Time to play "Tax Man" by the Beatles...
1 posted on
04/07/2010 2:50:22 PM PDT by
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To: Jet Jaguar; NorwegianViking; ExTexasRedhead; HollyB; FromLori; EricTheRed_VocalMinority; ...
2 posted on
04/07/2010 2:50:43 PM PDT by
(The complete Obama list at www.nachumlist.com)
To: Nachum
To: Nachum
To: Nachum
Actually, this is where the Obama Youth comes in.
5 posted on
04/07/2010 2:52:06 PM PDT by
Loud Mime
(initialpoints.net - - The Constitution as the center of politics -- Download the graph)
To: Nachum
The bad thing about this is, those IRS agents are more than likely going to be obamabots, and believe strongly in obamacare...and they will be more than ready to do anything for the messiah.
Most any self-respecting conservative wouldn't take that job, no matter how well it pays. I would find it very difficult to actually force people to comply with something that I don't believe in.
Of course, liberals have no such principles or scruples.
6 posted on
04/07/2010 2:53:54 PM PDT by
(Those of us who love AMERICA far outnumber those who love obama - your choice.)
To: Nachum
Obama and the commish can
7 posted on
04/07/2010 2:56:29 PM PDT by
(D.C. has become Jonestown)
To: Nachum
Government will go broke before they can even start.
9 posted on
04/07/2010 3:03:06 PM PDT by
To: Nachum
"...the IRS cannot say how many new agents it will need to enforce the new health care law signed by President Barack Obama last month." Well, there are 90 million gun owners in this country. If just one in ten refuses to go along with the utter abrogation of their constitutional rights, then you've got 9 million homes and businesses that will have guns pointing toward the street, and at the ready.
Think they can raise and equip an army of 9 million jack-booted thugs to take them on?
10 posted on
04/07/2010 3:04:44 PM PDT by
(To anger a conservative, tell him a lie. To anger a liberal, tell him the truth.)
To: Nachum
Oh what will we do if the new house refuses to defund these creeps
11 posted on
04/07/2010 3:05:57 PM PDT by
ronnie raygun
(The light is about to go out, do your part)
To: Nachum
Let’s see ..........
Obamski needs to find work for about 8 million now........
Or is it 16 million considering the underemployed?
Pretty soon we’re talking real numbers to the Socialists.
12 posted on
04/07/2010 3:15:37 PM PDT by
(Republicans believe every day is the 4th of July, democrats believe every day is April 15)
To: Nachum
Let me guess ,,,,, 16,000 .
13 posted on
04/07/2010 3:43:08 PM PDT by
lionheart 247365
(-:{ GLEN BECK is 0bama's TRANSPARENCY CZAR }:-)
To: Nachum
“IRS cannot say how many new agents it will need to enforce the new health care law signed by President Barack Obama last month.”
Our president hopes that there will be enough new IRS openings to provide employment for all the doctors that will be leaving their current positions.
To: Nachum
Correct answer: Millions.
Because with tens of millions refusing to cooperate in their enslavement, there will be lots of work.
15 posted on
04/07/2010 4:15:36 PM PDT by
Uncle Miltie
To: Nachum
17 posted on
04/07/2010 4:41:26 PM PDT by
(President Reagan on ObieCare: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRdLpem-AAs&feature=player_embedded#)
To: Nachum
"This is the moment when we must build on the wealth that open markets have created, and share its benefits more equitably." -Barack Hussein Obama
20 posted on
04/07/2010 5:05:58 PM PDT by
(The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.)
To: Nachum
How many jobs are needed to reach 5% unemployment? Ten million?
21 posted on
04/07/2010 5:14:21 PM PDT by
(It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from its government -- Thomas Payne)
To: Nachum
yes, well, once the Republicans get control of the Congress, funding for this IRS enforcement ought to be slashed to the bone. And then cut the bone, grind it to dust, and scatter it to the winds.
Hussein might think he is the Messiah, but he won’t be able to pull an Ezekiel 37....
To: Nachum
Make us all IRS Tax Agents. Then we will all have jobs to collect the money from ourselves, to pay the taxes, fines and fees that will pay ourselves. ;-)
To: Nachum
In all fairness, how would he or anyone else know how many IRS agents will be needed to enforce a law that is still being read by Congress, the regulators, and the bureaucrats?
To: Nachum
I believe the healthcare bill says that the IRS has to check everyone’s insurance status...
26 posted on
04/07/2010 5:52:13 PM PDT by
(When you find a turtle on top of a fence post, you can be damn sure it didn't get there on it's own.)
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