“Modern Evolutionary Synthesis”
Got a good link for that? Somewhat interested in this topic, not rabid either way. Do see a problem with just random mutation plus natural selection creating a functional 750 megabyte piece of code (est of info content of human DNA) even over billions of years. That’s why I think the modern ToE is at least missing some parts. My hunch is that there is some evironment->genetic code feedback process we don’t understand yet.
(For the record, I see evolution as the tool God used to create us and other life. Uh oh, probably offended both hard core evolutionists and hard core creationists with that one!)
Plug it into your favorite search engine along with "Ronald Fisher evolution" and "Edmund Ford evolution" for starters.
Do see a problem with just random mutation plus natural selection creating a functional 750 megabyte piece of code (est of info content of human DNA) even over billions of years. Thats why I think the modern ToE is at least missing some parts.
It isn't the ToE that's missing parts (although it is incomplete like most scientific models and theories). What you cite are strawmen propagated by anti-evolutionists. "Random mutation and natural selection" leaves out the effects of the order and consistency of natural laws. Look up "cumulative selection and protein domains" to find out why the mathematical models used to calculate the probability of DNA occurring by chance used by anti-evolutionists is wrong. Also look up "whole genome duplication" and "polyploidy" to see how genetic information can be doubled rather quickly. Look up the "Triangle of U" and "comparitive genomics", too.
Look up "Monte Carlo Methods" and "genetic programming" to see how random events can be used to increase information.
For the record, I see evolution as the tool God used to create us and other life.
I have no problem with God and Creation either provided that such beliefs correspond well with the preponderance of evidence.