Posted on 08/30/2009 9:54:27 PM PDT by advance_copy
The truth of what really happened on July 18, 1969, on Chappaquiddick Island, Massachusetts will never be known. What is known is that at the end of the evening, Mary Jo Kopechne was found dead in a car that Edward (Ted) Kennedy had been driving. Was her death the result of a tragic accident or due to gross negligence on the part of Ted Kennedy?
Ted Kennedy and Mary Jo Kopechne attended the same party on the evening of July 18, 1969. Kennedy left the party with Kopechne as a passenger in his car and accidentally drove off the road and into a tidal channel on Chappaquiddick Island. As reported in the Boston Globe, Kennedy was able to escape the submerged car and swim to safety. Kopechne was not and her body was later found in the car. Kennedy contacted multiple aids right after the accident, but did not notify authorities until the following morning. In fact, by the time Kennedy contacted local police, Kopechne's body had already been found.
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“The truth of what really happened on July 18, 1969, on Chappaquiddick Island, Massachusetts will never be known.”
One day, it will be shouted from the mountaintops.
He was also responsible for the immigration bill he persuaded Reagan to sign. That may end up destroying the state of CA, if not the entire US. Way to go, Ted!
not to mention the attempted (and some will opine successful) undermining of the greatest of American Presidents in the early-mid ‘80’s by his treasonous collaboration with the soviet union’s KGB.
I have the feeling that when Teddy met his maker the dressing down he gave Robert Bork was mild in comparison to the one he recieved.
Mary Jo and 1 to 2 million Asians that were killed when he cut off ammunition to the South Vietnamese Army. He is going to have to give one heck of a speech to get by that group and he won’t have the press there to cover for him.
That part really disturbs me. You couldn’t pay me a billion dollars to shut up if that happened to my child. How could they do that to their own daughter?
I agree. It was embarrassing. Perhaps they were libs too. Life is not more important than an agenda to liberals. Clinton was a very moral man because he espoused the agenda. His personal wrong doing is of no concern. He could use and abuse women as long as he voted/espoused the party line.
There is no other "truth".
she was as good as dead not when the car left the bridge but when she couldn’t get out to join him in a made up story about about the accident
... when Kennedy saw that he was not going to be able to get Mary Jo out of that car without the help of the authorities she was a dead woman whether she was alive(like the diver said she surely was for at least an hour) or not..
there was no way he could have afforded to have the police called before he sobered up.. so Kennedy decided to let her stay down there not really caring if she was alive or dead.. he knew if he waited enough hours it was a no brainer by morning she would be dead and the warped story of it being just an innocent accident was created to cover for his political career
what a sack of crap
Excellent post, it was his choice.
I saw the comments of the diver in another thread, and I had never known of them all these years. I assume the 1 hour figure is based on trapped air, but I am unconvinced that the average person would have the presence of mind required to seek it out and breath from it in the dire circumstances of the crash.
Mythbusters investigated this experimentally, in a pool, and even from their experience in the clear, well lighted water I believe the comments were to the effect that it would be very difficult to use this air.
Of course, this doesn’t release Kennedy from responsibility for his actions, but I have always supposed that he assumed she was already drowned, and I still think so.
I also can’t picture how she could have been saved, whatever the diver said, even if Kennedy had promptly reported the accident. To me, the most damning fact is the whole pattern of behavior, including his reckless driving, that led to the crash, and Mary Jo Kopechne’s death.
To all of the Washington elite that described Senator Ted Kennedy in glowing terms and gushed that he will “ will be missed for both his friendship and personality” (Orrin Hatch). Your “vigorous opponent, valued friend” (Omaha World Herald Op Ed page headline) murdered a woman. The drunk coward abandoned Mary Jo Kopeckne alone in the dead of of night in sinking car screaming and drowning. He headed for his hotel room to dry off and call a lawyer she headed for the bottom of the Chappaquiddick Isand waters scratching at the carpet of the car floor. Her life and her death was and is just an irrelevant, inconvenient footnote to the life of this “class act” (Bob Dole)
You raise a good question and I agree with you.
They would have to kill me to shut me up if that were my daughter. But, the DNC and the Kennedy's would probably be more than willing to do so.
Yep...It was a very ugly moment.
Senator Hatch embarrassed himself. But, in the Senate they glad hand people that are diligent in destroying the country. Basically, the contract with the people and the states (the Constitution) is of no concern to either party. Look at Judge Roberts (I now call him Pirate Roberts) who has the oath he took to defend the Constitution yet he allows cases brushed aside that deal with Obama’s constitutional credentials for Presidential office. We have a well coordinated attack on the Constitution which has been going on for many years. The states and people are no longer considered participants in the contract. We are led by oath breakers at all levels of government.
I read somewhere she was quickly moved to her town for burial - you mean the parents were paid off that soon, not to get an autopsy? And no one ever wanted to exhume the body?
I don’t think the author is correct when she implies Teddy got the other men to try to get MJ out - I have never heard any account of 4 or 5 OTHER married men diving to rescue her - rescue Teddy from the PR nightmare, yes.
It wasn’t a deep pond. It wasn’t far to shore. Why was she not able to exit the same way as Teddy? The car wasn’t that badly damaged. She was at the air pocket.
I’d say she was disoriented and panicked. The air pocket proves she was alive for some time.
She was definitely able to be rescued.
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