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“Do not post to me” - Repost
Free Republic
| 10/06/09
| Admin Moderator
Posted on 10/06/2009 3:55:51 PM PDT by Admin Moderator
We've received many requests from freepers requesting that other freepers not post to them. There are several problems with this.
1. It's impossible for us to enforce.
2. We don't have the time to enforce these requests.
3. We don't have the software to keep track of these requests.
4. Thick skin helps.
5. Ignore the poster, if you don't reply, they won't reply.
Free Republic does not need a bozo filter, bozo filters are for wimps.
Final note: Trolls, troublemakers, disruptors, forum pests, malcontents, RINOs, liberals, stalkers, et al, would continue posting to (harassing) someone after being asked to stop. Conservative FReepers would not.
First thread.
TOPICS: Free Republic; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: adminlectureseries; alreadyposted; alreadyreposted; bozobuttons; bozofiltersr4wimps; burntweeniesandwich; cheeze; dialaforadmin; dialbforbond; dialmformoderator; dialzforzot; donotposttome; donotrulemeobama; dontbeshy; dontpingmebro; dontposttome; epicfeaute; faq; feautefeature; hijackinprogress; ibtz; littlejeremiah; missingfeaute; mlo; moderatorvanity; mommymakehimstop; napl; nomalcontents; nonsequitar; not4forumpests; not4realobama; olddeckhand; othehughmanatee; parsifal; putsomeiceonthat; redsteel; sionnsar; stoppostingtome; thingswillpickup; troll; trolls; unnngh; waaaah; washerdryercrisispt2; weneadgrammerpolise; zot
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To: Springman
LOL. I have a rather fetching potato sack.
posted on
10/06/2009 4:45:37 PM PDT
(Only dead fish go with the flow)
To: McLynnan
This post was c/p from the original in ‘07
I think you can still post on it if you want to correct it at the source.
Personally I prefer `et aliae’ (feminine plural), but then I'm a guy.
I never thypo, but grammer ain’t my strongsuit
posted on
10/06/2009 4:46:04 PM PDT
(TPXII---Don't miss it!)
To: humblegunner
Well then, that’s really hugh!
posted on
10/06/2009 4:46:15 PM PDT
(Jesus loves me, this I know.)
To: Admin Moderator; All
How about a monthly report on the Admin Mod’s page to show which Freeper got the largest number of AR’s? Not necessarily who filed them, but just the total numbers? Maybe a ‘Top Ten’ list like David Lecherman?
Hell, I oughta be in the Top 10, easy. I seem to have a gift for torquing off the resident whiners and complainers, lol
posted on
10/06/2009 4:46:26 PM PDT
("We have nothing to fear from an 0bama Administration" - John 'Quisling' McCain)
To: mnehring; whatisthetruth
“Ive been on several forums (actually ran one years and years ago) with this feature. It is, to say the least, a PITA. You make a post and you see a lot of replies with content that says blocked and you just look like you are talking to yourself.”
I can see how that would be a pain in the butt. But sort a funny.
posted on
10/06/2009 4:46:44 PM PDT
("Barack Hussein Obama He said Red, Yellow, Black or White All are equal in His sight. Mmm, mmm, mmm")
To: tubebender; Admin Moderator; glock rocks; happydogx2
Just what did the Mod tell you????
posted on
10/06/2009 4:47:38 PM PDT
(The IOC is racist!)
To: Springman; Bahbah; fanfan
posted on
10/06/2009 4:48:24 PM PDT
(Go rogue baby, go rogue!)
To: mnehring
I talk to myself all the that a problem?
posted on
10/06/2009 4:48:33 PM PDT
(Jesus loves me, this I know.)
To: GQuagmire
The lack of grammar skills on this thread is embarrassing.....What I want to know is how do you pronounce "feaute" it kinda like "poot"? Or is it like "foot"? Maybe "be-yoot"?
posted on
10/06/2009 4:48:41 PM PDT
(Chicago, Chicago, that Toddlin' Town without an de da......Shell and O strike out!)
To: Revolting cat!; MeekOneGOP; Conspiracy Guy; DocRock; King Prout; Darksheare; OSHA; martin_fierro; ..
I told you to stop posting to me!
posted on
10/06/2009 4:49:32 PM PDT
Slings and Arrows
("When France chides you for appeasement, you know you're scraping bottom." --Charles Krauthammer)
To: Las Vegas Ron
Yup, the DC rally ROCKED fer sure!
I was talking about the Las Vegas one where I met you.
There was some great scenery there!
Not to mention a very large turnout.
posted on
10/06/2009 4:49:35 PM PDT
(TPXII---Don't miss it!)
To: mkjessup
How about a monthly report on the Admin Mods page to show which Freeper got the largest number of ARs? Not necessarily who filed them, but just the total numbers? Maybe a Top Ten list like David Lecherman?
Hell, I oughta be in the Top 10, easy. I seem to have a gift for torquing off the resident whiners and complainers, lol
Or a list of posts removed. I know I'm in that top 10...
To: mnehring
“I’ve been on several forums (actually ran one years and years ago) with this feature. It is, to say the least, a PITA. You make a post and you see a lot of replies with content that says ‘blocked’ and you just look like you are talking to yourself.”
Gee, we kind of have that now. It’s called ‘me on the Rush Limbaugh thread’. Ba dum!
Yes, I’ve been on a forum that has this feature too. You can reply to posts and wonder why people don’t answer you or what you even did in the first place to get one their ‘ignore’ list.
posted on
10/06/2009 4:50:42 PM PDT
(Socialism is SO yesterday. Fascism, it*s the new black. Mmm Mmm Mmm.)
To: mkjessup
Now that’s a cool idea!
I betcha the existing software can run reports of things.
It would be amusing as hell to see the abuse log.
To: mkjessup
Perhaps a top ten list of who the complainers are would be instructive! ;)
posted on
10/06/2009 4:51:14 PM PDT
(Jesus loves me, this I know.)
To: Carl LaFong; humblegunner
Funniest post I've read today........ need to lighten up dude/gal...whichever.
posted on
10/06/2009 4:51:54 PM PDT
Osage Orange
(A community organizer cannot bitch when communities organize..... - Rush Limbaugh)
To: greyfoxx39
posted on
10/06/2009 4:51:56 PM PDT
(Jesus loves me, this I know.)
To: Admin Moderator
To: Syncro
That’s cause he was just sucking up. If that had been one of us.....
posted on
10/06/2009 4:52:59 PM PDT
To: Syncro
I am going to get a pizza now.
There is only sure way to stop someone from posting to you.
There also only one way to stop getting older.
I mean I am NOW going to get pizza now. Really!
posted on
10/06/2009 4:53:05 PM PDT
(It always easier to find spelling errors after you post.)
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