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'Good Enough' Isn't (Kerry Vs. McChrystal)
Investor's Business Daily ^
| October 27, 2009
| IBD editorial staff
Posted on 10/27/2009 5:52:35 PM PDT by raptor22
War On Terror: Sen. John Kerry, who was so wrong about Iraq, now says our commander in Afghanistan is "reaching too far, too fast" and that a "good enough" policy should suffice. It won't.
Offering his advice on how to micromanage the war against the Taliban, Kerry said Gen. Stanley McChrystal, President Obama's hand-picked general to fight what he called a "war of necessity," is wrong in saying he needs 40,000 more troops to fight and win it.
Speaking before the Council on Foreign Relations on Monday, Kerry advocated a "good enough" policy designed not to achieve victory in al-Qaida's former home base but to merely get our troops out of there. "I believe his (McChrystal's) current plan reaches too far, too fast," he said.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Culture/Society; Editorial; Foreign Affairs; Front Page News; US: Massachusetts; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: 111th; afghanistan; afghanwar; alqaeda; alqaida; appeasement; bho44; bhoafghanistan; bhodithering; bhogwot; bhowar; chaosistan; commanderinchief; counterinsurgency; crushislam; cutandrun; ditherer; dithering; fubo; genpetraeus; iraq; iraqsurge; jihad; johnkerry; kerry; mcchrystal; military; nationalsecurity; nationalsecurityfail; nato; obama; oef; oefsurge; petraeus; quagmire; spineless; surge; surrender; surrendercrats; taliban; terrorism; terrorists; victory; waronterror; whiteflag; wot
posted on
10/27/2009 5:52:36 PM PDT
To: raptor22
Kerry is a reprehensible Liberal playing anti-American games with our security and our troops. We The People will be voting these disgraces out ASAP.
To: raptor22
As if any normal person wopuld ever trust John “Traitor” Kerry on anything.
posted on
10/27/2009 5:55:30 PM PDT
(If you are going to burn our flag, please make sure you are wearing it when you do!)
To: raptor22
kerry should take a hike. obama should get off his sorry butt and @#$% or get off the pot!
posted on
10/27/2009 5:56:25 PM PDT
To: raptor22
posted on
10/27/2009 5:57:16 PM PDT
To: raptor22
Ten months in, it looks like Obama has picked Kerry to be his “War Czar”. Well, I’m glad Zero at least picked a Purple Heart recipient, even if he got it for flying rice hitting him in the ass.
posted on
10/27/2009 5:57:27 PM PDT
( A, you're a-dor-a-ble, -------B, you're bus-ted.........)
To: ExTexasRedhead
You can't blame Kerry. He is acting perfectly within his character.
He is a born coward and just doesn't know any better.
OTOH, if the enemy were maimed and running for his life...Kerry would gladly commit troops to chase down and murder our defenseless foe.
He just doesn't want to risk our soldiers' lives with silly heroics.;-)
posted on
10/27/2009 6:00:50 PM PDT
(For good judgment ask...What would Obama do? Then do the opposite!)
To: raptor22
Didn’t John Effin’ serve in Vietnam?
posted on
10/27/2009 6:01:45 PM PDT
(If Islam is the solution, the "problem" must be freedom.)
To: beethovenfan
He was an Admiral in the Cambodian Navy.
To: digger48
you forgot Jane Fonda. She recieved “in country” training from the Army before the bag started her love fest with the NVA....Hell, at least Oswald had a decent military record.....Kerry and Fonda should have made a NVA porn together....
posted on
10/27/2009 6:25:51 PM PDT
("Life is tough. It's tougher if your stupid". So said John Wayne.....)
To: ExTexasRedhead
These two faced despicable politicians are playing political games with our brave men and women of the military. They sit back and wait for public opinion to catch up and demand a withdrawal thereby alleviating the reponsibility of making a decision that will harm thier politics and party. This sickeming display of cowardess, arrogance and disregard for the American families who have love ones in the military is a national disgrace. I hope they all know what is being done to protect them from the enemy..... nothing!
posted on
10/27/2009 6:25:52 PM PDT
ronnie raygun
(Leaders who refuse to lead will be lead by the people)
To: ronnie raygun
To: raptor22
posted on
10/27/2009 7:18:54 PM PDT
(American Hedonist *DTOM* -ww- I AM JIM THOMPSON!)
To: raptor22
From March 2, 1986 Senate Speech:
SENATOR KERRY: . . . I remember Christmas of 1968 sitting on a gunboat in Cambodia. I remember what it was like to be shot at by Vietnamese and Khmer Rouge and Cambodians, and have the President of the United States telling the American people that I was not there; the troops were not in Cambodia. I have that memory which is seared-seared-in me. . .
posted on
10/28/2009 3:36:10 AM PDT
Brad from Tennessee
(A politician can't give you anything he hasn't first stolen from you.)
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