To: Zakeet get 70 percent inside an echo chamber of older white people, no not in St. Louis not in Kansas City, As if only the people in St. Louis and Kansas City "count", while Springfield, Sedalia and, yes, Cape Girardeau don't.
What an ignorant assertion...
7 posted on
08/09/2010 12:08:33 AM PDT by
(THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA: Ignorance on Parade)
To: okie01
Only certain voting districts were to be counted in the re re recount in Florida.
That argument didn’t go very far with a majority of the USSC.
Altho there were two ‘supremes’ who didn’t believe in the equal protection clause of the constitution and thought J. effen Kerry ought to be president.
24 posted on
08/09/2010 3:05:22 AM PDT by
(For those who fought for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never know.)
To: okie01
It seems to me that the people in St Louis and Kansas City do not have the moral fiber as the “flyover” portions of the state. It seems like their opinion should count for less, if anything!
They big cities lost out because they were too lazy to vote on it.
Also, the VAST MAJORITY of the entire country wants this vile law repealed.
Juan shouldn't play the race card in yet another case where it doesn't just makes him out to look like a fool.
62 posted on
08/09/2010 10:29:05 AM PDT by
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