To: SeekAndFind; metmom; DaveLoneRanger; editor-surveyor; betty boop; Alamo-Girl; MrB; GourmetDan; ...
Your screenname says it all, Seek and FIND! Good job :o)
To: GodGunsGuts
BTW, in regards to this statement from the article :
Released under the Iowa Open Records Act, e-mails from his fellow scientists at ISU showed how his department conspired against him, denying Dr. Gonzales tenure as retribution for his views.
For those of you who don't already know...
Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez is now Associate professor at the great undergraduate college -- GROVE CITY COLLEGE , where he has complete freedom to teach what he wishes. The school has been in existence for over 130 years.
The college acquired an observatory from Edinboro University of Pennsylvania in February 2008 that will be utilized for astronomy classes as well as faculty and student research. The observatory's telescope will be operated more than 60 miles away remotely from the college's main campus. The purchase of the property, three buildings and equipment inside will pave the way for the addition of an astronomy minor on campus. Through this observatory, the college's physics department plans to work with area public schools as well as other colleges and universities on educational and research projects and draw prospective students who are looking for strong physics programs and astronomy coursework.
Dr. Gonzalez actually works in this observatory. This is FYI.
Incidentally, Grove City College is one of the handful of colleges I know ( the other being Hillsdale College ) that REFUSES to take any Federal money whatsoever. Students who enroll and do not have enough money for their tuition are aided via PRIVATE scholarship grants. They don't want any government interference in what they do and how they educate their students.
To: GodGunsGuts
All psuedoscience practitioners are brothers!
Climategate and evolutiongate are just two signs on the same ‘gate.’
11 posted on
12/22/2009 9:14:44 AM PST by
(The beginning of the O'Bomb-a administration looks a lot like the end of the Nixon administration)
To: GodGunsGuts
41 posted on
12/22/2009 8:50:21 PM PST by
(Welfare was never meant to be a career choice.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson