He mentioned Darwin ten times, but didn’t mention the Modern Evolutionary Synthesis one time.
It will, of course, be considered inadmissible that ToE recalls attacks on the “Galileo Doubters”.
The Left is comprised of superstitious kooks of the worst religion on the planet, Political Correctness. There disdain for Creationists is some phony vanity. All one has to do is mention genetic science and human bio-diversity and these emotionally stunted runts start trilling like terrorist supporting old women.
Your screenname says it all, Seek and FIND! Good job :o)
This is why I've come to despise Human Events. - "may not?" - There is not a shred of their 'consensus' that has any relationship whatsoever to science. (is there a new discipline of science called Hoaxology?) - Why do these writers lack any vestige of a spine?
Please don’t equate AGW non-believers with biblical literalists.
Distrust over "Science Says" in in the public mind in regard to AGW will inevitably lead to an erosion of public support for "Science Says" in the Evo-Creo catfight.
Evolutionists who have doubts about AGW should speak up if they expect to dominate the "origins" field in the public's consiousness as much as they do now. They will pay a price for their apparent lack of critical thinking skills.
Natural selection is a machine that makes almost impossible things. Consider a typical protein such as whale myoglobin. That molecule is but one of a hundred thousand or so proteins in the animals body and contains a hundred and fifty-three units called amino acids. These come in about twenty forms. The number of possible combinations of amino acids in a structure the size of myoglobin is hence twenty raised to the power of a hundred and fifty three. The figure, ten with about two hundred zeros after it, is beyond imagination and is far more than all the proteins in all the whales, all the animals and all the plants that have ever lived. Such a molecule could never arise by accident. Instead, a rather ordinary device, natural selection, has carved out not just myoglobin but millions of other proteins and the organisms they build.
A flaw in ID thinking is the belief that the human mind is Godlike
I totally agree with the author’s criticism of the methods used by evolutionists in academia. Unfortunately, he seems to think “intelligent design” is a reasonable alternative, but it is every bit as much conjecture as evolution, and despite that crowd’s protests, “intelligent design” is just a euphemism for “creation.” A “designer” is a “creator.”
I do not believe in any kind of deity, but also cannot accept any of the evolutionary hypothesis. Evolutionist seem so desparate to prove there is no God, they will go to any lengths to prove their evolution—and the theist are so desparate to prove there is a God, they will go to any lengths to prove existence was designed. I cannot accept the evolutionary hypothesis because there is too little evidence, evolutionists cook the data, and they evade all the serious scientific questions, but one thing is certain, if the universe were, “designed,” the “designer” of it would be fired from any engineering company in the world.