Posted on 01/17/2010 11:04:24 AM PST by teenyelliott
Our orphanage (a large one) in Haiti is in dire conditions right now -- children are out of water, looters are striking. These children cannot go to drop points for food and water. Many of these children were on schedule to be adopted by American families. The orphanage is Maison des Enfants de Dieu, Delmas 31, #32; coordinates 72 deg 3329.5N 72 deg 1808.76 W, near the mayor's office. If you have any contacts that can help us, please, PLEASE make their need and location known to the military for protection and provision. The situation of these little ones, especially the babies, is URGENT.
January 17, 2010 at 7:18 AM
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
The thought of babies suffering is just unbearable to me.
Where is our military? These babies need to be evacuated.
Saw a segment on this on Fox a little while ago. What I don’t get is why if a news crew can get to the orphanage, why can’t they pack up those kids?
Their official paperwork now lies at the bottom of a pile of rubble.
Prayers needed for these children indeed.
Bump for more eyes to see this.
If Fox news reporters know of this surely they have contacts with that American General they interviewed earlier today!
I saw it too and had the same thoughts but I have to admit I was struck by one thing; these children had on immaculate, clean clothes with the exception of one or two who had on nothing.
I hate to be so cynical but it strikes me as rather odd.
What is a Haitian orphanage doing in the Baffin Bay?
Forwarded to an organization on the ground, about 30 miles from Port au Prince. Don’t know if they can help, security is a huge issue. Heavenly Father, I pray for supernatural peace over these people so that help can pour in.
WHy would you (as a group) want to adopt kids from Haiti (or China or Romainia or etc, etc) when there are thousands and thousands of American children in desperate need of Foster care and homes?
There are children of all races, and in all parts of the US.
No harsh, just wondering....
72°33'29.5"N, 72°18'08.76"W
Try pasting into Bing Maps
Perhaps they are not the number 1 priority.
People don’t seem to understand that things like security, roadways, infrastructure, etc., have to be dealt with before a credible rescue and relief operation can be mounted.
Senator Brownback is getting out those ophans who have already been approved for adoption in Kansas. Trying to find a link to the story but our liberal Kansas newspapers would rather go under than report it.
These are children in a Lutheran orphanage - the idea is to get them to the US for medical care, education, and safety - especially the girls. The girls face horrific futures in that country.
Beyond what I just wrote, I dont know anything else. The group is not in my area, or even in my time zone.
As to why? I would think it is what these people think the Lord is leading them to do.
Have you tried to adopt in the US?? We went through training, and were told that only the MOST SEVERELY ABUSED children were available for adoption.... courts want to keep the families together as long as possible, don’t cha know. So these children live in h#ll holes for 3-5 years, then POSSIBLY you get a chance to adopt, only to find out that they found some mother’s uncle’s aunt’s girlfriend that now wants the kids (and the accompanying support money).
We were told to never let a female child being adopted sit on an adult man’s lap because the child probably had experienced XXX behavior and would act that out on the new dad. Nor should he give a female child a bath.
Private adoptions in the US are also a friend actually had a baby for a week and the adoptive mother changed her mind. (already had 2 kids at home by 2 different dads alongside the newborn who had a different dad). Why shouldn’t the mom keep the baby?? Extra $$ for her, and another kid to abuse to continue the cycle.
US adoption laws now generally favor the rights of the birth parents over those of the child or the adoptive parents. Adopt overseas, and you don't have to worry about the birth mother showing up at Christmas or the birth father surfacing at the last moment to run a shakedown scam.
Most children in foster care in this country have not had their parent’s rights terminated and are not eliable for adoption. The ones who are are usually older children that are so damaged that only those with knowledge on how to deal with the special needs of the abused would be able to deal with them.With foreign adoptions you can find a child under the age of 2 who isn’t as damaged.
So news reporters are thrill-seekers willing to go into an anarchy just to “get the story”?
Thank you so much. Children should be the first ones found and helped, in my opinion. Babies physically just cannot deal with things like this as well as adults can.
In addition to what previous posters have said, prospective white parents are practically forbidden from adopting black US children because black social workers don’t want black children raised by whites. Sadly, many black children in the US will never be adopted because of this idiotic policy.
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