Posted on 08/08/2010 11:19:18 PM PDT by Zakeet
This idiot has been an automatic mute button hit in our household for years ... and a channel flip if he speaks more than a few seconds. This article abundantly illustrates one of the reasons why.
Hey Juan - Obama’s national election is irrelevant. Only stupid people voted for him. Like you.
Stunning arrogance.....
Actually, it’s not’s delusions.
If it made me laugh, and it did, it was worth it. Thanks Jose. I meant Xavier. No, it must have been Jorge. Dang, don’t tell me it was that Juan dude again!
As if only the people in St. Louis and Kansas City "count", while Springfield, Sedalia and, yes, Cape Girardeau don't.
What an ignorant assertion...
Buy more ammo...
Juan thinks all money belongs to the government. He thinks people who worked hard and made money are stealing it from the government. What a pathetic fool.
Hey Juan,
So.... let's have a honest conversation. Let me start.
Obama hates old white people because most are smarter than younger white people.
It's a culture war and it goes on all the time. Music, films, clothes, language, etc. The basic premise is that no universally applicable form of law exists, and that the American legal system, having evolved from British common law, is a 'white' structure, racist to the core, that cannot be fairly applied to blacks.
This is the norm for large cities today. Most want entitlement, that's their idea of justice and the result of having been schooled in affirmative action ideology and the 'we wuz slaves' mentality that they will never abandon.
The working guy who gets the hell out of the city at 5pm knows what this mentality has done to the cities over the last 25 or so years. Not a pretty picture. I don't know how city cops deal with it.
They call black conservatives 'sellouts,' traitors and 'Uncle Toms'. That's because the label 'racist' is reserved for whites. All whites. If you are white, you are 'racist'. It is simply their way of saying 'the enemy' in this barely disguised war against whites. Don't act surprised at that language!
The term 'racist' is meant to silence whites and is really about wealth and power. The power to confiscate wealth. This goes far, far beyond paying a bit more in taxes. The left wants total control.
I think we know the ideology that the president and Mr. Holder follow. The media try to look the other way and give them a pass on it. If you criticize Obama, you're 'racist.' I don't care if Obama is green and purple -- he's still a socialist. Don't call me 'racist,' call me 'anti-socalist.'
If you oppose quotas, you're 'racist.' If you say that there are differences among groups, you're 'racist.' If you want English to be the national language, you're 'racist.' The word 'racist' has become meaningless, used only to stifle conservatives from speaking certain truths. If someone calls you a racist, they are race-baiting. They are being racist. Call them on it.
Tell them you are against Progressive Democrats, who continually play the race card, deliberately, with nothing but political gain in mind. Tell them you are against Anti-American Americans. But by speaking certain truths you are not going to change anything in the mind of a fool liberal, or the mainstream media or the NAACP.
They are enemies. And this enemy is not interested in listening to logic; they're interested in spouting their propaganda. Again, the left wants total control.
From Karl Marx to today, the left has always hated people on the right. The left's utopian vision is only a few more government programs away from reality. And who stands in the way of such perfection? Conservatives.
Those who believe in individuals taking care of themselves, not the state.
Conservative are the enemy.
It's all about twisting the language. Democrats lie, that's what they do. Their propaganda is invalid and they know it's invalid -- that's the nature of propaganda. They won't yield to facts or reason. Leftists lie through their teeth, and then, when you respond with facts they pout and say: 'You're mean! You're intolerant! What happened to civility?'
So when Joe Wilson shouts 'You lie!' at Barack Obama, we can and should respond: 'Representative Wilson was wrong. Obama lies a lot.'
Marxism does not elevate the status of the poor; it only adds more to the ranks of the poor.
Decline is a Choice
Hey Juan, ask yourself this: ‘Where would I be if it weren’t for Sean Hannity and all the other irrelevant white racists at FOX News’?
And old white people don’t matter much, get it?
It’s amazing what Americans will put up with nowadays.
Then they wonder why things are falling apart.
That Juan Williams is given a voice on Fox, or any other news channel, is your first clue that we are heading south.
What Juan means is it doesn’t matter because 0bamaCare is designed to kill off all the old white people.
Couldn’t disagree with a word you wrote. Well done.
Juan Williams is a racist, I for one am extremely tired of giving him a pass!
I have worked black managers in my career, and they would be embarrassed to have Juan on their management team I am quite sure.
Why you might ask? Answer: Because they were first and foremost honest fair people.
Well, 40,000 more turned out to vote than those who voted for the democrat and the republican on the ballot, so what happened, Juan? Looks like obamacare was the motivator because folks across the political spectrum hate it.
VERY GOOD post! Thank you.
He’s thinking there are enough woodwork rats who didn’t bother to voice their opinion in this referendum, to carry the Bummer’s pals in November.
But I mean, people of America wake up, is it going to take jackboots at your front door before you try to send this regime of menace out of town on a rail covered with tar and feathers?
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