

16 posted on 08/14/2010 3:33:14 PM PDT by Dick Bachert (The upcoming election is the most important in our lifetimes!!! BE THERE!!!!!!!)
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To: DesertRenegade
Beck's job in the media is beholden to homosexuals. If he's at not a least neutral on the issue, they will try to ruin him like they did Dr. Laura.

This is all about Glen's paycheck and his comfortable lifestyle. Same with Rush. They are sell outs.
18 posted on 08/14/2010 3:39:31 PM PDT by Antoninus (It's a degenerate society where dogs have more legal rights than unborn babies.)
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To: DesertRenegade

Aside from what he thinks of it, I guess he’s okay with judges ruling our country.

28 posted on 08/14/2010 4:25:23 PM PDT by nickcarraway
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To: DesertRenegade
Although Beck can make some interesting and insightful comments, he is wrong here.

A strong, traditional family is essential in our industrialized societies. This is Sociology 101.

Arguments in support of this can be found in what sometimes is referred to as the Great Russian experiment - actions taken by the Communists in the late 1930s and early 1940s to eliminate the family, religion, and other institutions. To accomplish their goal, they made marriage irrelevant, used propaganda to attack family as bourgeois, etc. The result was such widespread chaos, that the Communists had no choice but to start emphasizing the important of marriage and family even though it went contrary to their ideology.

45 posted on 08/14/2010 4:48:28 PM PDT by Dante3
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To: DesertRenegade

If these right-wing talkers think that without this social issue they have me in their corner they’re wrong. We keep sticking our finger in God’s eye and think that he is going to bless this country? Fools.

50 posted on 08/14/2010 5:05:23 PM PDT by stevio (Crunchy Con - God, guns, guts, and organically grown crunchy nuts.)
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To: DesertRenegade

Is it any wonder that the conservatives can’t regain power and hold it? A man like Glen Beck works to bring the country back to a foundation that this country was established with and the morons start shooting at him because he doesn’t adress their particular ideal. Glen has a niche and fills it axtreemly well. We didn’t get into this mess in one election cycle and we’re not going to get out of it in one. If you think a particular subject should be addressed with the skill that Beck covers his then get off your dead arse and start a program and get on TV like he did. If your not doing as much as he is I think silence or support would work. If the conservative side keeps shooting at each other the libs win and you will all be serfs.

59 posted on 08/14/2010 5:58:25 PM PDT by CynicalBear
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To: DesertRenegade

Reading some of the slams at Beck on these threads is like watching the best help the Dem have of getting the power back. Keep shooting each other and the people who are trying to get us back to a constitutional base and you will deserve what you get.

60 posted on 08/14/2010 6:03:15 PM PDT by CynicalBear
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To: DesertRenegade

Beck is wrong about a lot of things, least among them is “gay marriage”. I think he places too much emphases on the religious side of things when that is in fact a long term war that we simply don’t have time to win.

The issue of Gay marriage is of immediate important but only in so far as how the Federal courts have been able to impose it upon us, as that is by far not the only thing they have shoved down our throats via the same method.

The issue of absolute Federal court supremacy robing us of our written constitutions.

But to fight this issue we have to fight most of the legal profession who have been indoctrinated in this un-American self-serving system of arbitrary power for the last ~80 years.

91 posted on 08/14/2010 10:20:01 PM PDT by Monorprise
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To: DesertRenegade

Great quote from the Gipper, but let’s keep in mind that he more than perhaps anybody else in CA helped to undermine traditional marriage through his signing “no fault divorce” into law as Governor. I hate to say it but the homosexual lobby’s criticism of us conservatives has a good deal of truth - it was we who first sought to “redefine” marriage out of existence, first through our mass acceptance of artificial birth control and then with no fault divorce. Let’s face it: a sterile sexual relationship that is terminable at will at the whim of either party sounds alot like your basic gay hook-up. We did it to ourselves before “they” even came into the picture.

99 posted on 08/15/2010 8:49:06 AM PDT by Erskine Childers
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