Posted on 01/25/2010 1:35:14 PM PST by Jim Robinson
Folks, it's just as simple as this:
1) McCain is anti-free speech. The Roberts Court has declared McCain-Feingold, the ultimate self-serving pro-incumbency act, unconstitutional as we all knew it was from the start.
2) McCain supported and voted for the bailouts which are unconstitutional, anti-liberty, anti-capitalism, anti-free-markets, un-American and not only enabled, but swept the Marxist B. Hussin Obama into power.
3) McCain is pro-global warming which is unconstitutional, anti-capitalism, anti-free-economy, un-American and idiotic!
4) McCain is pro-amnesty for illigal aliens which is anti-capitalism, anti-liberty, un-American and idiotic!
5) Instead of fighting FOR us, FOR the Constitution and FOR Liberty, McCain chooses to join with the Democrats to fight AGAINST us and against Liberty at every chance he gets. He's a backstabber!! The enemy within!!
There are many other reasons to reject McCain but I believe the five listed above are reason enough.
McCain is anti-liberty, anti-capitalism, anti-constitution, anti-free-markets, pro-Big Government and willingly and knowingly passes liberty killing unconstitutional laws and therefore is not part of the solution; he is part of the problem. The problem is too much government and too little freedom and McCain is pro-Big Government. He is no conservative, not even a moderate. He's a progressive!!
Tea Partiers please take action against McCain. I'm only a day's drive from Arizona, so please let me know when and where and if at all possible, I'll be there.
Meanwhile, in this year of the Liberty-loving, anti-Big Government, anti-progressive-incumbent Tea Party, please send your support to the most viable challenger, J.D. Hayworth!!
Woo hoo!! GO JD!!
Rebellion is brewing!!
And, no, I don't hate Sarah for supporting McCain, but I sure hope she doesn't damage herself too badly. We need her in 2012! She just hasn't realized yet that the primary reason Joe Biden is sitting in her office in D.C. is JOHN MCCAIN himself!!
I give him a No Way Jose!
I thought Illinois voted early in the year, isn’t the field there sort of crowded.
I think its deliberately crowded to help Kirk win.
We should get in behind a conservative to win that primary.
I understand one conservative GOP candidate has pulled out to be an independent. I hope people don’t have to vote that way, but I would vote that way out of conscience if Kirk were the GOP candidate.
HERE, HERE, Three chinese cheers for Juan McLame ... ah, never mind.
As we get closer to the August primary, McCain needs to isolated in the Alinsky style.
Any Republican who supports him needs to be remembered.
I’m giving Sarah Palin a pass right now, but she cannot do robocalls for McCain close to the election like W Bush did for Specter here in PA before the 2004 primary.
Sarah Palin should be warned about that right now.
Any talk show host who gives McCain air time like Sean or Rush needs to be confronted.
Will Fox News be fair and balanced in its coverage of this race or will McCain get lots of air time to talk like a conservative in the months ahead?
Specter was trying to kiss up to us here in Pennsylvania in the year before he joined the Dems. He used Grover Norquist as a prop and went across PA talking tax reform. He also went on the air with Rush to discuss a book about cancer.
McCain sits on the Commerce Committee that deals with media issues and he knows all the big players in the media including Clear Channel and Fox.
It looks like Clear Channel lawyers were in Phoenix last week trying to get JD Hayworth off the air as soon as possible.
I don't hate her, either. But I can't help but question her judgement, and possibly her intelligence.
John McCain is the most destructive force in the Republican Party. He started a think-tank that received funds from OSI (Soros) and Tides (Heinz-Kerry) and had demented cultist Arianna Huffington on its Board of Advisors. He's worked with Kennedy to open our borders, Feingold to eviscerate our First Amendment, and Lieberman to infringe upon the Second Amendment. He wholeheartedly endorses the sham science of man-made global warming and seeks to crush our economy with insane cap & trade schemes. He votes against tax cuts, he helps the Democrats block conservative judges and domestic oil exploration, he wants to close Gitmo and give terrorists equal protection under our Constitution. The litany of McCain's crimes against the country, the Constitution and conservatism is longer than you or I could ever list in one post. He hates conservatives with a simmering rage... and he's most certainly using Palin with the ultimate intent of damaging her credibility among her base and destorying her brand.
Loyalty is a fine trait in a person. But when it leaves you blind and allows you to walk into a trap this big and this obvious, it's a serious liability.
I pray Sarah does the smart thing and frees herself of this horrible, horrible man. We need her on our side... far, far away from the McCain-Main Street progressive infiltrators. Fortunately, she still has time to get this right and make a difference.
McCain is not the only one. There is also: Bob Bennett, Carly Fiorina, and Charlie Crist, to name a few other RINOs that should be beaten in the primaries by good conservatives. Yet the national Republican Party supports them and that is why I can’t support the ‘R’ party til after the primaries.
If only Sarah Palin would understand this concept.
Yes. Stop it before it happens if you can. You guys pooh-poohed the idea of tea parties, but the tea parties delayed and then stalled Obama's socialist health care legislation and has now possibly ended his entire Marxist agenda. The people are mad as hell and are not going to take it any longer. The ire of the people has risen to the point of them wanting to vote out ALL the incumbents!!
Damn the nattering nabobs of negativity, full steam ahead!!
Rebellion is brewing!!
McCain’s attack email from today-
“My Friend,
I’ve spent my career fighting against pork barrel spending in Washington. And when I see your tax dollars wasted on unnecessary projects such as sprucing up blueberry farms in Maine and researching French fruit flies, I’m not afraid to speak out and cast my vote against such wasteful spending.
My job as your representative is to fight for fiscal responsibility in Washington - not to cut corrupt deals behind closed doors at the expense of future generations.
I’ve always been one to call things like I see them, and the egregious amount of earmark spending in Congress is a complete rip-off of American taxpayers. I want to continue fighting on your behalf to do away with wasteful spending, and I can only do so if I am reelected to the United States Senate. However, if I am going to win this campaign, I will need your immediate help and support.
I ask that you follow this link to make a generous contribution of $25, $50 $100, $250 or more to help us reach our goal by the end of the month.
It is essential that my campaign reaches its fund raising goal in the next 7 days. We must have the funds to get my conservative record out all across Arizona and make sure the voters know the difference between me and my opponents who support pork barrel spending - especially now that former Arizona Congressman J.D. Hayworth is actively making moves to challenge me.
I’m confident the majority of voters will agree that this is not the time to send a defeated Congressman back to Washington. During his time in office as one of Tom Delay’s leadership team, J.D. Hayworth cast countless votes for earmarks and pork barrel projects that helped balloon our government deficit by billions of dollars. His election would be a substantial setback for the true conservative principles that you and I stand for.
Unfortunately, J.D. Hayworth has a record of talking like a conservative, but voting like a liberal on fiscal issues. As a Member of Congress, he voted for millions of dollars in earmarks at your expense including sprucing up blueberry farms in Maine and researching French fruit flies.
Congress has too many Democrats making sweetheart deals on health care legislation. We can’t afford to send someone like J.D. Hayworth who will say one thing to get elected, and turn around to vote for budget-busting pork barrel legislation....”
I am registered as an Independent and will sign up as Republican so I can vote for J.D. in the primaries.
Picketed McCain at his ranch during his cozy meeting with Democrats in early 2000.
The destruction of politicians like McCain is what this grass roots organization is all about.
“Are we to forgive Sarah Palin for her supporting Juan McQueeg?”
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. (hat tip to Wizard of Oz) Surely you can make up your own mind about these matters.
“Can you find a Dem worse than this?
Why McCain is a treasonous scumbag. 1
Why McCain is a treasonous scumbag. 2”
You bet we can. Matter of fact, there are a whole lot of Dem’s worse than that. Worst of them sits in the oval office right now. Someone isn’t paying attention.
I take it you didn’t bother to look at either of those links.
“If I lived in AZ I would vote for democrat before I would ever vote for McCain (assuming he wins the primary). Conservatives in AZ have got to vote this guy out of office.”
Attitudes like that were extremely helpful in getting Obama elected. That mentality aided and abetted the current administration’s attempts to fundamentally change and destroy our country.
“If Hayworth runs a decent campaign, McCain will be in trouble.”
I’m hoping the rumors are true and that Hayworth will run. That’s the best way to deal with McCain. Find someone better to run against him now.
“Yes. Stop it before it happens if you can. You guys pooh-poohed the idea of tea parties, but the tea parties delayed and then stalled Obama’s socialist health care legislation and has now possibly ended his entire Marxist agenda. The people are mad as hell and are not going to take it any longer. The ire of the people has risen to the point of them wanting to vote out ALL the incumbents!!
Damn the nattering nabobs of negativity, full steam ahead!!
Rebellion is brewing!!”
Folks would also be wise to remember that the Tea Parties are NOT made up of only what some call “true conservatives”. These folks come from all walks of life; Independents, “rinos”, Constitutionalists, and even some Dems.
The power of the tea parties grew by accepting that on some issues we may disagree, but on the most important one, the future of our country and the war against the Socialist/marxist/communist goals of the current administration and Dem-controlled congress. You’d be wise to remember that the next time folks think they’re better than everyone else just because they consider themselves “pure conservatives”.
Together we stand, divided we fall. Truer words were never spoken.
Thanks Jim for bringing up the Palin supporting McCain issue. I don’t hate Sarah either, but I am incredibly disappointed in her. I know she probaly feels she owes McCain for putting her in national spotlight. BUT...McCain and his people also threw her to the wolves. McCain never came out and backed her up when his “people” (i.e. Steve Schmidt, Nicholl Wallace) bash her on the network news shows. McCain only saught her support becuase he knew he was in trouble with Hayworth throwing his hat in the ring and again would need Sarahs suppot to get some conservative support.
I’ve taken some hits for encouraging people to not donate to SarahPac becuase the money would go to support the McCain campaign. I know how much Sarah is love by conservatives, but I can’t take her Conservative credentials seriously if she is going to back the re-election of someone like John McCain.
McCain, like Obama, is toxic. If Sarah continues to support him, McCain will only take her down with him, which just might be his intention.
Jim ,YOU ARE THE MAN!! You are dead on. God Bless America and God Bless you and Freerepublic!! I think we have moved the ball here!! Keep it up . Victory is OURS!!!!
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