First I was bitter - now I’m grouchy?
Lets see how the Ass. Press likes it when Obama turns on them like he did Fox News.
We’ll stop being ‘grouchy’ when the press stops using its influence and power to help install rank amateurs as President that have no business being President.
Im not grouchy... I’m full of rage, hate and have blood in my eye.
Other than that, I’m in a good mood.
Americans to AP, catch up with the train!
Comrade Liz from the All Propaganda outlet peddling another phony poll from a far left German PR firm .
AP seems to be searching farther and farther to the East to find the best far left propaganda polling group to help peddling the Obama talking points .
LIZ Sodita has always been a very dedicated Democrat with a press pass.
I think it time a weathy GOPer buy AP and just shut it down. Its a very dangerous Dem party propaganda outlet !
Sorry socialists, that propaganda doesn't fly here...
Lets the see the breakdown of how many dems they sampled vs Republicans...Rasmussen has Zero at 46-48% steady for the last few months.
Americans to AP....
Mind your own business.
FU AP, I’m far past grouchy. As a matter of fact I find that I clean my weapons 4/5 times per week, and laugh out loud at times.;-}
I wonder if AP or the drive bys think that is normal?
No, I was grouchy last November. More recently I have been apoplectic.
American Pravda speaks. They must’ve gotten a new fax from the DNC.
I’m not grouchy, on the contrary, contentment has been the rule of the day for some time now.
The conservative uprising nears and then we and our children will be free of the yoke of demo-marxism for many generations.
Life is good.
Grouchy? I wish I was just grouchy. Try incredibly pissed off.
Seems we’re not being the grateful peons and peasants the Oligarchy thinks we oughta be....
They’ve got us confused with Obama “Groucho” Marxist
Americans are grouchy because:
Bummer “is trying to revive the struggling economy, considering sending more troops to the 8-year-old Afghanistan war, muscling a health care reform overhaul through Congress and hoping to push through other ambitious measures like legislation focused on climate change.”
We KNOW it will be done wrong or made worse.
I simply no longer believe these polls of Obama’s popularity. There is no way 60% of the people could dislike his policies and 54% like him. None of this makes any sense. I’m sure they will be “seasonally” adjusted next November.
The prospect of tyranny makes me grouchy. I’m funny that way.