Posted on 05/06/2010 9:31:49 PM PDT by The Magical Mischief Tour
Tulsa, OK - A Tulsa federal agent pleads guilty. He admits to stealing money, planting drugs and framing innocent people. His arrest is part of a larger investigation into possible corruption within the Tulsa Police Department.
34-year-old Brandon McFadden confessed to the crimes as part of a plea deal with the US Attorney's office. McFadden will also be a witness for the prosecution in other cases against law enforcement officers.
Former ATF Agent Brandon McFadden finally has his day in Tulsa Federal Court and pleads guilty to a host of shocking charges including the possession and conspiracy to distribute drugs, possession of a firearm during drug trafficking, and money laundering.
Neal Kirkpatrick is McFadden's attorney.
"He was involved for a couple of years in some dealings with TPD and he wanted to be able to look his children in the face and this is the first step," Kirkpatrick says.
Prosecutors say McFadden stole money, planted drugs and framed innocent people partly because of greed, a clear abuse of both his power as a federal agent and an abuse of the public trust.
"I would agree with that. In his confession, he asked for a special enhancement for abusing his position of trust and he will," explains US Attorney Jane Duke, the prosecuting attorney in the case.
McFadden's arrest is part of a larger investigation into possible corruption in the Tulsa Police Department and at least one TPD officer will also face trial.
In the meantime, several convictions have already been thrown out and innocent suspects freed because of tainted or fabricated evidence and witnesses, like Brandon McFadden, who just plain lied under oath.
McFadden is out on bond under house arrest until his sentencing hearing on July 28.
Needs repeating!
Those FLET’s—federal law enforcement types—who don’t have enough of it to make it into the FBI or Secret Service, get filtered down to the ATF
Mexico here we come...
or the BATFE. Just call them F-Troop, you’ll be their best friend.
Is it really unexpected?
Seems not.
Does that mean we can re-visit the OC bombing ?
He pleaded guilty so there’s no question of guilt. Once he’s been used to take down the rest of his corrupt brothers in harm, hang him.
You betray one innocent while wearing a badge, you should forfeit your life.
Just a small window into corruption into most all Federal and State corruption. If only we had the capability to video the activities of these folks. Actually - if we had that capability, way too many would lose confidence in our so called law enforcement system which is just as well.
Sorry, but it seems that today, most of our so called law enforcement officers are either corrupt or lenient enough that they would never disclose the antics of other unlawful officers. Yeah, that really gives me confidence in law and order....
With our muslim president?
I agree. ATF has been a rogue agency for at least the last threedecades. I had friends with FFL’s back in the 70’s who gave them up because of the harrassment of this agency.
ATF seems to be anti-gun with a passion and with questionable ethics.
Brandon McFadden says he, along with others, put $250,000 worth of meth on Tulsa's streets.
the infowarrior
You should check out the police corruption in Providence RI,
apparently running cocaine and having sex in the park while on duty were fairly regular events for awhile there.
Federal investigators looking into police corruption have used wiretaps to intercept the conversations of various individuals, including at least one Tulsa police officer who is part of a federal grand jury investigation, his attorney says.
The investigators have indicated that wiretaps were used last year to listen to phone calls involving Officer Jeff Henderson, 37, and other individuals, said Chad A. Greer, Henderson's attorney.
Henderson and Brandon McFadden, 33, a former agent with the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, have been implicated in an alleged fabricated drug buy. That buy involved Larita Annette Barnes, 33, and her father, Larry Wayne Barnes Sr., 59, who were convicted and sent to federal prison in 2008
Henderson was questioned about an allegation from the grand jury indictment that stated he and McFadden planted marijuana on a drug dealer and only turned in $10,100 of $60,000 taken from the drug dealer.
That picture has Reno 911 written all over it......:o)
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