Can’t we just play good cop bad cop?
Here’s an observation....
Newbie signs up but gets his in-thread posts pre-screened with a message: “thank you for your comment, it will be considered for posting”, and it may show up in the thread anywhere from 10-60 minutes later.
But the same newbie can start a new thread and it gets posted immediately?... do I have that right?
If this is correct, doesn’t this encourage newbies to do the very thing they shouldn’t be... i.e. starting new threads without knowing the ropes... and at the same time doesn’t it discourage them from doing what we want them to do i.e. engage in existing discussions?
I think the pre-screening thing should be reversed...
no new threads till they prove themselves worthy in discussion... but let them have at it with posting in existing threads.
But then what fun will the kitties have?
I have to say when I joined, I read ...a lot first. I was excited to find people who wrote how I thought!
I investigated things too. Like before posting a reply, checking the date of membership and going to poster’s homepage.
I say thank you FReepers for not slamming me! But as a newbie I spent lots of time being cautious how my responses were worded.
As for new members, a welcome wagon sounds nice, but those on that committee set themselves up for the big fall to a troll. Yes, I see some of the fast IBTZ’s and perhaps that is something management should address vs. setting folks up. I’ve read many threads where we’re being “attacked” etc. and yet we want a welcome wagon?
Just my 2 cents. It ain’t worth much.
>We are passing the ball to you. What do you think?>
See my blog for details.
; )
Welcome to
A few more notes.
The mods are working on a guide for newbies on how to post in the blogger’s category.
If someone wants to take the ball and start the “welcome wagon” ping list- go for it. It is better if something like this is done by regular members instead of mods.
I think the welcome ping is a great idea. New people need to be guided through the ropes, while they are made to feel welcome. The welcome ping list could also be a way to help get rid of trolls. At any rate, I think it's a great idea. :o)
The Mods have spoken. Let’s call the VK only when absolutely sure we have a troll.
Poor Sidebar. Poor, poor Sidebar. Alas.
I trust our beloved and trusty RM remains in good health?
Lead Moderator hasn't been seen in over a year. He didn't go RINO did he?
Welcome, Newbie.
Have seen our ritual hazin....uh...uhh...welcome wagon?
1. Search engine that works.
2. Modern posting system that does not require arcane gyrations to embed pictures.
3. Did I mention a search engine that works?
We need these.
Now, having said that, once we're 110% sure we have a flaming troll on the barbie, is it now OK to download the F-bomb on them? (Hey, life calls for some sort of compromise and reciprocation with all involved parties, does it not? )
In my early days I posted a reply on a thread and made a misstatement. Very quickly, hoardes of folks stopped by, not so much to correct me, but to belittle me. It was hard trying recognize that most Freepers were actually pretty decent folk.
I see newbies getting this treatment today and I feel sorry for them and embarrassed for FR. We ought to cut folks some slack, and by all mean, beat them up if they truly turn out to be trolls, etc.
What about sending a FReepmail welcome letter to any new user with FR mission statement, FReeper etiquette hints, and links to html sandbox and FR acronyms?
I'll do it... but it just seems a waste...
Being nice is nice...but, I flat refuse to join hands and sing Kumbya or It’s a small world after all...maybe a good drinking song would be ok.
One change I'd recommend is banning anyone who posts "see my tagline[sic]". C'mon! If you have to draw attention to it then it isn't so hot in the first place, is it!
Oh, include for banishment those who post "I re-did [sic] my tagline[sic]" - after which the reader is instructed to *GASP* "see my new tagline[sic]".
And two week suspension for using 'tagline' rather than 'tag line'.
Other than that I will certainly do my part in making new members feel at ease and comfortable here.