He mentioned Darwin ten times, but didn’t mention the Modern Evolutionary Synthesis one time.
Being ANY type of real scientist must, because creationism is antithetical to the scientific method; and creationists must lie about science out of necessity; trusting that their target audience is, as a group, the most ignorant of science and the most bereft of education.
“Modern Evolutionary Synthesis”
Got a good link for that? Somewhat interested in this topic, not rabid either way. Do see a problem with just random mutation plus natural selection creating a functional 750 megabyte piece of code (est of info content of human DNA) even over billions of years. That’s why I think the modern ToE is at least missing some parts. My hunch is that there is some evironment->genetic code feedback process we don’t understand yet.
(For the record, I see evolution as the tool God used to create us and other life. Uh oh, probably offended both hard core evolutionists and hard core creationists with that one!)