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White House linked to flotilla organizers (consider the source, but...)
| 6/5/2010
| Jerome R. Corsi
Posted on 06/05/2010 6:03:38 AM PDT by SonOfDarkSkies
A top adviser to President Obama is the contact person within the White House for communications with the Free Gaza Movement over plans to challenge Israel's blockade of the terrorist Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, according to a reputable source close to the Netanyahu government.
The source, a career official whose reliability was established through his tips for the book, "Why Israel Can't Wait," identified John O. Brennan, deputy national security adviser for homeland security and counterterrorism, as the contact.
The allegation raises the bizarre possibility that the Free Gaza Movement's flotilla action in the Mediterranean was being coordinated with the White House, something that would align with a shift in U.S. policy toward Israel being debated within the Obama administration.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
KEYWORDS: birthcertificate; brennan; certifigate; fgm; flotilla; fraud; freegaa; freegaza; gazaflotilla; johnobrennan; naturalborncitizen; obama; passport; qaradawi; thecommunist; unionofgood
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To: SonOfDarkSkies
We need to impeach Obama,try him for treason and send him to Gitmo to rot for the rest of his days.
To: SonOfDarkSkies
I hope this gets reliably vetted. If true (considering the initial source), it should be well publicized. It certainly wouldn’t help Obama’s standing with the Jewish voting bloc if it is true.
To: SonOfDarkSkies
Beck spoke of this the other day and showed some video of Brennan refering to Jerusalem as “Al Quds”.
posted on
06/05/2010 6:16:47 AM PDT
(Remember the River Raisin! (look it up))
To: cripplecreek
Beck spoke of this the other day and showed some video of Brennan refering to Jerusalem as Al Quds.Thx for that CC...I found the video...
Get a load of this guy's resume (he gives it on the video). I think he's gone native!
posted on
06/05/2010 6:23:40 AM PDT
(Did you plug the hole yet, Daddy?)
To: SonOfDarkSkies
We should also never forget that Brennan was the man running the security company that breached candidates passport files during the presidential election.
Personally I can’t help but wonder if some of the terrorists entering America by legal means may be a result of Brennan’s activities.
posted on
06/05/2010 6:28:22 AM PDT
(Remember the River Raisin! (look it up))
To: SonOfDarkSkies
It might be interesting to track Billy Ayres’ visits to the White House with the founding and funding of the Free Gaza movement...
posted on
06/05/2010 6:30:17 AM PDT
To: cripplecreek
And if Brennan isn’t now a Saudi operative charged with cleaning damning evidence from Obama’s passports and elsewhere.
posted on
06/05/2010 6:33:07 AM PDT
(Did you plug the hole yet, Daddy?)
To: SonOfDarkSkies
It is NOT a stretch to suspect him.
He IS the one who said that Jihad was a legitimate tenet of Islam.
Also — from a NYT article —
“”Many meetings have been private; others were publicized only after the fact. A visit to New York University in February by John O. Brennan, Mr. Obamas chief counterterrorism adviser, drew little news coverage, but caused a stir among Muslims around the country. Speaking to Muslim students, activists and others, Mr. Brennan acknowledged many of their grievances, including surveillance that has been excessive, overinclusive no-fly lists and an unhelpful atmosphere around many Muslim charities. “”
The boat where the 9 were killed was sent -- and manned by ready to be "martyred" members of a Muslim (so called)Charity
To: SonOfDarkSkies
Why the “(consider the source, but...)” notation? On this story, I think WND has it correct...Bill Ayers and Jodie Evans are apart of this “group” (Movement)....AND they are Obamas friends.
posted on
06/05/2010 6:52:21 AM PDT
(The U. S. Constitution - read it and weep)
To: SonOfDarkSkies
I sent this to my email list..If we don’t do this no one will know..Ask the people on your list to sent it on..
posted on
06/05/2010 6:57:39 AM PDT
To: blueyon
They often get it right, but they also get a few wrong from time to time in their rush to get a hot story out.
posted on
06/05/2010 6:58:35 AM PDT
(Did you plug the hole yet, Daddy?)
To: SonOfDarkSkies
Is the Messiah channeling his dead mother? His dead Grammy?
posted on
06/05/2010 7:01:34 AM PDT
(K.E. N.P. +12 . Ostracize Democrats. There can be no Democrat friends.)
To: SonOfDarkSkies
Although circumstantial evidence would support this story.
This is serious enough to need CIA type vetting.
posted on
06/05/2010 7:02:12 AM PDT
To: SonOfDarkSkies
Of course the whole thing was a well oiled community organization stunt,
To: blueyon; SonOfDarkSkies
In honor of the raid on that Gaza-bound flotilla, and Helen Thomas's remark that the Jews should go back to Germany and Poland (no mistaking what
that means, in a historical context!), here's the Furgan Dugal (Hosed Vessel) song:
" The flag high! The convoy tightly closed!
Al Qaeda sailors brave the Zionist blockade.
Sleeper agents carrying contraband, shot by the Israeli commandos
March in spirit in our ranks.
Clear the seas for the brown flotillas,
Where the hell are my 72 virgins?
Already millions look with hope to the crescent
The day of the new leftist Caliphate is dawning!
CNN has sounded for the last time
We are all already prepared for the fight!
Soon Islam's flag will fly over all streets.
Teh One, Teh Obamessiah is with us!
The flag high! The convoy tightly closed!
Al Qaeda sailors brave the Zionist blockade
Bernadine Doehrn, William Ayers and Code Pink
March in spirit in our ranks. "
posted on
06/05/2010 7:11:35 AM PDT
(The opinions are solely those of the author and are subject to change without notice.)
To: SonOfDarkSkies
Obama has made hating Jews fashionable, as evidenced by Helen Thomas’ comment that Israel should be totally abandoned. The left no longer pretends not to be racist, confirming a long held suspicion. The honesty is better in the long run than pretense and game playing; the lines are more clearly drawn.
posted on
06/05/2010 7:23:56 AM PDT
(Free Range Republican)
To: SonOfDarkSkies
They often get it right, but they also get a few wrong from time to time
There's always The New York Times.
posted on
06/05/2010 9:09:31 AM PDT
(A "natural born citizen" -- two American citizen parents and born in the USA.)
To: SonOfDarkSkies
The Obama White House/Administration scandals keep adding up.
The 12 days of Scandals
On the first day of Obama scandals, Obama said Ralm, " go call Bill Clinton. "
And a flotilla in the Gaza sea.
On the second day of Obama scandals Obama said to BP " 2 vists to the gulf "
And a flotilla in the Gaza sea.
Ok everyone, add on that if you want.
posted on
06/05/2010 9:15:47 AM PDT
American Constitutionalist
(There is no civility in the way the Communist/Marxist want to destroy the USA)
To: SonOfDarkSkies
posted on
06/05/2010 9:40:45 AM PDT
American Constitutionalist
(There is no civility in the way the Communist/Marxist want to destroy the USA)
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