Posted on 08/03/2010 2:32:06 PM PDT by Fitzy_888
ALBANY -- Sen. Joe Griffo, R-Rome, wants the state to stop its practice of handing out the entire state database of handgun permits in response to Freedom of Information Law requests -- recently the subject of controversy due to the appearance of a Website,, that offers the information.
Griffo, a pistol owner, describes his bill as a compromise between taking handgun permits out of the public record entirely or making the full database available. Under the proposed new law -- initially referred to the chamber's Rules Committee -- the state would respond only to FOIL requests seeking permits for specified individuals.
The explanation contained in the legislation calls the prevalence of Web databases "a new abuse of the public access to New York State's pistol or revolver permit registry."
" ... Having this information available online and readily accessible to anyone creates serious safety issues not only for the permit holders and their family members but also for individuals who do not have guns in their home," the bill states. "Criminals now have a roadmap of the homes that have guns and those that do not."
But Robert J. Freeman, executive director of the state Committee on Open Government, said the bill would make it difficult to use handgun data for demographic purposes, and would roll back the trend of technology making it easier for the public to reap the benefits of FOIL.
"Any time a license or permit is conferred by the government, it's supposed to be public," Freeman said. The purpose of the record, he added, is to demonstrate to the public that the recipient has met the prerequisites of the state.
To the bill language's presumption of peril to homeowners identified as handgun owners (or non-owners), Freeman notes that the permit information doesn't include gun location and what type of weapon might or might not be on the premises (rifles and shotguns don't require a permit outside New York City), much less the relative marksmanship of a specific homeowner.
"I don't know of any proof indicating that disclosure of pistol license records has created either harm or jeopardy," Freeman said.
"Why give any opportunity for something to happen?," said Griffo, who believes issues of privacy and disclosure could turn out to be the civil rights issues of the 21st century.
The senator said it was too early to gauge his fellow lawmakers' level of interest in the bill.
So...why not the Food Stamp List and Unemployment Benefit List?
Illegal alien lists? As in Utah - oh, well that person was fired or whatever .....
Well at least this could be referred to as the Thug heads up list.
Now switch this with a list of people that the Islamofascist want targeted, made available on the Web.
What would THAT be called? Somehow a hit list isn’t such if the Gov does it. And just think they have an army of little DU and huffie fascist willing to use the list.
Oh, yeah, let's protect their privacy NOW. [facepalm] I'm sure all the liberals that obtained copies of the list for harassment purposes will destroy them if we just ask them nicely to do so.
Can I use the FOIA to request the names of those reciving public assitance? Those who are getting public funds for AIDs medication? Its public money. They qualified (kind of like qualifying for a license) for public money.
They are sacred cows of the left. The hypocrisy of the left never ceases. IIRC, the electronic health records mandated by Obamacare won't disclose abortion history or HIV status.
"Any time a license or permit is conferred by the government, it's supposed to be public," Freeman said. The purpose of the record, he added, is to demonstrate to the public that the recipient has met the prerequisites of the state."
The prerequisites of the state will be interesting now that the Second Amendment has been incorporated with the McDonald decision. Calling Alan Gura.
"To the bill language's presumption of peril to homeowners identified as handgun owners (or non-owners), Freeman notes that the permit information doesn't include gun location and what type of weapon might or might not be on the premises (rifles and shotguns don't require a permit outside New York City), much less the relative marksmanship of a specific homeowner."
Notice that reference to rifles and shotguns. This is simple possession, not concealed carry privileges, let alone right like Arizona just made it. If you go to the moonbat website,, you'll find that they refer to other states concealed carry databases under "Other intriguing links:" at the bottom of the webpage.
Any NY Freeper care to ask for it?
Or can anyone file a FOIA request for anything from anywhere?
(I hate Jimmy Carter)
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