republican women have more guts than the men and I say that as a man.
Brewer, Palin, and Bachmann are without a doubt doing what we want and don’t give a crap about the NY times or being called a bad name like the rest of the GOP.
La Raza (the race) the race imagine that a racist commie group got these kind of teaching into the schools to whip hispanic kids into a hateful racist fenzy and now it has gone
the next president had better undo everything this idiot has done and then investigate how the media worked with the rats, SEIU, La Raza, move on, SOROS and his funneled money, etc.
Infact if Russia still want Soros then send him over there.
they are all in this together because they have the same goal
bring down America, course I don’t expect their supporters to actually understand that as they’re just too thick and dumb.
Not as long as Snowe and collins are senators. Embarrassements both.